Neymar [~] Different Future

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                You had always been the good girl type. You did your work and handed it on time. Straight A's. Star of the girl's football team at your high school. It was no surprise that you got into a good college with a good portion of your tuition being paid by scholarships. Your friends thought that you would fall in love with some lawyer and have a white picket fence home with kids.

                In reality, you couldn't see yourself living that way. There was just something about a typical family life that didn't appeal to you. For one thing, you didn't want to be Betty Crocker at home baking apple pies all day then taking her kids to football practice. You wanted to travel the world, you didn't want constraint. Throughout your life, you were always constrained by your perfect outer shell.

                You didn't want some boring old lawyer that would provide for you. You wanted to work for your own keep. You didn't want a house with a picket fence. You wanted an apartment in the heart of the city or a beautiful house that would be in magazines. You didn't want to just fade into the background like everyone else did, you wanted to stand out and do something with your life.

                You started out as an engineering major, per your parent's request. They said would guarantee a job and money, stability in other words. Your life had always been so structured without any changes to your daily cycle. It wasn't at all what you wanted to live anymore. Of course, problems arose out of that. Your stiff friends, whom you had known your whole life, turned their noses up at every guy you went on a date with if he wasn't a college guy with a promising future.

                You eventually gave up with dating. You changed your major to your true passion, biology, and went out more. That's when you had met Neymar. He was out partying with a few of his friends and you met at the bar. Guys had bought you drinks the whole night, winking sleazily down the bar. You usually dumped out the drink, afraid it was drugged of something. You had been sitting alone when a guy came to stand next to you. He ordered a drink and waited patiently for the bartender to make it.

                You glanced at him out of the corner of your eye. He was taller than you, with tanned skin and tattoos peeking out of his shirt. His hair was in a Mohawk like style and you thought it suited him dyed blond. The bartender returned with his drink and after paying, he left. You watched him leave with interest. For one thing, he didn't speak like Spanish was his first language, he had a slight accent.

                You decided to ignore it and instead focused on the empty glass in front of you. Someone sat next to you, making you look up. It was the man from before. He looked about your age, maybe a year or two older. "Hello, I'm Neymar," he introduced.

                "(Y/N)," you returned, shaking his outstretched hand.

                "So, if you don't mind me asking, why is a girl like you sitting here at the bar all alone with an empty drink?"

                "My finals finished today. This is my mini celebration party," you sighed.

                "No offense, but aren't you supposed to be having fun at a party?" Neymar asked.

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