Chapter 70

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Donna and I walked to Rachel's office and on the way there we bumped into Louis. "Is that a wolf?" He asked with some kind of tone that I didn't like and Kai definitely didn't like it either because it made him whimper.

"Louis, the next time you decide to use that kind of tone with me again, I swear to God I will make your life a living hell," I spoke darkly towards him.

"I'm sorry, Blossom I didn't mean to I'm just having a rough morning." Louis apologized.

"Watch yourself next time, now if you don't mind Donna and I are on the way to see Rachel." I said then walked around Louis and headed to Rachel's office.

Donna finally caught up to me as I walked down the hallway. "I'm sorry about the way he spoke towards to you, Blossom." She said making me smile at her.

"It's fine Donna, really." I said making her smile back at me.

We reached Rachel's office and I slowly walked in which caught her attention and when she looked up she saw Kai then a smile formed on her face.

"Oh my goshness, it's adorable." Rachel said making me smile.

"Put your wrist out quickly," I said. She extended her wrist and I brought Kai closer to it. He sniffed her wrist and then rubbed against it, causing her to smile even bigger.

"What does that mean?" She asked amazed by the beautiful wolf.

"He trusts you." I said. She petted Kai's head which caused him to wag his tail.

"What happened to his leg?" She asked making me look at Donna who nodded her head with a smile.

I handed Kai gently over to Donna, she walked out leaving Rachel and I alone to talk.

"So, I gave the guard my number in case there was ever an injured animal so I could do what I've always wanted to. But at four o'clock this morning, the guard messaged me and I went and saved him," I said making Rachel smile with tears forming in her eyes.

"You're amazing. You may have a dark side, but Blossom, you have a heart and when you want to, you use it on the people you think deserve it," she said making me smile.

"Thank you, Rachel," I replied as she hugged me.

She pulled away from the hug, and as I turned towards the door, Donna walked back in, then I took Kai back into my arms.

Donna smiled at me as I held Kai in my arms. "You're so good with him," she said.

I grinned back at her. "Thanks, Donna. He's an amazing little guy."

Kai looked up at me with his big, innocent eyes and let out a happy yip. It was moments like these that made all the darkness and hardships worth it. I knew I had to protect him and keep him safe.

With Kai nestled against my chest, I felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. I would do whatever it took to ensure his happiness and safety.

And with Rachel, Donna, and the rest of our friends and my family by my side, I knew I wouldn't have to face any obstacles alone.

As I looked down at Kai, I made a silent promise to him. No matter what darkness we encountered in the future, I would always be there to light his way.

"He definitely looks very happy with you." Donna said making me smile.

"He does, Blossom." Rachel said making me turn to look at Rachel and smile at her.

"Thank you guys." I said making them place their hands on both of my shoulders then rubbed them making me look down at Kai and he let out a happy yip when I looked at him.

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