014: my girlfriend.

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     NICKY WALKED right up to the door and quickly knocked on the door, repeatedly and waiting as she tapped her foot on the ground when the door opened, Max is standing there with an agitated look, her hair is all wet and slicked back. Nicky originally was gonna confront her, but she just ignored the girl questioning her coming in as she entered the house and shut the door behind her quickly before leaning in, connecting their lips with her hands cupping her face.

It was Max's turn this time to freeze instantly with Nicky kissing her, taken back by it because she totally expected Nicky to go off on her, about kissing her or whatever. But there they were, kissing once more, but unlike Nicky had done, Max immediately reacted after the realization had kicked in, her hands going up to Nicky's waist and kissing the taller girl right back. She stepped closer and closer to Nicky until the blonde's back was completely against the door. Ring clad fingers tangle into Max's short hair and the redhead's hands trail up her back as their kiss deepened.

Nicky is breathing hard when she pulls back from Max, opening her eyes to look at the redhead who still had her eyes closed, just licking her lips when she suddenly stepped back. "What... what was that for?" She asked quietly, her hands now on either sides of Nicky's waist and not pulling them away despite her very confused stare.

"Because I like you." Nicky says and Max just stared back at her. "Really?" She says quietly and the blonde quickly nods. "Yeah. I like you. And I know you like me. 'Cause you lied to me about Lucas dumping you and wanting to be friends, you dumped him and... wanted to be with me." She says it with too much of a cocky tone with a little grin at her.

"Oh..." Max glanced away, her face immediately turning red then she huffed and looked up. "Did Lucas spill his guts to you?" She glared and Nicky just pursed her lips. "He said you were gonna kill him if you found out but yes, he came and accidentally just like exposed you about leaving him instead of him leaving you." Nicky scrunched up her nose.

"I am gonna kill him, yes, because... I wanted to tell you all on my own." Max sighed and Nicky just brushed her thumbs against the girl's freckled cheeks, chuckling. "Oh, honey, it's funny you think you would've been able to, you're very bad at communication." She says and Max just frowned up at her but couldn't help the grin breaking out on her face. "Fair..." The Mayfield whispered quietly.

The Munson leaned down rather quickly once more, connecting her lips to Max's again and pulling the redhead closer to her. She leaned away, staring into the girl's blue eyes, "I want you to be my girlfriend." She said quietly and Max just stared back at her, smiling faintly before nodding. "Yeah... Okay, I want you to be my girlfriend too." She whispers and Nicky smiled widely before kissing her again. Her girlfriend... Max Mayfield.

When Nicky returned back to her place, Lucas immediately stood up from where he was sitting at the table with Eddie who's sipping a bottle of beer while Lucas had a can of Coke in front of him. "Did... did I mess it up for Max? Because if so, I'm so sorry and I--" "we're girlfriends." Nicky instantly cut him off and Eddie began smirking, raising his bottle of beer again for another sip as Lucas laughed, relief and excitement coursing through him. "Congratulations." He says and the blonde scrunched up her face.

"Are you... sure it's okay?" She asked quietly and he nods, walking over. She's sort of taken back by him hugging her. "I'm okay with it, I swear on my life. There's nothing more I want than Max to be happy... and I know pretending to still be in love with me won't do that." He says and she warmly smiles. "You're a good guy, Lucas. And a good friend." She says quietly and he nods, then glanced over at Eddie. "Well, I should head home... I'll see you around, Eddie. You too, Nicky." He smiles before heading out the door and Nicky sighs, her shoulders slumping as Eddie chuckles.

"I don't wanna hear a word out of you, Edward." She looks over at him right away and he raised his brows. "So... wanna talk about it? Gush over your long pining finally became more than just a silly little crush?" He asked, smirking and she just grinned so wide her cheeks hurt from how much she'd been smiling all evening before rushing over to sit in front of him. "So, Max came over yesterday..." She starts, going down the whole whirlwind of the whole thing, all the way up to when she told Max she liked her and everything else.

Eddie snorts, "Sinclair is such a doof." He says but says it in an endearing way with a small smile as Nicky finished up the story and let out a soft sigh, staring at the table. "First girlfriend... that's exciting, Nick." He says and she immediately glanced up at him. "I'm, like, terrified. But... also excited. To see what the future holds for Max and I." She says and the thought makes Eddie smile. "I'm excited to see that too, Nicky." He says quietly.

Later that night, Nicky couldn't even sleep, she stared up at the ceiling and all she could think about was Max. She sighed, slowly sitting up and looking around. She quickly grabbed her hoodie, slipped it on and began making her way slowly out the bedroom, making sure Eddie's bedroom door was shut before she silently rushed out the front door, making sure to lock it behind her. She hugged her hoodie tightly to herself, looking all around as she began crossing the street to Max's.

She approached the bedroom window and knocked quietly before waiting, then the curtains were pulled open. She smiles widely at the sight of the redhead who furrows her brows but smiled back as she opened up the window. "Hi!" Nicky says before climbing into the window like it was nothing, lifting herself up and awkwardly crawling into the bed. Max steps back, "what are you doing here?" She whispers as she rushed to her door.

She locked it, and Nicky just grins, closing the window and curtains. "Well, I couldn't sleep, so I figured I cone over... is that okay?" She says as Max just walked over, sheepishly fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. Which Nicky now takes a notice of. An oversized shirt that reached maybe a bit below Max's knees that she's using as a sleeping gown.

Nicky glanced up and down at her as Max just brushed a piece of hair behind her ear with a little smile. "It's okay..." The redhead says before leaning down, attaching her lips to the blonde's who pulled her down onto the bed, laying down. Max chuckled softly, pulling apart from her as they lay onto their sides in the Mayfield's bed, just facing one another.

Nicky softly brushed her thumb across Max's freckled cheek, just smiling as she stared at her. "You really like me?" The Mayfield girl asked the Munson girl in a quiet tone and Nicky hums. "Oh, yeah, totally. I've always liked mean girls." She says and Max furrows her brows. "I am not mean!" She denied immediately and Nicky laughs. "You and Mike argue practically every day, and there's none stop bickering between you and Dustin. You're mean." She says and Max just frowns at that.

"But I'm not mean to you." She says and Nicky blushes. "Yeah, you're not mean to me... that's why I like you." The blonde says and the redhead began laughing, like full on laughter which she quickly tones down, covering her mouth with her hand. "Sorry. But oh my gosh Nick, that's why? That I'm mean to everyone else but nice to you?" She asked and Nicky quickly nods, smirking at her.

"Your standards are so low, Nicky!" Max says, her hands slipping up to either sides of Nicky's face and the blonde scrunched up her nose. "Yeah, maybe. But you're also... insanely beautiful. I love your blue eyes. And your red hair. And your freckles." She says while looking at each one quietly, staring into Max's eyes, then up at her messy heas of hair and then lastly, her nose and cheeks.

"Oh, really? What else do you love about me?" Max asked, grinning as her cheeks turn a bright shade of red. "You're a good kisser. Your lips are always soft." Nicky says it with a small grin on her face and Max just leans over, practically smushing their lips together as they kiss, pulling one another closer. They just laid there for the next two hours, talking and giggling once in a while, sometimes even kissing. But ultimately, both fell asleep around three o'clock, just holding each other.











authors note
sorry i havent updated in a while and left everyone on a cliffhanger but here ya go! anyways, i leave for college tmrw 🙂 i'm so excited but so anxious

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