~ Chapter 34 ~

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Chapter 34
Sunday September 18th
Harry's POV

When agreeing to meet Lennon and the kids at the ice cream shop, I was so happy and focused on the fact that I would be seeing Theo so soon, that I completely forget about the fact that I haven't been seen in public in 3 years.

I had went back and forth on asking Lennon if we can switch plans, because I didn't want to come off as troubling or annoy her for asking. Ultimately, I had decided to text her and ask. Maybe me forming our family again out of the spotlight will prove to her that I'm doing this for Theo, and not because I want good publicity.

I sent her a message and briefly explained that I didn't want to be caught by anyone who might recognize me just yet, and if there's anyway we could switch plans to where I just hang out at the house again that would be great, but I'd make it work if not. Thankfully, she agreed and said that would be okay, since she hadn't told Theo they were going out for ice cream yet otherwise I would've been out of luck.

Additionally, I told her I would bring over a bunch of ice cream supplies so we could make our own and she appreciated that idea.

I ended up using one of those grocery delivery systems to get the items. I got 3 different tubs of ice cream, sprinkles, whipped cream, cherries, chocolate syrup, m & m's, and caramel sauce. It was a lot, but I figured they could just keep it all at their house and use the rest of it if they want.

As the time to go over neared, I could feel myself growing more anxious. More than I did the other night seeing him for the first time. I think it's because this time I know more of what to expect when I get there, and now I'm even more nervous of making a good impression. I could start to feel that familiar feeling inside, and the ache to down a bottle and take the edge off, but I very quickly needed to distract myself from it.

I threw my sweatshirt on and a baseball cap and headed outside to take a quick walk and relax myself. Being out in the fresh air always helped when I would feel myself getting to these moments, and I've quite grown fond of getting outside.

I walked for almost an hour and then I checked my phone and saw that I needed to leave the house in just a few minutes to make it on time for Lennon's. I changed my clothes into something else and loaded all of the groceries into a cooler, and then into the back of my car.

Then I was off on my way to Lennon's house.

I pulled up in the familiar driveway not too long after, listening to music the entire drive over here. When I get out of the car I wasn't expecting to hear children screams coming from the backyard and an eruption of giggles. The kids must be out enjoying the nice day.

I texted Lennon to tell her I was here, thinking it would creep her out if she looked over and all of a sudden a man was just creeping over their fence. I waited a mere moments for her response, until she was walking over to the fence and greeting me.

"Sorry about the change of plans" I apologized.

"Oh, it's fine. I think it's good if we get further in this whole thing between us before social media knows about it"

"Agreed. How's the morning been?" I asked. I looked over and saw Theo waving a bubble wand around near the twins with a smile on his face, he is such a good big brother.

"Good. The house is a little messy, so don't judge. Theo wanted to take a walk, but I told him you'd be here soon so we opted for bubbles"

"Momma, who you talking to?" Theo froze and stopped trying to make bubbles, and looked over at the two of us.

"Harry, can you come say hi?" Lennon looked at him.

Theo dropped his shoulders, but started making his way through the overgrowing grass. Whining when it would touch his legs and stop to scratch them.

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