005: get a boyfriend.

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IT'S AWKWARD at first, of course it is, the closet is a bit cramped and they're so close to one another. She can't imagine that Lucas wasn't at all tempted by that cheerleader. He must love Max a lot. Especially Max and Will? Except... Nicky kind of gets a vibe off him she can't exactly quite read yet.

"Wheeler." She looks up and he hums. "Yeah?" He says and she laughs. "You're trembling. It's just me." She says as she grabs one of his hands, kind of just held it like that in her own and he let out a deep breath he didn't realize he was holding in this whole time. "Sorry... I just don't wanna ruin anything. Max... she's been distant for so long and she... went through a lot, so I don't want to drive you or her away and just--" Mike is cut off when Nicky leans up, pressing her lips gently against his.

He froze for a moment, then his hands are on the small of her back, her fingers are tangling into his hair, it's at least a bit past his shoulders, his hair feels soft. It's kind of nice. Her first kiss. And it's some guy named Michael Wheeler? Shit. She stepped back then, hands on his shoulders as she looked at her watch. "Time's up." She walks out quickly.

He followed after her instantly only for them both to stop in the doorway leading into the livingroom, that is literally empty. "Where did everyone go?" Nicky looked around and Mike furrows his brows at his friends who are all surrounding El, he had heard them talking before they walked in but they're silent now. "Um, Nick, can you go grab my bag from Mike's room?" Max suddenly asks.

"Yeah, sure thing." Nicky nodded. But fuck, did she feel like she was being iced out as she walked out, all of their eyes on her. She retrieved the bag rather quickly, holding the navy backpack in her hand and slowly approaching the livingroom, staying out of sight and being as quiet as she can be. "No, this is insane. Why would you keep this from us? About you having your powers back?" Mike asked El now who just glared at him.

"I thought you didn't care about me anymore." She says, her voice stern and then she glanced around at them. "It doesn't matter anymore anyway. There is no more Upside Down stuff. No Mind Flayer. What good would it do if you all knew? We're not even friends anymore! We're only friendly, we only visit because we used to live here, because my dad used to live here." El then explained to them then looked over at Will.

"Right? It's not like you and Mike are still best buds, right?" She asked, hoping that her brother would back her up. Will glanced at Mike right away and just sheepishly shrugged. "She has a point... you guys never visit anymore, and we rarely visit too, and we don't get letters or phone calls anymore." He says and Mike sighs, looking at the others. Dustin is staring at the floor and Lucas is frowning.

"Mike, the truth is, we were kids back then, that summer with everything happening at the mall, but... it's true now, we're not kids anymore, that statement now, it applies to us. We're Juniors. We're all seventeen, we're all going off to college in a year and couple months... We're all grown up." He says, crossing his arms and Mike rushed off then, turned around. Nicky panicked and pretended to just now come downstairs, almost running into Mike. "Woah, is everything okay?" She grabs his arm and he just sighed. "Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow or something." He brushed past her.

She enters the livingroom then, holding up Max's backpack, "ready to go, Max?" She asked and the Mayfield quickly looked over, snapping out of whatever daze she was previously in as she walked over, grabbing her backpack. Nicky was about to leave when she stopped and turned to the other boys, Will is giving apologetic looks to Dustin and Lucas while El is just standing there, staring at the floor. "Hey, El?" She said suddenly and the brunette looked over at her right away.

"Yeah?" She says, her face lighting up as her frown goes away. "Max is... spending the night at mine, wanna join us? We can make into a slumber party." She said and Max pinched her arm gently so she grabs the redhead's arm, looking at her. "She's lonely, she just wants friends. We can't just be mean to her." She whispers and Max rolls her eyes as El rushed over to the pair. "Really?" El asked, a smile on her face and Nicky nods. "Yup..."

El says a quick goodbye to her brother and Max to her boyfriend before they left, walking home as they had gotten there. El was walking shortly behind the two girls, hands clasped over her stomach as she glanced between them. The rest of the walk is quiet, even when they get to the Munsons' house and Eddie glanced over, sipping a beer. "Have fun?" He asked then he sat up straight quickly.

"Who's your other guest?" He asked and Nicky slows down but Max rushed off to the bedroom, adjusting her backpack. "Uh, this is El, El, this is my brother, Eddie. He used to be a part of Hellfire. She used to be a part of Mike." She said and El sent her a look before she smiled kindly at Eddie. "It's nice to meet you, Mike told me all about you." She says and Eddie nods. "Likewise." He replied with and Nicky rolls her eyes. "We're going to my room." She grabbed El's hand in hers, pulling her along as the brunette looks all around.

Her curiosity doesn't go away even in Nicky's room where Max was somehow already in pyjama's, a baggy t-shirt and a pair of shorts, laying on the wall side of Nicky's now double bed that Wayne had gotten for her for her seventeenth birthday. She had jokingly said if he keeps getting her nice things, she'll never wanna leave home for college.

"I love Dirty Dancing too." El pointed with a bright smile when she saw the poster hung up on the wall. "Yeah? Momma Byers actually let you see it?" Nicky asked as she's unlacing her boots, seated on the foot of the bed. "No... Will and I actually had to sneak in to see it. He wanted to see all the fuss about Patrick Swayze and I loved the Lover Boy scene." She giggles quietly after and Nicky catches onto that, Will wanting to see it for a male character rather than the totally hot main character.

"I've never seen this one." El points at the Hellraiser one and Nicky chuckles. "Yeah, it's probably less your... style." She glanced up and down at El then, her cute pale blue jeans with her nice button up shirt tucked into them. "I like some horror movies." The brunette replied as Nicky glanced over at Max, who's already staring at her. "Okay, so you and El can take the bed, I'll set up the bed for the floor." She said before she stood up.

"No, I can sleep on the floor, it's your room, your house." El says, smiling politely and Nicky sighs, glancing over at Max who's making a face as if to say yeah, let her sleep on the floor. "Okay, fine... uh, you wanna burrow some clothes?" She then asked and El nods quickly. "Sure." She smiled softly as Nicky walked over to the dresser, digging through it.

She handed over a t-shirt and some pyjama pants before grabbing a set of her own. "I'm gonna take a quick shower, but I'll be right back." Nicky then tells them and Max nods as El just looked at the clothes, smiling at the logo of a band called Joan Jett & The Blackhearts. "What do you think you're doing?" Max asked then and El glanced over.

"What?" She's taken back and Max glanced to the door then back at El. "Stop smiling that way towards her. She doesn't even like you." The way she says it, she sounds jealous. El notices this as her brows furrow together. "I'm not smiling in any way towards her... and so what if she doesn't like me? Her not liking me is only your fault." She says and Max scoffs, looking away as she crosses her arms.

El turned around then, pulled off her shirt and slipped on the new one, then glanced at Max right away who had her whole head turned to the wall. "Don't worry, I'm not looking." The redhead said, as if she could tell El had to make sure she wasn't. El sighed, taking off her jeans before pulling on the pyjama pants, then walked over to sit down by Max.

"I'm sorry for the way things turned out. I didn't think that you'd--" "be a dyke?" Max quickly looked at her and El frowned. "That you'd like me." She explained quietly and the ginger sighed, looking away. "Well, that's the thing, El. You're clearly the most likeable person ever, I mean, you already got a boyfriend not even a month after you dumped Mike--" "I didn't get a boyfriend." El cut her off.











authors note
idk why i'm writing this and not my other two fics i really have to finish before i go off to college in like 3 weeks lmao

+ i've been home for two days i think now and i still haven't gotten back into writing the other fics ...... but i will soon!! i swear 🤞🤞🤞

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