Chapter 12: Giselle

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I've slowly started putting pressure on my ankle. Anya's helping me stretch my muscles and do some home workouts.

I can walk properly but I have a little bit of a limp but that didn't stop me from going to the gym.

I pause my music and drink from my fresh protein shake. Today is a special day for me since it's my nineteenth birthday.

My dad woke me up with a FaceTime telling me that he's proud of me and wished he could be with me, while my brother Hugo sent me a a penguin wearing a party hat gif.

I pack up my bags and make my way to my dorm. I open the door and walk in.

'Surprise!' Archer and Anya pop up from behind the table. Anya places a birthday hat on my head and archer hands me a cupcake with a singular candle on it.

'Happy birthday gorgeous!' Archer exclaims hugging me.

'Happy birthday Giselle.' Anya smiles.

'Thank you guys.' I smile.

'Make a wish.' Archer says.

I take a deep breath and blow out my candle.
I wish to win the Synergy ice competition.

Archer blows a party horn in my face and I shove him lightly. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Anya texting with a small smile on her face.

I nudge Archer and he gives me a knowing smirk.

'Who are you texting?' I raise an eyebrow.

'Oh sorry, just my mom.' She goes a little red and puts her phone face down.

Archer gets up and snatches her phone.

'Hey!' Anya explains trying to reach for it but Archer is double her size.

'Is it Beatrix?' I ask. 'I have seen her eyeing you.'

During my walks around the school I notice Beatrix is always staring at Anya in the hallway. It's really cute.

'What...'s just..' she splutters.

'It's Beatrix!' Archer yells.

'Ahhhh!' I exclaim, running up to him.

'Giselle your leg be careful.' Anya says.

'I can't wait to see you tonight.' I read the newest message on her Lock Screen.

'I'm not going.' Anya crosses her arms. 'Incase you guys wanna do something for your birthday.'

I smile softly at Anya and hug her.

'Go on the date.' I say, holding her shoulders. 'Archer and I will be just fine.'

'Thank you.' She squeezes me tightly.
Anya rushes into her dorm and starts to get ready.

I look around the dorm, part of me is sad to see that Rafe wasn't bothered to show up. We haven't spoken since the argument and Tyler has been avoiding me.

'I told him to come.' Archer rests a hand in my shoulder. 'He's too stubborn.'

'I don't care.' I reply, clearing my throat. 'It's not like he's someone important to me.'

Archer looks at me with disbelief in his eyes. Whatever is going through his mind, he's completely wrong.

'He's training for the game in two days.' Archer says.

'That's his business.' I smile stiffly.

Archer has fallen asleep next to me on the couch as we binge watch the Twilight series.

I get up and sit at the table, pulling a leftover piece of chocolate cake in front of me and start eating it, looking around at the quiet dorm.

The door opens and Rafe walks in, he goes to the fridge and gets out some water when he finally notices me.

'What's with the decorations?' He asks. 'Did Archer smoke too much pot?'

'It's my birthday.' I reply, putting another slice of cake into my mouth.

'Happy birthday.' He says, resting his back on the island.

'Where were you?' I ask. 'Archer was waiting for you.'

Training.' He says curtly. 'Big game coming up.'
Rafe turns his head and I see a huge purple mark on his neck. I get a nauseating feeling in my stomach and push the cake away.

'I just lost my appetite.' I mumble.

Rafe stares at me as I get up and walk over to my fridge. I grab some carrot sticks and hummus.

'Again with the carrots.' He laughs.

'Mind your business.' I snap. All his commentary about what I eat is pissing me off. For once in my life can people just not keep an eye on my diet?

When I was little I had a binge eating problem. Once I started on the stash of snacks I wouldn't stop, and it started affecting my weight, my uncle would make fun of me for it. Now whenever I feel the urge of snacking on something I just eat carrots and hummus or some asparagus.

'You should give yourself a cheat day.' Rafe walks closer to me. 'It's not healthy if you don't.'

'My diet is none of your business.' I snap.

'Why are you always so defensive?' He steps closer towards me.

'Why are you always so intrusive?' I retort, raising an eyebrow.

'You're so stuck up.' He laughs, dryly. 'No one can even crack a joke with you.'

'I just don't find arrogant dicks funny.' I snap and Rafe's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. He smirks, his hazel eyes analysing my face.

'You just swore.' He smiles. 'You never swear.'

'Yeah well you make a girl want to do much more than swear.' I snap.
Our faces are merely inches apart.

'Like what?' His eyes glitter dangerously. 'Humour me.'

'Get your head out of the gutter Hartley.' I reply.

'You're so easy to wind up.' He teases. His hands go on either side of me, caging me in.

'You have your entire life to be a jerk.' I say. 'Why not take today off.' I narrow my eyes.

'Why don't you go talk to your boyfriend Tyler.' He says.

'Why don't you go sleep around some more.' I raise an eyebrow.

'I already did.' He smirks.

'I don't care about your extracurricular activities.' I reply trying to moves out of his arms caging me in.

'Liar.' He whispers. 'You're so obvious.'

'What do you want me to say Hartley?' I snap. 'Oh please play with me Rafe, I'm so bored.' I say in an airy voice, clinging onto his shirt.

He looks at me humour in his eyes and opens his mouth to say something when I cut him off.

'Or how about this?' I raise an eyebrow. 'Oh Rafe I need you, I want you.'

'You sound good when you beg.' I nearly choke on air, that was the last thing I was expecting him to say.

I look up at Rafe and see that his lips are inches from mine. I let go of his shirt and lightly shove him to back up.

He lets me go but stops me before I can walk.

'Meet me here tomorrow after training.' He says.

'Why?' I ask.

'You'll see.' He replies.

The tension is thick between our girl and boy!! I hope you're enjoying the book.
Have a nice day!

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