~ Chapter 32 ~

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Chapter 32
Friday September 16th
Lennon's POV

"So Theo, we have a guest coming for dinner today"

He looked at me.

I wanted to warn Theo about Harry's visit before he just showed up here. I can't believe this day is actually happening if I'm being honest. I've been stressing about it all morning long, to the point where I had myself so nervous I threw up a couple hours ago. I'm a mess, and Theo doesn't even know it.

"His name is Harry. He's a friend of mommy's, and he's going to come eat with us, and maybe you can play some of toys with him" I suggested gently, careful of my words. "Does that sound like a cool idea?"


I bit my lip. Well that went great.

"Okay..." I blew out air between my lips. "Well he's very nice, and he's excited to meet you. So do you think we could at least give a nice hello?"

Theo shrugged his shoulders.

"And maybe if you think he's cool, you can show him some of your train tracks. I hear he's very good at building bridges" I talked Harry up even if on the inside it was hurting me just the slightest.

"I don't think I wanna"

I just know this is going to be a very hard evening to get through. I obviously want Theo to be comfortable, and I wouldn't want to force him into it, but on the other hand I know that Theo's lack of hospitality is going to break Harry down.

I'm worried if Harry gets discouraged, he'll walk away, and this will all be for nothing.

"Okay, we'll see what happens when he shows up" I left the conversation open.

"When he comin?" Theo tilted his head to look up at me. He was currently rolling play doh between his palms and making non edible hot dogs.

"In about 10 minutes"


I walked away from my first born and instead went to the babies. At the very least, Harry can hold either of the twins if he wants to. I know they aren't his, but hopefully it lessens his disappointment slightly. I needed to get them dressed in better outfits though because they're honestly still in pajamas.

I got them dressed into more presentable clothes, but still comfy. Atticus wore some shorts and a t-shirt with buzz lightyear on it. I didn't realize until after I put it on him that it was a hand me down of Theo's that Harry had bought for him so many years ago. I made the decision to change his shirt into another character, I had faith that Harry would remember the shirt and I didn't want it to hurt his feelings or something.

Lia wore a pair of pink cotton overalls and socks, so it was still cute and comfy. And now Harry can tell them apart if he felt so inclined to do so. Lastly, Theo was still in his clothes from school so I knew they were okay.

Once the babies were taken care of, I set them down on their play mats with some toys. I looked around the house and figured this was as good as it was going to get. Harry's going to be here any minute, and I have a whirlwind of emotions cursing through my body right now.

"Ah!" I shrieked, and then instantly regretting it and hope Harry couldn't hear it.                      

I took a deep breath and opened up the front door.

And there was Harry.

He looked slightly more dressed up than normal, with his trench coat and yellow cardigan. His hair loosely framed his face, and those rings continued to cover his fingers. 2 boxes were held in his hands.

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