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April 10th, 2030

Before Rex had come by to meet them, Ben had given the rest of the group a talk. "Okay, everyone. You're going to need to be on your best behavior for the next few days. A new pup is going to be hanging out and spending time with you, and I want to make sure you understand things. He's sensitive, so try to be mindful of what you say around him. And he's a bit... well, fragile, so please don't roughhouse or play fight with him." Ben told the pups.

"Got it, Ben!" All of the pups promised. Everest was staying with them for a few days as well since Jake was on a trip to Alaska for a snowboarding tournament.

When the time came for Rex to meet Wild, Zuma, Chase, and Alex, they instantly took a liking to the Bernese. "Your wheels look awesome!" Wild exclaimed.

"Yeah, they look totally radical!" Zuma agreed.

"You smell nice." Alex commented.

"Rex, why don't you tell us about yourself?" Chase asked.

Rex hesitated for a moment, but a reassuring nuzzle from Ella encouraged him to speak up. "I live in Angel Grove with my owners Tommy and Kat. Tommy is a scientist and a paleontologist, he passed on his love of science to me. I really really love dinosaurs though!" Rex answered.

April 14th, 2030

Rex had been staying with the Paw Patrol for a few days now. In that time, Tommy had asked Ben to create a pupmobile and pup pack for Rex. Ben and Ryder had managed to make a puphouse that could turn into a buggy and into a robotic stegosaurus, complete with a ramp for Rex to walk up so he could enter the vehicle. His pup pack contained a claw that could grab things with varying amounts of force, as well as a set of pterodactyl jet wings. Ben had also taken the opportunity to upgrade Rex's wheels, making them able to retract and disengage on command.

Rex was extremely happy when he was given the pupmobile and pup pack. Rocky taught him how to operate and pilot his buggy, and today Skye was giving their new friend lessons on how to fly. He accidentally turned upside down though and that screwed up his flight trajectory, causing him to crash into the dirt and land on his back, his two front paws stuck flailing in the air. "Rex! REX!" Ella cried out as she ran to her friend, seeing his front paws kicking into the air frantically.

"Rex, did you break anything!? I'm so sorry, I should have told you not to try flying upside down!" Skye apologized.

"Dude, just retract your wheels and roll over!" Zuma suggested.

Tears started to form in Rex's eyes as he realized he couldn't keep his facade up anymore. "I... I can't!" Rex sobbed.

Realization dawned on Rocky's muzzle as Marshall ran over and checked Rex with his EMT scanner. "He's paralyzed...! And this isn't a recent injury! Tuck, Ella, I need you to help me get Rex back upright!" Marshall gasped before giving the twins instructions.

Rex sniffled as Tuck and Ella used their strength to roll him onto his stomach, allowing Rex to get on his feet and start moving again with his wheels. It was only a small comfort though, as Rex was still crying like crazy. "Oh no, Rex, did you get hurt?" Ella whimpered.

Marshall shook his head. "My scanner says he's uninjured..." Marshall worriedly said.

"I-I was j-j-just starting to b-b-become f-f-friends with you a-and now I-I've ruined it..." Rex sobbed.

"What's paralysis, Rocky?" Rubble whispered to the smartest pup on the team.

"It's when you can't use certain parts of your body." Rocky quietly answered.

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