~ Chapter 20 ~

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Chapter 20
Thursday September 1st
Lennons POV

Today is the day that I am sitting down with Harry and having a full fledged conversation about what happened 3 years ago. I'm super nervous and sort of dreading it if I'm being completely honest. A week was not enough time for me to mentally prepare myself to look him in the eyes and hear why he came to do one of the most painful things to me.

I'm putting Theo's feelings first, but Harry didn't just break Theo. I was heartbroken as well.

Having to sit here and listen to what was going through his mind when he decided to end the family that we had is going to be weird for me. I did move on from Harry, and I was completely in love with Hudson, but with the mental state that I've had recently, I have no idea if this conversation is going to rehash old wounds or not.

I have my parents, but years ago Harry and Theo were my family. I could never have just walked away from that, and that's why opening us up again to Harry is so incredibly difficult to me. There's also the point that I'm not sitting here with Harry because I want to. I'm doing it for Theo and Theo only.

If Harry solely left me behind in a relationship and showed up years later, I would never give him the time of day. That chapter would've been closed and never read again. I'm strictly sitting here waiting for him to show up for the sake of our child.

Like I've always said, my children come before me, always.

Today is also exactly 7 months since Hudson passed away.

I woke up with an overload of emotions, and I felt awful when I was crying so hard to myself in the bathroom that I woke Theo up and he was standing there with a concerned look on his face. I hate when he see's me upset.

This morning was a rough one. Theo didn't want to go off to school after he saw me crying, and the twins had a rough night which made them grouchy today. Overall, the day just did not start off on a good note and I'm hoping it isn't a tell for how my afternoon with Harry is going to be.

I also had to make sure the entire house was cleaned. I couldn't have him coming over and the floor be cluttered with toys everywhere, and laundry sitting around. I could've just thrown it all in my bedroom since he's not going to be seeing anywhere besides the main part of the house, but then I would've had to deal with it later. Plus, I might be in a bad mood once he leaves and laundry would just make it worse.

In the last few hours I did so many chores. The dishes were cleaned and put away, the counters were freed up and wiped down, I vacuumed the main living area, toys were put back in their respective bins, and laundry was nicely folded into baskets that were hidden. When I decided the house was clean enough, I threw myself down onto the couch and put on a movie. I had about an hour before he was supposed to show up.

I didn't care to look over the top for him, because why should I? My sweatshirt and legging combo with unstyled hair was all he was going to get.

Even though I had a movie playing, the hour felt like it was dragging on. Maybe because I'm anxiously waiting for him to show up, so the time feels like it's slower than ever. Also the movie I was watching was boring, which did not help at all.

24 minutes went by until I decided to pause the movie. I wasn't paying much attention to it, my mind was running in other directions. Like how Harry is going to learn very soon how different my life has been since the day that he left.

He's going to see the photos on the walls, the ones of Hudson and I. He's going to see the ones of Delia and Atticus. Most importantly, he's going to see photos of Hudson and Theo together. I don't know how he's going to react to it.

He doesn't have any right to get mad at them. Hudson was the father to Theo that Harry couldn't be.

"Oh this is going to be a long day" I muttered to myself.

I headed into the kitchen and pulled out a wine bottle and a glass from one of the top cabinets. I was going to need some to get through this day. I don't drink a lot, but desperate times calls for desperate measures. I put the bottle back in the cabinet so that it wasn't sitting out on the counter when Harry gets here, I don't need him seeing that for a number of reasons.

I checked the time on my phone.


I had half an hour before Harry shows up.

That made me take another sip.

I got an alert from my phone, so I reached over and grabbed it seeing a notification from the daycare. We have an app that the teachers use to upload pictures of the kids and keep track of their feedings and anything related to their care. I clicked on it seeing that pictures of the kids were uploaded.

A photo of Theo was up first. He had a small smile on his face and a coloring sheet in front of him on the table. It was the cutest picture of him. Those green eyes were beaming into the photo lens and it must be because of today's circumstances, but for the first time in a while I've looked at them and immediately my brain went to Harry.

I swiped to the next photo to see a picture of my baby girl. She was in one of the cribs taking a nap. The next one was of Atticus, a grin on his face as he was sitting up and playing with some baby toys. The babies can't sit up on their own yet, so he was propped up in a little chair but the photo was adorable regardless.

The photos were just what I needed right now.

I wasted the rest of the half hour waiting on Harry going back and looking at photos of the kids in my camera roll. Using them as a motivator to get through this conversation. Photos of Theo's past birthdays, the babies first Easter, Theo when he was a bit younger.

I was looking at the twin's first pool day when a knock on the door deterred me.

Here it is.

Harry is standing behind that door yet again.

But this time it's different. Because this time instead of slamming it in his face, I'm opening it and allowing him to come inside.

Or I could slam it in his face and avoid doing this but that wouldn't be nice.

I put my washed glass back in the cabinet and closed my phone. I took a deep breath before I made my way over to the door. This is it Lennon.

You're making the first step of letting Harry back in.

With shaking hands, I turned the doorknob.

Harry stood there on my front porch sporting light wash ripped baggy jeans, a white Jerry Lewis t shirt, and a mint green cardigan slung over his shoulder. The cardigan doesn't exactly match the goal of trying to blend in, but I'm assuming he thinks the sunglasses is enough.

I only say that because last night for the first time in a long time, I decided to google his name. I was in shock when I saw that the most recent articles about him were talking about our break up and his sudden disappearance. Not a single article talking about his new acting role, or how he's been spotted for the first time in forever. The media was only filled with articles wondering where he left off too.

Without saying anything, I stepped aside and let him in.

Here we go.

This chapter was so short, I'm sorry! But I wonder how their conversation is gonna go 🤔

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