Marc Bartra (Part 4) [~] Contracted Love

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                For your honeymoon, Martha and Pedro had booked a secluded house for the two of you for a week. The week was mostly spent just enjoying time with each other. You two didn't have sex but soft kisses now and then were enough for now. You and Marc learned more about each other and you actually felt like you were starting to genuinely know the Spaniard.

                Alas, the honeymoon never lasts. Before you knew it, you were catching a flight back to Barcelona. Paparazzi was lining the streets to catch a glimpse of you and Marc but you took the back way out of the airport and were home free. Marc drove home and you entered your home together. Marc was soon swamped with international duty and you were swamped with your new up and coming album you were working on.

                You and Marc hadn't been able to have a proper conversation for a while and you felt as if you two were starting to drift apart again, which worried you. You genuinely loved your husband, even though neither of you had admitted it to the other. Marc was away for a lot of the time with the Spanish national team and you were constantly at the studio.

                Your house was virtually catching dust in the time the two of you were out. You and Marc were finally able to be home at the same time for a bit of time. For a week in July, the two of you were able to scrap together some alone time. You two mostly spent it sleeping, however, both so busy you were worked to being tired all day.

                Then you started to feel weird. Marc didn't seem to be into the relationship as much as he was before you had both gotten busy again. You originally brushed it off as him being tired and exhausted with working with the national team for as long as he did but he seemed standoffish again, which greatly worried you. "You're just overreacting," you told yourself one night as you laid in bed by yourself. Marc was in the shower after going out with a few of the other Spanish national team players after a game. You weren't able to go because you had a meeting with Martha.

                Marc phone laid on the bedside table next to the bed. It flashed on, signaling he had gotten a text from someone. You willed yourself to not look, to not be an insecure wife who didn't trust her husband. Your mind flashed back to the time when you caught Marc with another girl. Making your decision, you picked up the phone. Reading the text broke your heart.

Had a lot of fun tonight ;). Hope to see you around later. Don't forget our date Friday.

                He was cheating on you, this was all the proof you needed. You heard the water turn off in the bathroom and quickly placed the phone back on the bedside table. Marc appeared a few seconds later and you pretended to already be asleep, not wanting to face him right now. He was cheating on you. There was no more doubt there, no more thought that Marc was totally yours and only yours.

                Friday had rolled around and Marc got ready to go out in the morning. "Where are you going?" you asked him.

                "Oh, a few of us are just getting together for lunch and such. I'll be back before dinner," he said, kissing your head before leaving. You watched him leave with despair. Looking at your own phone you selected a contact and hit the call button.

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