Neymar [~] Adolescent Questions

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For gianny: Neymar

Life was hectic to say the least when you're in a relationship with Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior. As mother of his child, your little Davi, you had been with him throughout his career as a rising football star. The two of you had stuck together throughout and after your pregnancy with Davi, to the surprise of most people around you.

Now the three of you lived in Barcelona, Spain because of Neymar's occupation as a footballer. You enjoyed Spain but missed your native Brazil every now and then. You went to as many matches for Neymar as you could and you brought Davi to as many as you could (though you always avoided bringing him to El Clasico's). Davi loved watching his father and likewise Neymar would always play better if his son was right there in the stadium with him.

You and Neymar were high school sweethearts. You had started dating at age fifteen and the love progressed. Davi was a road bump but a cherished and much loved road bump in your relationship. Your father threatened to cut of certain appendages of Neymar once he found out that you were pregnant at such a young age. You and Neymar dearly loved Davi, he was your world.

 Waking up after a night of fun, you found that you couldn't budge from the bed you and Neymar shared because his arm was locked tightly around your hip. "Ney, Ney, it's time to get up," you said, shaking your boyfriend. He groaned and buried his face in the crook of your neck.

"Five more minutes," he pleaded.

"In five more minutes, Davi will pop through the door and find us like this," you muttered, gesturing to the clothes discarded on the floor and the lack of clothes on the two of you.

 "Let him," Neymar mumbled.

 "Neymar, I swear to God if you don't get up now I'll never kiss you again," you threatened.

"You wouldn't dare," Neymar replied, his voice muffled by the skin of your neck.

 "Oh yes I would," you winked. Neymar's arms didn't move. "Ney, please," you whined.

  "Fine, but you owe me," he groaned, rolling out of bed. You cracked a smile and got up and dressed. You finished changing first, walking downstairs to start breakfast. Starting the pancake mix, as it was Sunday and Sunday was an established pancake day in your household, you heard Davi's small pitter patter feet on the stairs.

"Morning Mamãe!" Davi greeted, hopping up into a chair. "Where's Papai?"

 "He's still getting dressed. Why don't you go tell him to hurry up, I'm just about to start cooking the pancakes?" you smiled. Davi nodded and bounded up the staircase. A few seconds later, Davi's laughter rang throughout the house and your smile deepened. Neymar walked down the stairs, a giggling Davi in his arms.

Turning around, you looked to see Neymar, shirtless, tickle Davi, causing your son to wither and twist as he tried to avoid his father's fingers. The two settled down as the first pancakes finished. You slid them onto a plate and dropped the plate on the table. You didn't have to look to know your boys were scarfing down the food. The pancake mix ran out and your small family ate around the table, enjoying the fluffy goodness on your plates.

"Thank you, Mamãe!" Davi stated through a mouth full of pancakes.

 "You're welcome," you giggled, wiping the excess food from his face. Neymar picked up the plates and walked to the sink. Watching your boyfriend walk towards the sink, you noticed the scratch marks on his back. Praying that Davi didn't notice, you sighed once your son pointed them out.

"What happened to your back, Papai?" Davi asked innocently. You drank your water, eyeing Neymar as Neymar felt his torn up back. He shot you a scared look and you returned one. Coughing before rubbing the back of his neck, Neymar finally made up a story.

"Uh . . . I was playing and I got hurt," Neymar nodded. Well, it was sort of the truth, right? The both of you were hoping that that's where Davi's questions would end. Your prayers, however, were completely and utterly unanswered.

"What were you playing?"

"Uh . . ." Neymar trailed off. Your face turned pink as you continued to gulp down your drink. "I was in a tickle match with your mãe," Neymar finally choked out, finishing the dishes as he did so.

"Then why did Mamãe keep shouting 'don't stop' last night?" You nearly spit your drink right into Davi's face but instead swallowed it and then proceeded to cough violently. Neymar patted your back, as your face turned ten shades darker.

 "Uh, you see . . . if you drop out of the game, if you quit, then you have to . . . do the dishes for the whole week," you cracked a forced smile.

"A whole week?" Davi's horrified answer came. You and Neymar nodded, pretending to be very serious.

"A whole week," Neymar confirmed. "And you have to do the laundry too."

 "Oh, okay, that makes sense. So who won?" Davi questioned.

"We both won," you said immediately.

"We won multiple times," Neymar whispered to you. You elbowed him in the gut, sending him a withered look.

"But, whenever Papai and I play, there's only one winner," Davi tilted his head, looking confused.

  "In adult tickle fights, everyone wins," you forced another smile. "Why don't you go get packed for when Tia Rafaella picks you up for tonight?" Davi nodded, his questions finished, and walked upstairs. After he was out of the room, Neymar burst out laughing. You narrowed your eyes. "You think this is funny?" you hissed.

"I find it hilarious. I told you that you were really loud," Neymar leaned in, winking. You blushed and pushed him away.

 "You are of no help!" you rolled your eyes at Neymar's antics. "We almost got caught!"

"Well, he didn't walk in or anything. He just heard you screaming," Neymar winked again, resulting in you punching his arm jokingly. You thanked the Lord when the doorbell rang.

 "You are in trouble," you told Neymar, pointing a finger at him as you got up to answer the door.

"Maybe you should punish me later, then," Neymar smirked. You threw a pillow at him, willing the color in your cheeks to go down. You opened the door, seeing Rafaella standing in the doorway.

"Oh, thank God you are here," you sighed, letting her in. You closed the door and gave her a quick hug.

 "What's wrong? And why are you so red?" Rafaella asked. "Are you sick?"

"No, Neymar over there has been of no help whatsoever," you dramatically rolled your eyes. Turning to your boyfriend, Rafaella asked her brother what was wrong.

"Let's just say Davi heard this one last night," Neymar laughed. Rafaella stood still for a moment before cracking up with Neymar.

"You two are of no help!" you whined. Davi padded down the stairs, his night bag on his shoulders. You listed off items which he should have and he said that he had all of them so you let him go with Rafaella. The two exited your house and you were left alone with just Neymar.

"You can punish me now because there are no innocent ears around to hear you," Neymar called from the kitchen.

 "Oh shut up."

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