25. Refining and Adjusting

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After Judith pulled the curtains, and we heard the privy door close, Gillian tilted her head toward the table beside the bed. "We have a basin, a filled ewer, cloths and a towel. Shall we disengage and clean?"

I pulled her closer. "I would prefer to lie here with you a while longer."

"Ummm!" She nuzzled her face to my neck and hummed. "But you have much to do."

"Nothing more important than this. And from all the preparing you did, I see it as equally important to you."

"Preparing! Hah! I missed pulling the curtains."

I gave a gentle thrust with my hips. "But even if you had pulled them, Judith would have heard us."

"True." She sighed, and I felt her relax. "When will the privy door be repaired?"

"A long while yet. As soon as the broken spars are lowered and secured, the hands will be turned to closing the piercings in the sterncastle."


"Shattered and rent planking and cracked ribs. Gaping holes from the cannonballs, two up here and three below."

"Oh! Why have I not seen them?"

"I had cautioned you to divert your eyes from the shambles and chaos on that side of the great cabin – down in the passenger accommodations, as well. Also, you might have focused your attention on the waterline and below during the careening. Whatever, they must be made weatherproof before the tempest. If past experiences and observations prove true, we can expect a full day or more of heavily driven rain commencing on the morrow."

She nodded. "So, not until after the holes have been closed."

"Hmmm. The weather will not pause to await our preparations."

Gillian giggled. "No, I meant the repairs to the privy door.

"Oh! We have many more hands than are required, but there remain only two shipwrights, and repairs to both the piercings and the door need their skills and tools."

"Is there another door we might use to replace it?"

"Possibly. But the priority is a door for the third sleeping cabin."

"Yes, of course. Others before self." She trembled, her cheek wetting my neck as she began sobbing.

While I stroked the back of her head, she mumbled, "Father's expression."

"And my father's attitude, as well."

"Ummm, obvious from what I have seen. And their attitudes are ours to perpetuate, Jarvis." She sniffled and tightened the embrace.


I awoke to knocking and a man's voice, "Captain, sir."

Gillian was still sprawled atop me as I regained sense, and I called, "Yes, what is it?"

"Sir, Cookery Mate wants ta know when ta serve yer supper."

"Have the others been fed?"

"Cept some a the ones on watch, sir. And the officers."

"Fine. Supper for six about a quarter-hour from now."

"Aye, sir."

Gillian sat, wiping her cheek. "I must have fallen asleep. How long?"

"No idea. I slept, as well, and my watch is with my breeches." I nodded toward the windows. "The sun has not yet begun colouring the sky, so not that long."

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