4. Appeal of the Belle

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Gillian and I watched two men drag the senseless pirate into the jumble of hammocks and out of sight from the doors. Then, as they removed his breeches, she asked, "Why are they stripped of clothing?"

"For immediate identification. The naked are prisoners."

"Yes, of course, and also to expose their weakness."


"Their dangling parts – as you had called them – so you can coerce them into revealing the truth."

"Yes, that as well."

"With the exception of engravings in books, I had not before seen a grown man's parts, only those of small boys." She paused for a while to examine them as the men rolled him to his back and folded him double, his knees to his chest to bind. Then shrugging, she continued, "Their vulnerability is obvious, and though I am curious, I sense no distraction."

"No, you would not. That weakness is only in men."

"So, you find them distracting."

"Oh, goodness, no! My attraction is only to the charms of a woman."

"All women?"

"No, only the most intelligent, quick-minded and beguiling."

"You limit yourself."

"Not impossibly so." My arms gave her an involuntary squeeze. Oh, dear Lord. What would Father have said?

"Have you met many such?"

"One only."

"And you wooed her."

"I have not yet had the opportunity."

"I think you have well begun."

"Oh, my, my! Am I that obvious?"

She giggled. "Only to the most intelligent, quick-minded and cunning."

I heaved a deep sigh. "Has my impetuousness offended –" A sharp crack caused me to snap my eyes toward the sound's source, and I watched a man collapse to the deck.

Bosun closed the door and called. "Only those at the helm remain, and all three are now there, sir."

"Well done. What is your plan?"

"Two are now dressing in the guard's shirts and cinctures, and they will head aft as if they had been relieved."

"Excellent! A fine ruse, Bosun"

"Thank you, sir." He smiled and pointed toward the scullery door. "The port gun deck is clear from the cookery all the way to the ladder up from the mates' quarters. Six hands have descended, and they will emerge on deck when they hear the knocking on the hatch cover."

I nodded. "Out of sight from the helm. Eight hands, four pistols and surprise against three armed only with blades."

"Five pistols, sir. We need only one here." He swung a long, narrow canvas bag. "These part-filled grape charges have proven their merit."

"Aha! I wondered what you had used." As the two red-cinctured hands headed through the door, I eased Gillian from my chest into an upright posture straddling the bench.

Then standing, I called, "Again, well done all. We have three more pirates to subdue, and immediately that is accomplished, we must ensure that the hull is sound – that we are not taking water."

I scanned the faces of the crew. "Who among you are shipwrights?"

"Here, sir." A man stood. "Me 'n Nick here is all we've left."

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