003: mike and nicky.

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     EDDIE JUST ended up getting on her nerves about the whole Mike is gonna be so rich when he's older and have a good job because he's smart so you need to date him and marry him argument that Nicky told him to drop it and just went to sit in front of the tv. Eddie found it humorous apparently, mumbling Mike and Nicky under his breath a couple of times, at some point, she kicked his leg.

"Ow!" Right then, the door swung open, "okay! Ready to paaaar--" "Max. Eddie's home." Nicky immediately cut off the redhead who seemed way too excited to go to a party. Max stops in her tracks, narrows down her eyes at Eddie then smiles widely. "You drop out already?" She asks and Nicky smirks. "Funny, Nick always says the same thing everytime..." Eddie says, shaking his head and Max chuckles.

She looks at Nicky then, another non-verbal interaction, she nods to the hallway, towards where Nicky's room is and the blonde softly nods, standing up. Eddie says nothing, just watches as they head off into Nicky's room where Max immediately began looking through the stuff on the dresser. "Could you put a bit of this, this and this on me?" She walked over and plopped down in front of Nicky on the twin bed, handing both over.

Lipstick, mascara and eyeliner. She never wears makeup. But Nicky doesn't say anything, any excuse to get close to Max. She thinks the same when doing her nails. Max starts chipping away at them the day after but she still does it, just to feel the other girl's hand in hers. She does it even now, holds Max's face gently in her hand, puts the mascara on first, then does the eyeliner, all while Max is staring at her, making her feel nervous.

But it's a good thing she's really good at pretending. These past two years, all she's done is pretend as if she isn't nervous or that her heart isn't pounding against her chest right now. "So, why with the makeup so suddenly?" Nicky puts down the two, then picks up the lipstick, looking up at Max who shrugs. "I just... wanna look nice, I guess." She says and Nicky just stared at her for a moment.

"The sudden change is weird. That's all. You've never needed any of this, you're beautiful all on your own." Once she said it, it's too late and Nicky just glanced down, leaning close to put the lipstick on Max. She notices how pink the freckled face had gotten but said nothing as she just quickly did her lipstick, despite the fact all she can think about was just pressing her own lips against them and just kissing her, forgetting all about the party.

But she just puts the cap back onto the lipstick and Max brings up the mirror in her hands to look at her eyes and lips. "You have a magic touch, I swear, because I mess up everytime I try to do my own." She says and Nicky just smiles faintly at the Mayfield.

"I got my ways. I can't tell you though, because then you won't come to me and ask me to do it." She says in a certain tone, one might accidentally mistake as flirting, and Max looks at her, chuckling before looking away. There's a certain look in her eyes that Nicky catches then, something she can't quite read and she doesn't wanna ask, she feels like Max won't even tell her. Maybe she's uncomfortable when Nicky says stuff like that. Like when Nicky offered to share a drink with two straws as a joke at the diner, she had that look. Or that time when Nicky had smirked and winked at her once during lunch with the boys, she had that same look that she has right now.

"So, how are we getting there?"

Turns out, they were walking. Like always. But neither Nicky nor Max mind it, they like walking together. It's nice. The scenery, the aura radiating off of them was always calm and it's usually quiet, because they like silence. Either that or they like music on their headphones with their Walkmans, but mostly silence.

When they were nearly there, Max explains the plan to her, they get there, get wasted, have fun with their friends, she briefly slips in that Nicky hooks up with Mike, then goes on as if it were nothing, before adding they go back to Nicky's because Max's mom, Susan will be pissed if she gets home drunk. "Woah, woah, woah, hold it," Nicky grabbed her arm and Max spins around to face her. "Yeah?" She says.

"I'm not hooking up with Mike. That's weird." She says with a displeased look on her face and Max frowns. "Why not?" She asked and Nicky glanced towards the house, they were already on Maple Street, she can see Mike's house and all of the cars parked outside. Totally not gonna get caught. (His neighbours are totally gonna snitch to his parents.)

"His ex-girlfriend used to be your best friend... not to mention, he was one of my brother's weird little D&D minions, you know, that weird Hellfire Club my brother started up, which he also now helps run by the way." She explains and Max just huffs. "I'm sure El won't care..." She glanced towards the house and stared at it before quickly looking back at Nicky.

"Just give him a chance."

Nicky really didn't understand why Max was pushing her to Mike so hard, but now there they were, in the backyard where Mike is sitting around with Lucas, Dustin, and much to Max's dismay, a surprise visit from El and Will who are sitting with their friends. "Hi, Max," El stood up, smiling and Max just stared at her. "Hey... I--I didn't know you guys were coming." She said as El embraced her then, very softly before pulling back, holding Max's arms.

"Surprised?" She smiles again and Max smiles then, but she's forcing it as she nods quickly. Will came over then, embracing Max who hugs him back, before she pulls back, "oh, yeah, this is Nicky." She nods to the left of her and El turns her head to look at the blonde. She immediately stepped closer, raising her hands, "oh, my gosh, pretty!" She says right away and Nicky tensed, glancing over at Max.

"Um... thank you?" She says and El chuckled, pulling her hand back. "Sorry..." She now caresses her own hair, the length of her hair is insane, up to her hips maybe or lower. "Your hair is pretty too." Nicky simply tells her and El smiles softly at her. "Thank you." She says and Nicky quickly glanced to the right and held out her hand. "Hi. Sorry, that's kind dumb, I'm pretty sure we've all met before. We're--we're just re-meeting again." Nicky's gaze goes back and forth from Will to El.

"Oh, yeah, you were the girl with the brown hair, and the big glasses, you used to sit in the back of the class." Will says and Nicky awkwardly chuckles, nodding. "Yeah..." She says and Mike walked over to them, holding his hand to her back. "Do you want a beer?" He asked and she quickly turned her head to look at him. "Um, yeah, sure..." She says. She's unsure why, but she follows him to the kitchen despite not really wanting to, as Max calls out for a beer. "Get it yourself!" Mike says but brings Nicky a beer from the fridge.

"So... how much booze you got in this house?" She asked as she pops off the cap of the bottle and Mike raised his brows at that, before watching her raise the beer to take a chug from it. "Oh, well, the keg, the liqour all the basketball guys brought because of Lucas, some of the cheerleaders brought like wine coolers or some shit, and some beer and some mixers our D&D club brought." He explains and Nicky makes a face, glancing away.

"What's with that face, Nick?" He asked and she glanced at him, shrugging. "Just find it weird you're into me when you're like my older brother. Some loser leader of some loser club." She says before taking a swing from her beer again and finding his face turning all red funny. "Wow, you didn't have to phrase it like that. If anything, Dustin is Eddie because he's the actual leader, I'm just... co-leader." He explains and she rolls her eyes, glancing away.

"So, you're not denying it?" She asked and he just pointed. "I gotta go pee." He says and she scrunches up her face. "Didn't really need to know that, but okay." She says as he moves fast, leaving the kitchen just to head towards the staircase, rushing upstairs.










authors note
might fuck around and make byler a couple in this one ngl.... 🤭

+ i'm finally going home so updates might be frequent and i can hopefully get back to working on the other fics too 🤞

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