Christian Eriksen [~] Late Night Savior

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For crouchie28:

                You huffed as you found more clothes just tossed all over the ground. This was the tenth time this week when you had to pick up after your boyfriend, and you were getting fed up with him as the moments passed. He wasn't home, he was off at practice like he always was. He was either playing stupid games with his friends on the Xbox or at practice. He didn't care about you anymore, it seemed. He didn't try and make up for the mess or ignoring you which pissed you off more than his lacking presence around the home the two of you had bought together.

                You cleaned up the mess and went to sit on the couch, waiting for your boyfriend to return home. You saw his headlights filter through the dining room windows and you knew he was home. You stood up and brushed your pants off, waiting for your boyfriend to enter through the front door. The sound of keys jingling made you take a deep breath. Here it goes. Christian opened the door and set his bag on the ground. "Hey babe," he smiled, walking towards you. He hugged you and you slightly recoiled. Confused, Christian released you from his grip and stared down at you with confusion. "What's wrong?"

                "You haven't been picking up around here Christian, I'm tired of picking up after you," you stated.

                "I've been pulling my weight just fine around here. And I don't just throw my clothes all over the ground, I pick them up!" Christian fired back.

                "Then whose clothes did I just pick up that were scattered all over the bedroom floor?"

                "Probably yours," Christian muttered, brushing past you. Grabbing a controller next to the TV, you were quick to react. You snatched the controller away from Christian. "What the hell?"

                "I'm tired of acting like your mother, Christian! You're not a child! You can pick up your own clothes! If you do the laundry, I'll let you play your game," you chided.

                "Forget this," Christian grumbled. He walked into the kitchen, grabbed his phone and walked out the front door. You chased after him.

                "Where do you think you're going?" you called after him.

                "Where I won't be nagged at!" Christian shouted back.

                "Fine, just walk out then!" you screamed after him. He walked off down the street, not once looking back towards you. Huffing, you turned around and slammed the door shut behind you. "He'll be back," you told yourself, rolling your eyes at his child-like actions. You walked into the living room and turned on the TV, not even wondering what your boyfriend was doing. You didn't care anyways, you were still greatly pissed off. After two hours had passed, you grew nervous.

                Grabbing your coat and pulling on your shoes, you walked out into the chilly London air. It was almost completely dark outside but that didn't deter you from searching for your boyfriend. You headed to the nearest pub, expecting him to be inside. After close inspection, however, you couldn't find your boyfriend anywhere.

                Sighing, you walked out of the pub and headed back towards your shared house, hoping that he was home or on his way there. Passing through the now dark London streets caused a shiver to flow down your back. You drew your jacket tighter around yourself, as a cool wind made you shiver again. Passing by an alley, you noticed a figure leaning against the building.

                He smiled crookedly at you. You ignored him and quickened your pace. "Hey, baby," he smirked at you as he stood in front of you, blocking your path. You gulped but hid your fear behind a mask.

                "Excuse me," you muttered, trying to walk around him. He moved back in front of you.

                "But the fun hasn't even begun yet, sweetheart," he cackled, placing on of his filthy hands on your cheek. You slapped it away and tried to run around him. "Don't be like that." You screamed as he pulled your ponytail, preventing you from escaping his grasp.

                "Let me go!" you screamed, hoping that someone out there would hear your scream and get this creep away from you.

                "I'm afraid that's no fun for me, you see. Don't worry princess, it'll be fun, trust me," he mused, seemingly entertained at you trying to get away from him.

                "I said let me go! Don't touch me! Leave me alone!" you screeched. Placing a dirty hand over your mouth, he dragged you towards the alley, your legs and arms flailing in an attempt to get away. Throwing you against the wall, he cornered you again. He forcefully kissed you. You thrust your knee and hit him in the groin, stepping back as he kneeled down in pain. Swiping your feet out from under you, he spat at you.

                "You're going to pay for that one, bitch!" he cursed, towering over you. Suddenly, someone tackled him. Sitting up, you watched Christian beat the crap out of the creepy guy. The guy retaliated, hitting Christian in the eye once but Christian soon knocked him out. Breathing heavily, he turned to look at you. You still sat on the floor, eyes focused on the unmoving guy on the ground. Christian walked over to you and helped you stand. Shaking, he pulled you into a hug as you sobbed into his shoulder.

                Soothing you, he called the police. They picked up the guy and took him away to jail. Christian led you home, keeping one arm securely around your waist. Still sobbing, you allowed Christian to carry you into the house. He set you down on the couch and pulled you into his lap. Your sobs had subsided to hiccups and Christian wiped away the tears that were flowing freely. "It's okay, I'm here," he whispered to you. You could only nod dumbly. "I'm sorry I let that creep get that close to you; that close to hurting you so badly. It's my fault, I'll pick up my clothes from now on," Christian sighed.

                Taking his hands in your own, you cracked a small smile at Christian. "Thank you for saving me. It's my fault too, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that."

                "I'll always save you, even if I'm thousands of miles away, I'll always be there for you, (Y/N). I promise."

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