Chapter 63

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"You're a fucking brat, who no one cares about." Jake yelled as he whacked my back with the belt.

My vision was blurred and my body was to weak to fight back. I felt the belt come in contact with my back making me wish I was dead.

"Honey, I think she had enough for today." Mary said as she placed her hand on Jake's arm.

"No, she disobeyed us. She needs to be punished." Jake yelled making Mary back away from him. "Who did you disappear to? Huh?" Jake yelled again.

I couldn't talk or move it's like my body was in shock from all the beatings. "ANSWER ME!" Jake screamed angrily.

"That's it, she won't answer me then I have no choice other than draining her slowly." Jake said.

"Jake, stop! You are going way to far with this. I understand she needs punished but you're going to kill her if you keep going the way you are." Mary said then I heard smashing sounds then I heard footsteps fading away.

I felt my body slowly drift away into darkness but I forced myself to stay awake. After some time of laying there breathing heavily I heard the door open and footsteps entering into area where I was.

"Finally knocked Mary out so, I can do what I wanted to do." I heard Jake's voice.

I tried moving my legs but pain shot through my body causing me to wince in pain. "Trying to go somewhere?" Jake said kneeling down beside me with a knife in his hand.

"W-why are you doing this." I choked out making him laugh evilly.

"Because you're a nobody, who doesn't deserve to live." Jake said while taking the knife in his hand and placed it on my cheek making me clench my eyes close.

"T-then what was the whole point of training me." I choked out again making him laugh which caused me to open my eyes.

"Because you're mother left you with us and we didn't know what else to do with you." Jake snapped raising the knife in the air and then stabbing it into my stomach making me gasp in pain.

He pulled the knife out from my stomach and smirked while I was breathing heavily trying to keep myself awake. As my eyes closed as I saw was Jake kneeling beside me still smirking.

I gasped awake and I was sweating, breathing heavily. I grabbed my phone to check the time and saw it was three o'clock am.

I sat my phone back down beside my pillow and rubbed my hands up, down my face. I crawled out of bed then walked over to my desk area was my gun was and picked it up.

I stared at the gun for a little bit before I slid it into the wristband of my shorts and walked over to my door then I twisted the doorknob, opened my door.

I peeked out to see if anyone was in the hallway and when I saw that the coast was clear I walked out of my room then down the stairs to the basement door.

I twisted the doorknob then opened the door and stepped down a step then closed the door behind me. I walked down the stairs then down the hallways to the cellar where Kevin and Elena was.

I didn't hesitate. I unlocked the door then opened the door and walked inside making sure to close the door behind me.

I noticed that Emiliano never came down to stitch or clean them up. I watched Kevin lift his head and when
his eyes landed on me, he tried to hide his fear but failed.

"W-what do you want?" Kevin choked out.

I walked over to him and reached up then released him from the chains making him fall to the ground and groan in pain.

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