~ Chapter 44 ~

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Chapter 44
Monday November 7th
Lennon's POV

*This chapter switches POV*

I learned very quickly over the weekend why the twins were fussy on Thursday night at bedtime. On Saturday morning, both Delia and Atti woke up with high fevers. They must have started to feel ill on that night, but didn't have any serious symptoms until the morning. On Friday when they were home with me, I noticed they were more clingy as usual because I was barely able to set them down without them screaming their heads off, but I just assumed they were teething.

Well then on Saturday they woke up with their fevers.

At that point, I knew that something was wrong with them and they caught some sort of bug, possibly from daycare. The weekend was extremely rough. Nothing I was trying was soothing them, all they wanted to do was be held 24/7 which led to Theo begging for my attention and me struggling to give it to him. The twins only wanted to sleep in my arms, hating their cribs, which meant Saturday night and last night was the equivalent of no sleep.

Both babies were up every other hour, alternating their wake up time. When Lia would wake up screaming, Atti would be asleep, but right when I would finally get Lia to calm down an hour later and back in her crib, then Atticus would wake up and demand attention.

I basically didn't sleep at all between the two of them. Yesterday, I tried to close my eyes and rest when the twins would be napping, but then Theo would want to do something with me or need something and I couldn't ignore his needs because I was exhausted.

The weekend was very hard. It was the first time that they've gotten seriously sick since they've been born and one sick baby is hard enough, but I had two demanding attention from me and I was stretching myself thin to give it to them. I used the bathroom with all 3 of them because I just couldn't get a minute alone.

My eyes felt droopy, my body was tired, and mentally I didn't know how much more crying I could listen to. It was so hard to listen to them when they're crying because they don't feel good, and there wasn't a whole lot that I could do to help them. I wanted to take all their hurting away, but I felt helpless. I just had to try and comfort them as much as I could.

Harry had stopped by the other day and dropped off food for us. I had texted him Saturday morning telling him I'd have to cancel the plans we had made for the afternoon since the twins were sick, and he responded with a text an hour and a half later telling me to check the front door. There was a delivery bag of to go food for Theo and I from Texas Roadhouse, along with a few grocery bags containing easy to heat up frozen meals, drinks, sanitizing products, and snacks for the two of us. It was really sweet of him, I'm not going to lie.

And then yesterday around lunch time, he dropped off another bag of to go food from a local restaurant. I appreciated not having to worry about feeding Theo, since Harry practically covered it for me between the take out and the easy meals I could pop in the microwave for him.

It also sort of forced me to eat as well, since it was ready made at my doorstep, otherwise in all the chaos of the kids, I probably would have forgotten.

It was currently 4 am on Monday morning, and I was sitting with Delia in the living room, hoping and praying she would fall back asleep soon so I could go lay back down. She's been fussing for 45 minutes now, and I was running out of ideas. My brain was so tired, I love my kids so much, but I just needed five minutes of quiet.

"Delia please" I whined, switching her to another positon thinking maybe this one will work, except all that happened was she screamed louder in my ear. "I'm so tired"

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