Chapter 7: Giselle

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Two weeks have passed since I arrived at the academy and I've settled in amazingly. I've managed to climb to the top of my literature class, every essay I hand in getting an A+. I need too keep my grades high if I want to uphold my scholarship.

I've also gotten second place in my figure skating class, after Sage. No matter how hard I try to take her place as first Madame lulu doesn't budge.

Rafe and I have kept our distance from eachother. When he's at the dorms I'm in the gym and when he's at the gym I'm at the dorms. Anya tells me he's bringing home a different girl every two days.

Two weeks is enough to hear a lot of things about someone. I know Rafe's gotten a reputation for himself as not only the ice hockey captain but also the school's 'playboy'.

All the girls here know he doesn't want something serious yet still run towards him whenever he gives them the slightest bit of attention, inflating his ego even more. Archer tries to be the mediator between us whenever I see Rafe making out with a girl infront of my dorm room or right out in the open, or by my favourite corner of the balcony.

Anya has hidden away from all this drama in the campus library cafe. We're currently working on the newest essay our literature teacher has given us.

'Trying using more quotes to back up your point about the author.' I say.

'Thank you.' She replies.

Anya's barely scraping a B in literature so I'm trying to help her as much as I can with this essay so her parents at home don't get mad at her.

Last night I spoke to my dad again and he told me that he's extremely proud of me and my little brother asked if I could send him videos of my private practices because he misses me.

The bell rings signalling its time for either gym or our sports lesson. I grab my bag and make my way to the changing rooms at the ice rink.

Sage walks in eyeing me and opens her locker with unfortunately happens to be right opposite mine.

'Ready to fail at taking first?' Sage sneers. 'The rankings are getting harder.'

'I'm going to beat you one day.' I lace up my skates and take off the purple guards. I have my necklace on that my mother gave me before she passed away. It's been my lucky charm for whenever I skate. I tuck it under my sports fleece.

'In your dreams.' She laugh.

I make my way onto the ice and Madame Lulu greets us.

'You will show me a mini piece your created over the last two days and then we will do some partnered skating.' She announces.

'Madame lulu, I'm not extremely good at partnered skating.' I says sheepishly. In fact, I despise partnered skating.

Figure skating is a deep connection I have with myself and my late mother. It's my safe space, my escape from everything and I don't like sharing that with other people. Partnered skating is filled with intimacy trust and being open about feelings, things I am incapable of doing.

'Not everything shall be up to your liking.' She says. 'You have to learn to live with it.'

I open my mouth to answer back when she cuts me off by playing our warm up music.

Of course Sage steps up first to demonstrate what she created. Madame Lulu cheers and claps loudly when she's done then calls up Adam to do his piece.

After Adam is done it's my turn. I take a deep shaky breath and ignore Sage's glare. I've learnt to deal with her glares when I've interrupted her and Rafe's make out sessions because I want to enter my room.

I do a triple axel, a move that I've done so much times it's engraved into my muscle memory. I spin in the air three times and when I think I've aced it, I fumble the landing. Brushing it off, I attempt a double lutz. It doesn't work out in my favour and I fall to my knees. I swiftly get up and skate around before performing a pirouette, it goes amazingly but goes shaky and I fall on my ankle.

A Sharp pain shoots up my leg and I fall on my back, gripping my leg.

'No, no, no.' I mutter. 'This cannot be happening.'

'Giselle oh my.' Madame Lulu skates to my side. 'What's happened to my star.'

Adam helps me up, one hand under my thigh and the other place my arm on his shoulders. Another girl comes to help him as they take me to the nurses office.

The nurse examines my ankle with a frown. My ankle is red and swollen, and I wince in pain when she touches it lightly with her fingertips.

'I have good news and bad news.' The nurse says, pushing her black rimmed glasses up her nose. 'Which would you like first.'

'Good.' I reply quickly.

'Good news is that it's just a sprain.' She pauses. 'Bad news is that you need three weeks to heal.'

'Three weeks!' I exclaim. She nods in reply and puts a small cast on my ankle.

'No figure skating, you need complete rest.' She says.

'Why about my classes?' I ask. 'My grades will drop.'

'You are only allowed to attend class and then go back to your dorm.' She says sternly. 'I meant it, I know you athletes don't listen to us but it's for your own good.'

'I understand.' I sigh.

She hands me a cream for if my ankle ever gets itchy and crutches.

She helps me out of the office where I find Adam and the girl who helped me earlier. They help me take the lift to my dorm and I thank them. 

I walk in and see Rafe on the couch, a brunette girl sitting on his lap devouring his face as his hands explore her waist. They way his hands move on her skin give me goosebumps.
I shake the thought away.

What the he'll is wrong with me?
Pull yourself together Giselle.

'Giselle what the fuck happened?' Archer rushes to my side and picks me up, his arm under both of my legs. Rafe looks at me from his girl, his eyes wide. He taps her thigh and she gets off him.

'I'll call you tomorrow.' He says. She smiles and walks out of the room.

'I can walk Archer.' I say.

'No you're a cripple.' He gasps and I hit the back of his head. His blue eyes glitter with mischief.
Rafe gets up and they lay me on the couch, plumping up my pillows.

'You need rest.' Rafe says. 'There's no arguing.'

Now that Giselle is injured are we going to get to see the protective side of these boys???
I hope you're enjoying the book.

Have a nice day!

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