Rafinha Alcantara [~] Picnic in the Park

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For MaleenMalik: Rafinha Alcantara

 Maleen and Rafinha were the best friends that everyone thought would be a perfect couple. Of course, both were stubborn and denied anything other than platonic feelings for each other. Even though, as cliché as it sounds, they both had feelings for each other that were way past just platonic. Maleen and Rafinha had met through their respective jobs and became fast friends.

  As they grew closer, the more the feelings the both of them had for each other became prominent. When Maleen first realized that she had feelings for him, it was when she had hurt herself accidently. They had gone for a walk and Maleen had clumsily twisted her ankle, like the klutz the two of them knew she was. Rafinha had carried her bridal style back to the car and proceeded to drive her to the hospital to get it patched up.

He had been so caring and sweet to her, Maleen couldn't help but agree that her heart was tied to Rafinha's. Likewise, Rafinha discovered his feelings for Maleen by playing Prince Charming. The two had gone out for dinner and were walking through the streets of Barcelona at night. They passed a bar and a few drunk guys had been milling around. One decided to try and grope Maleen which resulted in Rafinha knocking the guy out.

Pulling her away quickly, Rafinha realized that he liked Maleen, like liked, and even loved her. He didn't want any other man alive to touch her. He wanted to be the guy to make her smile brighter than the stars. Both Maleen's and Rafinha's friends instantly saw the connection they shared. Both sides dropped hints, usually resulting in a frazzled, blushing Maleen or Rafinha.

Finally, Thiago grew so fed up with his brother's evasiveness he threatened to ask out Maleen himself if Rafinha didn't get a move on. That resulted in a severely pissed off, but determined, Rafinha Alcantara. Planning how he would ask Maleen out, he spent many nights awake just thinking up how he would ask her out. Doubt clouded his thoughts but he pushed it to the side and decided to man up and ask Maleen out.

He invited Maleen out to lunch and a walk through the local park in the center of Barcelona, which wasn't out of the ordinary for the two of them. Maleen accepted, thinking that it was another one of their lunch dates that wasn't really a date but she wished it was a date sort of thing. He picked Maleen up at her work and they walked together to the park. "There's no one around. Strange for this time of day, don't you think?" Maleen asked Rafinha as they walked to a more secluded section of the park.

"I guess. People have jobs, kids have school, so I wouldn't think that a lot of people would be out," Rafinha stated, trying to keep a normal conversation going between the two of them, lest Maleen get suspicious.

 "So, where are we eating?"

"I thought that eating in the park would be a good idea. Is that okay with you?"

"Of course, Raf," Maleen smiled, nudging him lightly. Rafinha gulped, praying that he wouldn't screw this up like everyone thought he was going to do. The two walked into a clearing where Rafinha had set up a mini picnic style lunch for the two of them. Maleen gasped in surprise. "Is there an occasion that I wasn't aware of?" she questioned innocently.

"Nope, just a casual lunch," Rafinha shrugged. Maleen didn't look quite convinced but ignored the odd behavior and sat down on the picnic blanket.

 "So, what's for lunch them, master chef Raf?"

 "Just some sandwiches," Rafinha stated, handing Maleen one. She unwrapped the saran wrap, placing it back in the bag Rafinha had originally grabbed it from. "And some fancy drink to go along with it," he winked, pulling out a large bottle from the bag.

  "Sparkling cider," Maleen laughed. "I should have known."

"Well alcohol was out of the question so . . . next best thing," Rafinha joked, opening the bottle. He poured Maleen some and then some for himself before putting the bottle back into the bag. The two ate and talked, like a normal lunch meeting between the two of them would have gone. Except, this time Rafinha had a little surprise attached to it.

They had both finished their meals and Maleen went to help clean up when Rafinha stopped her. "Can I ask you something?"

"You just did," Maleen teased.

"I'm being serious," Rafinha said, building up the courage to finally ask her out.

"I'm all ears, Raf," she replied, joking erased from her tone.

"Would it be completely out of the question if . . . I . . . were to . . .?"

"Just spit it out, Rafinha," Maleen sighed, exasperated with his inability to say the sentence completely. Letting out a deep breath, Rafinha looked into Maleen's eyes and took both her hands in his own. She raised an eyebrow at his actions but quieted them once she locked eyes with Rafinha.

"Will you, Maleen, go out with me, Rafinha?" Rafinha finally spit out. He stared at Maleen, trying to gauge her reaction. Silent for a moment, Maleen suddenly broke into a smile and hugged Rafinha tightly.

 "I thought you'd never ask!" she joked, pulling away from the hug. Locking eyes once again, Rafinha and Maleen grew quiet. Slowly leaning into a kiss, the two closed their eyes and connected their lips. Rafinha laid on his back, the two of them just reminiscing in their newfound love behind the bushes. Pulling away breathless, Maleen rolled off of Rafinha. Both laying on their backs, Rafinha grabbed a hold of Maleen's hand and intertwined their fingers. Maleen smiled and turned to look at Rafinha again. "That's a yes, if that wasn't already clarified," she winked.

"Hmm, I'm still a little unsure," Rafinha feigned confusion. Maleen leaned in again until her phone went off. Both Rafinha and Maleen sighing, the latter looked at her phone.

 "Crap, I'm going to be late for my meeting!" she shouted, scrambling up, Rafinha following her actions. "Bye, Raf," she said, giving him a quick peck before running towards her work. Rafinha smiled, then noticed Maleen had left a shoe behind. Chuckling, Rafinha picked up the high heel as Maleen ran back. "I'm so forgetful," she told herself, reaching for the shoe.

"Allow me, Cinderella," Rafinha winked, slipping her shoe onto her foot. Indeed, the two were meant to be. Cinderella and Prince Charming had their happy ending and so would Maleen and Rafinha.

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