Chapter 2: Rafe

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'We can finish this later Sage.' I look down at the tanned girl underneath me.

'Oh come on,' she whines, pulling me closer. 'That girl can wait.'

'The principal is my mother, I don't need her being even more pissed at me.' I say, getting out of bed and pulling my clothes back on.

Sage rolls her eyes, sighing and starts to dress up. She caresses my arm before leaving my room and the apartment.

I walk out and see the girl from earlier sitting on the couch. She looks my way and quickly averts her eyes, a small blush creeping up her cheeks.

Her brown curly hair falls in front of her face as she looks down at her phone. Her legs are crossed on-top of one another. Her perfect posture gives off the impression that she's either a ballerina or a figure skater.

'Who are you?' I ask.

'Giselle,' she looks up. 'Giselle Romean.'

Oh shit, she was the girl I was supposed to pick up from the airport. The girl on the scholarship programme. My mom is going to kill me.

'Sorry about the airport.' I rub the back of my neck and Giselle narrows her green eyes. 'I was preoccupied.'

'I can tell.' She replies curtly. I hear the hint of a strong British accent in her voice.

'So yeah..' I start. 'I would appreciate if you didn't tell the principal-'

'Listen.' She cuts me off. 'I just had a seven hour flight, I'm heavily jet lagged and haven't had any sleep so can you just give me my bedroom key.' She snaps.

I'm shocked at the sudden outburst, she doesn't look like the type of girl to lose her temper that quickly.

'Please.' She adds.

'Yeah sure,' I reply. I run back into my room and take her keycard out of my draw. 'This key also unlocks your own fridge.' I signal to the four fridges in the huge kitchen.

She snatches it out of my hand, doesn't even say thank you - rude - , and takes her luggage into her room, slamming the door behind her.

I walk to the kitchen and grab a bottle of beer from the fridge. I slump in the couch, propping my feet up on the table.

Today's training session was exhausting. Coach was breathing down my neck and I had to make sure the team could work well together. We had to replace one of the players because he sprained his ankle.

Unluckily for me, Coach is my dad and the retired Ice Hockey star Jeremy Hartley. His expectations for me and my team are sky high.

After training I bumped into Sage and she's been giving me hints that she wants to hookup for two months now. Ever since her Halloween party. I was pissed off so I allowed it. She's not the first, nor is she the last.

I look over at Giselle's door and remember how flushed she looked when she walked in on me.

The door of the apartment swings open and Archer walks in. He runs a hand through his messy blonde hair and walks straight to the fridge.

'You look stressed.' I say, drinking from my bottle.

'No shit.' He slumps on the couch next to me. 'Training was shit, coach was just being a pain in the ass.'

'This season is going to be tough.' I sigh. 'We're playing for the last Stanley Cup.'

'Big deal.' Archer grumbles. 'We should all take a chill day and order pizza or have a party.'

'Yeah right.' I scoff.

'Come on man.' Archer nudges me, spilling the beer on himself. 'It's your old man, ask him.'

'If he's this harsh on us as a coach, imagine him as your dad.' I reply coldly.

'Jeez, I didn't think it was that bad.' He replies, grabbing the remote and turning on some food contest.

When I hit fourteen my dad threw bonding with me out of the window and was focused on making me a better version of himself. Of course, I love ice hockey with my life I just wish he would go easier on me.

Giselle opens the door and walks out of her room with a bag in her hands. Archer's eyes widen and he chokes on his beer. He whistles as she walks past him.

He sits up straighter his eyes following her. Giselle's wearing workout leggings, showing of her curves and slim legs with a matching tank top. Her hair in a pony tail, exposing the freckles sprayed along her neck and face.

She puts the bag on the kitchen island and Archer looks over to me.

'You seeing what I'm seeing?' He asks.

'Yeah, she's a new exchange student, from London or something.' I mutter, drinking again. Archer gets up and walks over to her as she places some food and drinks into her fridge.

'I'm Archer,' he says. 'Archer Warnsen.'

'Giselle,' she smiles. 'Giselle Romean.' She extends her hand for him to shake but instead Archer places a kiss on her knuckles causing her to widen her eyes in shock.

'And what brings a pretty girl like you to our apartment.' I roll my eyes.

'I live here now...' she states out the obvious.

'Yes of course.' He replies. 'Would you like to go out sometime?'

I try to ignore the conversation, typical Archer, hitting on everything that breathes.

'Actually I'm really busy.' She smiles.

'Ok Archer enough of your games.' I say. 'Let Gigi go do her workout.'

'Don't call me that.' She narrows her catlike eyes.

'What?' I feign innocence. 'Gigi?'

I can see that the nickname gets under her skin and I enjoy every second of it. I get off the couch and throw away the empty bottle.

'I mean it Hartley.' She spits out my last name like it's poison.
Archer looks between us and raises an eyebrow.

'I see someone got off on the wrong foot here.' He laughs.

'He was supposed to pick me up from the airport but was to preoccupied doing something.' She snaps. 'Sorry I mean doing someone.'

'Who?' Archer smiles at me.

'Sage.' I reply.

'No way.' He replies 'you finally gave in?'

'It was a one time thing.' I shrug and Giselle rolls her eyes.

'What?' I turn to her. 'Jealous?'

I know this girl couldn't care less about who I'm fucking, but the fact that she holds herself so highly gets on my nerves. I would like to see her a little frazzled and lose her cool.

'You wish.' She pushes my chest and walks around me.

I hope you're all enjoying the book so far.
Have a nice day!

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