~ Chapter 21 ~

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Will be crying the entirety of the day hbu?

Chapter 21
Thursday September 1st
Lennons POV

"Hey. How are you? I uh, brought us some food. I don't know, is that weird? Just it's lunch time and I thought maybe it'd be a nice gesture. But if you don't want to eat it we can just throw it away, or something" He rambled on the second he stepped foot inside my house.

I shut the door and look at him, I don't think I've ever heard him talk so fast and I could practically see the nerves radiating through his body. "We can eat"

I figured a meal wouldn't hurt.

He nodded and I could physically see him relax his shoulders at my approval. Honestly, he probably thought I wanted to throw it in his face or something. Depending on what he says during our conversation, I might be tempted, but I probably won't actually go through with it.

He set the plastic to go bag on my counter and started taking boxes out of it. "I just got us some burgers and fries. I got yours the way you used to like them, so I hope that's still okay. Maybe I should've asked first"

"It's fine" I stopped him before he would offer to go get me a different burger if it's not what I liked. I'm not picky, I'll eat whatever he brought me. I took the to go box from his ring cladded fingers, and it took everything in me to not drop the box on the floor when I saw the rose ring I got him several years ago for his birthday on his finger. He kept it.

And he's still wearing it.

He didn't notice my sudden hesitation, which I was grateful for. I took a deep breath and took a minute to recompose myself. I didn't hear the next sentence that came out of his mouth, so I'm hoping it wasn't important.

"Your uh, your house is lovely" He complimented, looking around the main living space.

"Oh. Thank you"

"Where is Theo?" He asked, and it was like a smack in the face with a reminder of the reason we're in this position right now.

"He's at daycare" I answered. "We can sit over there"

I pointed to the kitchen table and made my way over with the to go box and Coca Cola he brought for me. I didn't think anything of it as I took a seat, but I heard him stop in his tracks and watched his eyes widen for a moment.


I followed his line of sight to what he found that caused him to be so shocked. A family photo.

The angle was from above the kids. Theo laying down smiling up at the camera, with his brother and sister on either side of him staring up with the smallest baby smiles ever. It was taken just a couple months ago, when I sucked myself out of the first few months of nothingness and knew I needed to take more photos of the babies at their young age.

I didn't know what he was more shocked at. The twins or how grown up Theo is since the last time he saw him.

"What? You didn't think I'd move on?"

He snapped out of it and looked at me, slowly making his way to the chair across from me and sitting down. "I-I didn't think you'd have 3 kids now"

"Well I had twins. And 1 + 2 = 3"

"Of course. Uhm, congratulations"


"T-they're adorable...Girls? Boys?" He asked, and just by staring at him I could tell that he was trying to talk about the twins to avoid bringing up Theo just yet. I could tell by the way his voice was wavering and how he was tapping his fingers on the table. He was extremely nervous.

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