~ Chapter 64 ~

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Chapter 64
Monday January 23rd
Lennon's POV

"I knew that you would get back together with him!" Samantha gasped, in a knowing tone, when I revealed to her the current status of Harry's and I's...relationship. It's been a while since I've told her anything regarding the two of us, despite her constant asking, because I knew she would throw it back in my face that I said nothing was going to happen between us. At the time, I truly did believe myself when I said that, but now I can't help but think about how naïve I was.

"Okay technically speaking we aren't back together yet, but" I paused as the color rushed to my cheeks just thinking about him. "The feelings are definitely there"

"Yeah I can see it written all over your face" She laughed, pointing out the rose colored tint on my face. "I should have bet money on this"

"Heyyy" I feigned offendedness.

"This is so exciting!" Samantha chuckled. "I'm so happy for you"

I smiled. "Thank you. And we told Theo"

"Really?" She gasped. "How did that go?"

"It went better than we expected, they're becoming best buds again. I'm just really happy for both of them. He was really excited to become a dad back then, so I'm glad we've both given him the chance to do so. I know that Theo really loves having him around, and I think it's helping him too" I explained.

"One big happy family" She commented, and I would have to agree with her.

"Yeah" I beamed. "Cause he also has taken the twins under his wing too. He didn't just focus on Theo, you know? He gives them just as much attention, and he loves them. Delia calls him dada all the time" I chuckled.

"That's good that he loves them too, since it's a different situation"

"For sure. I think he realizes that Hudson was there for Theo, and now he's returning the favor. It's a little hard for me sometimes, but I do appreciate that the twins have him"

"That makes total sense" She nodded, taking another bite of her lunch.

I nodded along as the conversation started to fade out as we both went on our phones, just enjoying each other's company in the silence of our short break of a very long shift. My face practically lit up when I saw that Harry had texted me, and I felt like a pre-teen texting her crush for the first time.

It was a short and sweet message, just telling me that he missed me while I was off saving lives. I wrote him back telling him that I missed him too, because even though we just spent the entire weekend together, we won't see each other until Thursday now. That feels ages away despite only being a few days from now.

The rest of our lunch break flew by and it was time to return back to our patients. We cleaned up after ourselves and then headed back into the busy emergency room to pick up where we left off. After the random storm and the fact that we have a fully staffed ER today, things were going a lot smoother than they were last week.

Last week it was extremely hard for me to be here. The storm had brought in an abundance of car accident victims and whenever we'd receive those traumas, they'd always bring me back to the day that everything happened. Between that and the impending doom that the one year anniversary of his death is coming up, I've been more on edge whenever I step foot in these white walls.

But I've continued to push through the emotional pain because I have a job to do and I can't let anything get in the way of that.

I washed my hands and made my way to the next patient that needed to be seen. Time to get to work.

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