~ Chapter 46 ~

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I missed y'all already so I wanted to post again tonight :)

Chapter 46
Wednesday November 9th
Lennons POV

"Do I have to go to school?" Theo whined as I pulled his pajamas off his body and dressed him into some sweatpants and a long sleeve for his day at school.

"You do buddy" I tugged his shirt on over his head.

"I didn't yesterday tomorrow Sunday" Theo argued, although his days of the week clearly need a lot of help.

"That's because you were sick" I giggled.

Theo grabbed his shirt and fake coughed into it, thinking he could fool me.

"Oh no" I played along. "Should I call Harry?"

"I no say dat"

I laughed. "Oh Theo, you'll have a great day okay? And Ms. Lyanna is going to pick you up. Aren't you excited to see her?"

Theo huffed. "Fine"

"Thanks baby. Let's go get Atti and Lia up" the two of us tiredly trudged along to the nursery, where of course both babies were wide eyed and ready to get up out of their cribs. I got the twins changed and dressed for the day, and then the four of us headed to the kitchen for some breakfast.

I made the kids their breakfast and threw some snacks inside Theo's lunchbox along with his sandwich before I forgot. I quickly repacked the twin's school bag that I leave with them as I forgot to do it last night, and by the time I was about to start eating my burrito, we needed to rush out the door.

Leaving my food behind, the kids and I made it to the car and I buckled the kids up to drive to daycare. Theo told me some more stories of what he did the last two days with Harry, which made me smile because he seemed much more relaxed about it than I thought he would be.

I was honestly super nervous to leave them, not because I thought Harry would do anything, but it was just a lot. It's always hard to leave them, and especially when I know Theo's personality and the fact not one of them felt okay. I was relieved to hear that the two days seemed to go by okay, it eased my mind quite a bit, especially if Theo isn't complaining about it now.

It seems like Theo actually opened up a bit and played with Harry, which is huge for him.

Maybe he did just need that little push of me not being there to really start to bond with Harry. If it only improved their relationship, then I don't regret asking Harry for a favor. Plus, Harry was kind enough to go above and beyond with cleaning the house and I actually do appreciate his efforts.

I hope I didn't cause him any problems with his movie, or that he caught the sickness from the kids because then I would feel bad for putting him in that position. Hopefully everything tends to work out okay.

We arrived at the kid's daycare and like always I walked them all inside and dropped them off to Lucas at the front desk.

"You look nice today Lennon" Lucas complimented.

I was a bit caught off guard, not expecting a compliment of my half effort appearance, but I thanked him anyways with a smile. I leaned down and gave the kids big hugs and kisses before I handed them over to their caregivers for the day, and waved goodbye to everyone before I left.

Then it was time to go the hospital for another long day.

I walked inside and stored my lunch in the break room, seeing Samantha packing up her things. "You leaving?"

"I worked night shift, so I'm out of here. About to finally lay down in my bed" She laughed, throwing her bag over her shoulder.

"Enjoy" I chuckled.

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