002: spring break.

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     NICKY MUNSON has a friend group. It just sounds fake. Like they're just pretending. But she supposes she always had that about her, why she never really had friends. In elementary, her mom always scolded her for not talking to other kids her age, she just didn't want to. And then in middle school, uncle Wayne encouraged her a lot to find someone.

To find anyone. Eddie would make remarks that no one would be friends with a "butt face" like her, she'd just attack him and hit him or yell at him after. But there was nothing wrong with it. At least she doesn't think so, until high school when she saw everyone in pairs, groups, two people, three, four, whatever. But hey, she thought she didn't need anyone, she thought it was fine, being all alone.

Until Max, that is. She loved hanging out with Max, having someone to talk to, and now she has not only Max, but also Lucas, Dustin and Mike. The couple would sometimes be lovey dovey to one another however, so the three would ignore them, and talk amongst themselves. It'd be random things, movies, comics, sometimes the new roller rink that was opening up next week.

A pained face would appear on Mike's face everytime they bring it up, so Nicky asked, "why the sour face when we talk about the new roller rink place, Wheeler?" She asked, crossing her arms and Dustin snorts, turning to his friend. "Because he got broken up with at one in Lenora." He says and Mike practically smacks his shoulder, making him groan and rub the injury. "Shut up, Dustin." He said as Nicky is laughing, looking away.

She looks at Max and Lucas for a moment, the boy is whispering to the girl as she has a big smile on her face, giggling quietly. Nicky's never seen her like that, not even when the two dated back in eighth grade. She quickly glanced away as Dustin looked at her.

"What about you? Have you dated?" He asked and Nicky looks at him right away. "If you're asking cause you're interested, I'm telling Eddie on you. He'll beat your ass, Henderson." She laughs when he makes a face at her, squinting his eyes and then scrunched up his nose. "Yeah, right, you wish." He says and she just laughed again. "No. I haven't dated. Not even my first kiss." She tells him truthfully as Max now glanced over at this.

She's fully paying attention and listening as Dustin hums. "I know someone who'd gladly do that for you." He says and Mike pinched him on the arm very harshly. Max quickly glanced at Mike then, squinting her eyes as Dustin is hissing at Mike, saying ouch! You're such a jerk, what was that for?! But Nicky's not paying attention to either of them, her eyes at on Max who now meets her eyes.

Max raised her brows. Non-verbal way of saying let's talk after, and Nicky just saluted her, basically saying yes, ma'am, also not out loud either. "What about you, Henderson? Still going strong with Suzie with a Z?" She now glanced over at the two and the curly haired boy turns to her, smiling but then his smile drops, looking at Max. "Did you tell her?"

"Turn around," Nicky said as she pointed at him, "look at what you see!" Max and Lucas chime in, their voices harmonizing as Mike immediately joins in, all of them laughing when Dustin pushed his cap down his face and began slouching, sinking down in his chair because they're doing this in the middle of the fucking cafeteria. Everyone's looking, but none of them care, because they're all just having fun, laughing and singing together.

Nicky really couldn't believe it. Having a friend group. "Hey, we'll see you guys later at Mike's, okay?" Max says as she's leaning in, kissing Lucas' cheek quickly before she parts ways, rushing over to Nicky so they can walk together. "What's later at Mike's?" She asks, her arms crossed and Max raised a brow, glancing at her. "Wouldn't you like to know?" Her tone has some playfulness to it.

"Just curious since you lumped me in. You said we... I never agreed to anything." She explains and Max rolls her eyes. "Mike swears we won't get caught, he says he has a keg and his parents are off visiting his older sister, Nancy with his younger sister, Holly. So--" "Wheeler is having a party? Michael Wheeler? No way." She shook her head, surprised.

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