S1 E4: Prologue Part 4- A Camping Rescue! Salutations, Paw Patrol... PINK!

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One and a half years after Marshall joined...

Ages: Chase (3 years old), Marshall (3 years old), Ben (14 years old), Ryder (13 years old)

Today was a special day. They'd done a whole lot of rescues as of late, and they needed a break. That's why they had decided to go out on a camping trip to the woods just outside the town of Adventure Bay. Of course, Ryder was bringing his pup pad. Hopefully there wouldn't be anyone that needed their help... they really could use this time off.

Ben wasn't too big a fan of camping, but he would do a lot for his best buddies. Though Chase was Ryder's favorite, Marshall was Ben's favorite. Ben found the spotted dalmatian to be rather endearing with his clumsy feet constantly launching him into Chase. Every time that happened, he could imagine the sound of bowling pins toppling over. It made him smile.

Chase and Marshall drove to the wilderness in their pupmobiles, while Ryder followed in his ATV and Ben rode on his motorcycle. Once they found a suitable spot, being right near a pond, they got to work setting up their tents... or at least, Ben and Ryder did. Marshall and Chase went to play. "I'm not sure I like this. What if they get lost?" Ben sighed.

"That's why we put communicators in their pup tags! And set up camp by the pond. It's a memorable location. Plus, they can find us by scent." Ryder reassured.

Ben hammered in another stake, nodding absentmindedly. Meanwhile, Chase and Marshall were rolling around in the grass, giggling as they played. "Bet you can't catch me!" Chase laughed.

"I bet I caaaan~!" Marshall sang out.

They were suddenly interrupted by a shrill cry. "H-HEEEEELP!" A young pup's voice shouted out.

Chase and Marshall gasped. "We gotta help her! Sounds like they're in trouble!" Chase exclaimed.

The pups looked up to see that there was an eagle flying above the trees... with a pup in its talons! Ben and Ryder saw it too, and called Marshall and Chase in. "Okay, pups. We have a situation. An eagle is taking a pup to its nest! We have to save her. I'll go up ahead and follow the eagle. You guys follow. Paw Patrol, roll to the rescue!" Ben hurriedly exclaimed before getting on his motorcycle and turning it into all-terrain mode. As Ben rode through the trees and trailed the eagle, he saw the pup flailing and looking down. "Don't worry! We'll rescue you!" Ben promised the canine.

After about a half hour of following the eagle, they arrived at its nest which was on top of a tree. The eagle set its captive canine down in its nest, before it raised its wings and shrieked at them. The pup clung to the branch it was on and shivered, probably still recovering from her uncalled for flight. "We can't get up to this pup with the eagle in the way!" Ben cried out.

Marshall grinned as he stared at the eagle."I got this! Arf arf! Water cannons!" Marshall barked out.

The pup pack opened up and produced a set of water blasters, which promptly fired off at the avian predator. Not wanting to get hosed down, it flew up, and the water flew over the pup's head and onto the ground. "I-is it gone? The eagle?" The pup asked. Now that they were up close, and Ben could hear the voice clearly, it sounded feminine.

"Yeah. Chase will get you a safe place to jump off." Ryder promised.

"Ruff! NET!" The police dog yipped, and his pup pack opened up to produce a launcher which shot a net at the ground underneath the branch.

"Come on, jump!" Chase encouraged.

Still shivering, the girl pup shook her head no. "Are you... afraid of heights?" Marshall asked.

Once again, she shook her head no. "I don't mind heights at all-- in fact, I love flying! But that eagle was really, really scary." She explained.

Ben stroked his chin and then came up with a solution. "If she won't come down from up there, maybe we can get her from up there. Marshall?" Ben suggested.

"Woof! LADDER!" Marshall shouted, and his fire engine's ladder extended.

He climbed up to the poor pup and helped her get down from there. As she climbed on, the Dalmatian fell on his rear and bonked down the ladder steps, his tush hitting each and every one. "Oh no! Are you okay?" The girl pup asked tentatively.

Marshall weakly chuckled. "Yup, all good!" He reassuringly said.

Ben took a closer look and saw she was bleeding, so he began to bandage her up and clean her wounds, using water from an unopened water bottle and some saline he had brought in his backpack if Marshall or Chase got cuts. As he did his work, he struck up a conversation with her. "So, do you have a name?" Ben asked.

"Skye! My owners were aviators!" The female dog chuckled, jumping up and doing a flip in midair.

"What's an aviator?" Marshall asked.

Ben sighed as he was constantly reminded that these two were just pups, and was about to explain the concept to them when Skye chimed in. "Aviators are pilots, people who fly planes! I used to fly in the pilot area with my owner Ace and her mom Barb!" Skye answered.

Chase and Marshall oohed at that bit of information. "What happened to your owners?" Ben asked.

"Weelll... it's a bit of a long story." Skye sheepishly said.

Ben chuckled at that response. "We've got nothing but time, my dear pup. It'll help you take your mind off of me cleaning you and bandaging you up." Ben reminded her.

"Okay, so my owner and her mom were pilots. At least, Ace was training to be a pilot. Not just any pilot, but a stunt pilot! But it was too dangerous for me to ride with her, so I had to be with her mom on the commercial flights while she practiced. One day, we were at the airport in Adventure Bay, and we got separated... I got lost, and I couldn't make it back to the flight in time before she had to fly all those people to the other airport. The airport kicked me out, and I had to dig through the trash for food. I kept waiting and waiting but neither Ace nor Barb ever showed up looking for me... then, I thought I might have better luck finding some food in the woods, but then that HUGE, SCARY EAGLE flew in and thought that I was food! And then you saved me!" Skye yipped as Ben finished cleaning up her cuts and bandaging them.

"Did your owners love you, Skye?" Ben asked.

Skye growled at this question. "Of course they did! Or at least, Ace did. Barb didn't like me very much..." Skye answered, angry at first, then sad.

Ryder looked a little sad. He gave Ben a glance, and silently conveyed his question. Ben nodded in response, on the same wavelength of thought as his friend. Rummaging through the backpack that he had, Ryder then pulled out a pink pup tag, one with the symbol of a propeller emblazoned upon it. Bending down on one knee, he held the dog collar in his fist, keeping it hidden. "How much do you know about flying planes, Skye?" Ryder quizzically inquired with a smile on his face.

Skye did a backflip and barked enthusiastically. "A whole lot! I probably know more about flying planes and other types of aircraft than any other pup for miles!" Skye exclaimed.

"Well, while we wait to see if Ace or Barb comes looking for you, why don't you stay with us at the lookout? We'll let you fly, as long as you help us with rescues. And you'll get to stay with Chase and Marshall as well!" Ryder offered.

Skye let out a howl in delight. "I'd love to! Yes! Please! YIPPEE!" Skye shouted out in happiness. Then her stomach rumbled. "...Can I get some food though? I don't think I've eaten in about a day." Skye meekly said.

Ryder laughed before uncurling his fist and wrapping the pup collar around Skye's neck. "Sure thing Skye." Ryder replied.

"Glad to have you on board... Paw Patrol Pink." Ben earnestly added. 

And here we have Skye! I wanted to work in her fear of eagles, as that has been present in her character since season one. Then I figured why not have her be kidnapped by an eagle? Reminiscent of the reports of thunderbirds catching people and taking off with them. Thankfully the paw patrol saved the little pup, and got a new sister! Do you recognize who Ace is? If you don't, you'll find out soon enough!

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