Cristiano Ronaldo [~] Choosing Sides

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For XloveXriverX: Cristiano Ronaldo

Elicia Bolton was not a woman to be messed with. She knew what she wanted and when she wanted it. She wasn't afraid to step on a few toes to reach her goal. Her perseverance and high work ethic is what had initially attracted Cristiano to her. After a bad break up with Irina, Cristiano wasn't looking for a new girlfriend or love interest, but he stumbled upon one in the form of Elicia.

They had met at a charity event and had hit it off almost immediately. They chatted and talked constantly for the next few weeks before they actually went on their first date or started throwing around the words girlfriend and boyfriend. As the two of them had expected, there were people that were supportive of their relationship and there were people who were not.

Amongst those that denounced their relationship constantly was a certain Russian model. Irina Shayk had taken to trying to egg Elicia on with posts across social media. Elicia didn't let the pathetic posts get to her at all and she refused to reply, because that would give Irina the satisfaction she did not deserve at all. Elicia would support her boyfriend and not let her anger and ego get in her way.

It was a Champions League group stage match, and Real Madrid were home for the first leg of the tournament. Elicia walked into the stadium, showing the guards her pass before making her way into the player's box where family and friends of the players on the field could sit and watch the game without worrying about fans and other people.

The number seven shone on her back as she walked towards the home side of the player's box. Elicia greeted the WAGs and family members she knew before sitting in her seat, preparing for the start of the game. The stadium was just starting to fill up and the players on the field were in the midst of warming up for the match.

Elicia made small talk with the women around her, ready for the match to start and be over and done with. She loved watching Cristiano play and she knew that this game was just a hurdle for their big game in four days. They should be focusing on their important match, but they had to beat some team she had never heard of in the first place.

Clarisse, Marcelo's wife, looked behind Elicia and she immediately frowned. "What's wrong?" Elicia asked, looking behind to see what had caused Clarisse to frown. Her eyes immediately landed on Irinia, who was greeting some of the opponents' family and friends on their side of the box.

"What is she doing here?" Pilar added.

"I don't know, and I don't want to find out," Elicia sighed. "I just want to focus on the game, not some drama she's creating because she can't get over the fact that she and Cristiano are no longer a couple." The players cleared the field before retaking it. Cristiano walked out and stood in line with his fellow Madrid players.

Staring at the line, you had to admit, they looked a bit awkward without Iker leading the line. The game was about to start, with the captains exchanging banners and shaking hands, etc. Cristiano stood outside the center circle, as their opponents would be kicking off. The overwhelming number of Madrid supporters chanted as the ball was kicked forward, starting the game.

Elicia watched the game when someone tapped her on the shoulder. Turning to look at who it was, Elicia locked eyes with Irina. "Can I help you?"

"Can we talk, just girl on girl? I just wanted to apologize for what I've said in the press," Irina said, a smile, which Elicia assumed was fake, on her face.

"Sure," she replied, unsure of what she were about to walk into. "I'll be right back," Elicia told Clarisse, who nodded. Getting up, Elicia allowed Irina to lead the way to the bathroom, where she assumed Irina wanted to talk. Leaning on the wall, Elicia locked eyes with Irina. "So, what did you want to talk about, Irina? Or can this wait for another time?"

"No, I don't think it can wait. Listen, I'm going to say this slowly and once. Back off," Irina snapped.

"Excuse me?"

"Back off, Cristiano is mine, not yours. You slithered into his brain and confused him. And when I win him back, you'll just be a pathetic after thought."

"No, I think you need help, Irina."

"You're just a jealous bitch."

"Look who's talking."

"You'll never be as good as I am for Cristiano," Irina spat.

"I think I already am."

"It's scary to think that people like you are allowed to breed. Oh, wait. You have some problems with that department, don't you," Irina taunted. Elicia squeezed her eyes shut as her hands clenched into fists. She and Cristiano had talked about children, but if they were to have kids together, they would need a surrogate because Elicia wouldn't be able to carry the baby.

"You shut your mouth!"

"What? The truth hurts, doesn't it?"

"Just shut up!" Elicia shouted, storming out of the bathroom and right into the chest of her boyfriend.

"There you are, where have you been?"

"In the bathroom. Freaking Irina showed up and wanted to 'talk' to me," Elicia sighed.

"Why were you talking to her? Don't go around and pick fights with her," Cristiano insisted.

"I didn't do anything, she came to me and asked to talk," Elicia stated, walking with Cristiano down the stairs.

"You could have said no, she probably just wanted to sort out something in the press," Cristiano said, pulling out his car keys.

"Are you taking her side in all of this?" Elicia questioned, her eyes narrowing. When Cristiano didn't respond, Elicia's eyes started to tear up but she didn't let them fall. Opening the door to the car, she got in and slammed it shut. Cristiano got in as well before driving away. "You want to know what she talked about? She talked about how I can't have kids on my own, she threw it in my face and beat me down with her malice words," Elicia said, a tear slipping out of one eye.

Cristiano was silent for a moment, before his hand grabbed one of Elicia's hands and gave it a reassuring squeeze. They had arrived home when Cristiano turned to look at Elicia. "I'm sorry that I took her side, I shouldn't have. It was wrong and she was way out of line with comments like that. I'm sorry," Cristiano sighed.

"I forgive you," Elicia replied before Cristiano pulled her into a dazzling kiss.

"Good, because the thought of losing you is too great to bear." Cristiano pulled her into another romantic kiss.

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