Chapter 15: Rafe

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I can hear the restless crowd through the doors of the changing room. Coach calls me up to give the team a pep talk and I look at everyone in front of me.

'This game is to show everyone that we haven't lost our touch.' I say. 'We're the ice pucks and we've beaten teams who are stronger than them.'

'That's right!' Ben exclaims.

'So we're going to go our there,' I say. 'And we're going to show them exactly what VITAL Academy is made of.'

The team cheers with me and we put our hands on top of each other.

'1...2...3' Archer counts.

'Ice Pucks!' We all yell before clapping and making our way onto the ice. At the same time, Sea Dogs are entering the rink from the other side, their red uniform making them stand out in the navy blue banners.

I scan the crowd and spot Giselle sitting next to a young boy and an older man. I'm guessing that's her father and brother. I see her brother holding a navy blue banner with 13 on it. I see Tyler wave at Giselle and she looks away from him making me smirk.

Both teams get into their positions and the referee whistles, signalling the start of the game. I take the puck off the other captain and pass it to Ben who moves past some sea dogs and passes it to Tyler. I speed up and signal to Tyler to pass it to me but he doesn't listen. Tyler loses the puck and the Sea Dogs manage to score. I glare at Tyler and he shrugs like it wasn't his fault.

This time I don't pass to Tyler and we score a goal. Everyone in the stands starts cheering and I see Gigi's dad and brother up cheering for me. My eyes go to her and she's smiling softly and clapping. Our team scores, then the sea dogs then us again and by half time the scores are 3-2.

We skate over to the edge and I take huge drinks from my water.

'We're doing well team!' Coach says. 'But pass the puck to Tyler a bit more.'

'No.' I reply and Tyler looks up.

'Why the fuck not?' He asks.

'We passed it to you and the other team scored.' I say. 'Not going to happen.'

'You can't do that.' Tyler snaps.

'I am you captain.' I snap. 'We're all taking this seriously so it's either you live with not getting the puck or you're getting benched.' Tyler looks for to coach for help who just shrugs in response.

'He's captain.' Dad says and I smile. The whistle blows and we know it's time to go back on the ice.

'Ice Pucks!' We all shout as we get on the ice again.

The crowd cheers and I see Anya's vibrant red hair from next to Giselle as she cheers. Giselle's brother waves at me. Coach whistles for the game to continue and everyone skates off. Ben passes the puck through his legs and passes it to another team mate who passes it to me. A player from the Sea Dogs slams into me, taking the puck off me and making my back hit the glass.

He skates off and scores, the guests from their school cheer for their team. We continue playing and when there's half an hour left, the scoreboards are 5-5.

Archer manages to block their puck from entering our goal and Ben passes it to me. I pass it to James who scores.

I manage to get the puck again and I have four of the opposing's teams players following me. Two on my right and two on my left as I get closer and closer to the goal. I look at the board and see that there's twenty seconds left. The goal gets closer and I edge myself on. Just as a Sea Dog tries to tackle me I hit the puck and it scores.

"Yes!'' I yell as the whistle blows and my team mates come to hug me.

I skate around with my hands in the air and make eye contact with Giselle. I kiss my finger, point to the goal and back at her, causing her to laugh and roll those green eyes of hers. Anya smiles and watches us as Archer skates up to the glass pane where she's sitting.

I skate up to Giselle and look at her younger brother who's tugging at their father's arm. I pull off my Jersey, leaving me in a black compression shirt and pads. I throw the jersey over the glass pane and Giselle's younger brother catches it with admiration in his eyes.

I catch Giselle's eyes going over every curve of my muscles and I smirk as she quickly looks away. I know exactly what's going through her mind.

"Let's hear it for the Ice Pucks!'' Coach yells. The crowd screams and cheers as we make our way back to the changing rooms. My entire team claps and hits my back as I make my way to my locker.

"Give it up to our amazing captain!'' Archer yells and our team bangs on the lockers in appreciation.

"Couldn't have done it without all of you.'' I laugh.

After we're changed Archer and I walk into the corridor and see crowds of people talking with each other and clap as I walk past. Archer slaps my back and runs to Anya. I spot Giselle talking to her family in the crowd and I make my way over to them.

"When were you going to introduce me to these lovely people Gigi?'' I sling my arm around her shoulders and she crosses her arms.

"Rafe Hartley this is my dad and younger brother.'' She says.

"Hugo Romean,'' Her younger brother shakes my hand vigorously. My jersey three sizes too big for the boy. He looks exactly like his sister, the same dark curls but brown eyes instead.

"I'm Milo Romean.'' Her father shakes my hand. "Her father.''

"Rafe Hartley.'' I shoot him a smile that the press die for. "Her boyfriend.'' Hugo's mouth drops as he stares at his sister.

"He just wants his ego fuelled.'' Giselle elbows me in the ribs. "I'm not his girlfriend.''


I hope you're all enjoying the story. Let me know what you think!

Have a nice day!

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