Sergi Roberto [~] La Cenicienta

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For tragiccth: Sergi Roberto

Playing for Barcelona had been Layla's dream job ever since her father had bought her the first Barcelona jersey that she would ever own at the tender age of three. Her parents had both played growing up, but neither of them had ever reached professional status. Layla knew that if she dreamed hard enough and trained hard enough, she would be able to reach that level.

And now here she was, a woman in her early twenties and a regular starter for the Barcelona women's team. Layla could play any position that they need her in really, but she admitted that scoring goals was one of the best moments of being a professional player. Driving up to the training ground, Layla parked her car and got out, grabbing her bag from her trunk, before walking into the training ground.

The men's and women's teams would be training together for the week as the men's training ground was being redone. Layla nodded to some familiar faces from the men's team, including a certain blue eyed Spanish boy. Sergi and Layla smiled at each other, the latter waiting for the former to catch up to her. Sergi chuckled as he walked up next to Layla. Resting his arm over the top of her head, Sergi sighed dramatically. "If I didn't know any better, I'd of thought that you were waiting just for me," Sergi teased.

"Believe it or not, but I can be nice," Layla smiled, pushing Sergi's arm off her head.

"Layla? Nice? Have we entered an alternate universe?" Sergi asked, a fake look of surprise overtaking his facial features.

"Ha ha, very funny. If I didn't know any better, I'd of thought that you were trying to be funny, Sergi," Layla chuckled.

"Oh, that hurts me right here," Sergi gasped, placing a hand over his heart. Layla chuckled, and bumped Sergi with her hip before she headed into the locker room. Tossing her bag onto the bench, Layla opened her locker and took out her uniform and training gear. Changing into her training outfit, Layla rolled her eyes in annoyance as her best friend on the team walked up to her with a look Layla recognized.

"Before you ask, no, we are not together," Layla stated, putting her clothes into her locker before shutting it.

"Oh come one, Layla. I've put a lot of time and hard work into getting the two of you together. Hell, the least you could do was kiss the guy once or twice."

"I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear you say that," Layla remarked, before grabbing her cleats and walking towards the pitch.

"Layla, I'm telling you! It'll happen one day! And you'll owe me!"

"Still can't hear you," Layla sassed, before closing the door to the locker room. Walking out to the pitch, Layla sat on one of the benches and laced up her cleats, humming the song she had listened to on the way here. The bench dipped next to her but Layla didn't look up. "Look, if you don't want me to cleat you in the face in the next ten seconds, you better shut up about the whole Sergi and me thing," Layla stated.

"Oh, so you do think that there is a relationship between us, then?" Sergi winked. Layla's eyes widening, she turned to look at Sergi, who had a wide smirk on his face. Feeling her cheeks warm to a red similar to that of a rose, Layla gasped out one word—"Shit." Before Sergi could say anything else, Layla shot up and ran away, with only one cleat on, the other left on the bench where she had been sitting beforehand.

Seeing her best friend walking out of the locker room, Layla ran towards her. "So how's the happy couple?" Layla's best friend asked before Layla nearly tackled her.

"I hate you so much right now!" Layla growled, nearly pulling her hair out.

"What happened? And why are your cheeks so red?" Layla growled again, covering her cheeks with her hair.

"I thought Sergi was you and then I mentioned the whole romance thing between us and grrrrrrr I just hate you so much right now," Layla sighed, pulling at her hair again.

"Really? What did he say?" Layla's best friend asked excitedly, ignoring Layla's embarrassment and the strange looks they were getting from members of both the women's and the men's teams.

"Urgh, I'm not even going to repeat it. Otherwise my cheeks will never go back to their normal coloring," Layla sighed, rubbing her cheeks in an attempt to get the normal coloring back. Layla's best friend looked behind Layla and smirked before running away.

"I'll talk to you later, Layla," she called over her shoulder, before running over to a group of other players. Layla sighed and turned around, only to bump into a certain Spaniard. Looking up, Layla felt her cheeks redden once more.

"My damn cheeks can't just stay normal for once," Layla thought to herself as Sergi smiled at her.

"I do believe you lost your other shoe, madame," Sergi smirked, holding Layla's other cleat in his hand. Layla glanced down at her feet quickly, realizing that she did, in fact, only have one cleat on. The matching one was indeed in Sergi's hand in front of her. "If I may, Cenicienta," Sergi smiled, kneeling on the ground. Layla blushed even deeper at the nickname as Sergi put her cleat on her foot.

"Thanks, Sergi," Layla choked out, her neck now a deep red. Cursing her inability to not blush in certain situations, Layla turned her attention back to Sergi.

"Anything for my Cenicienta," Sergi winked before walking away. For the rest of practice, every member of Layla's team called her Cenicienta, much to her embarrassment.

"Oh Cenicienta, pass me the ball!" Layla's best friend teased as Layla ran down the side of the field. Growling in frustration, Layla kicked the ball towards the net as hard as she could. Everyone watched the ball soar over the keeper's hands, nicking the crossbar and bouncing into the net. "Holy crap, since when can you do that?"

Layla huffed in annoyance. "Maybe I should get you flustered more often, Cenicienta," Sergi chuckled from behind Layla. Turning around, Layla had fire in her eyes. Sergi's smirk faltered as Layla charged him. Marc Bartra and Neymar watched, amused, as Layla chased Sergi.

"Oh he's in the dog house now," Marc chuckled as Neymar laughed as well. Sergi grunted as Layla basically tackled him. Rolling onto his back he stared up at Layla with fear in his eyes. Layla, breathing heavily from sprinting, glared down at him before doing something no one, including Sergi, expected her to do. Layla leaned down and kissed Sergi hard on the mouth. As she felt him start to kiss back, Layla pulled away, smirking, before jogging away.

"Two can play at the blushing game, Sergi!" she called over her shoulder as she ran back to the women's side of the field. Sergi, now completely red and wearing a goofy grin, was helped up by Marc and Neymar.

"Do explain where all of that came from all of a sudden," Marc chuckled.

"I don't know, but I need to remember that for later," Sergi winked, a goofy grin still on his face.

A.N. Gerard Pique is next. Then two Cristiano Ronaldo's and then Fernando Torres. I'll update when I can, promise!


Soccer/Football Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें