Chapter 5: Giselle

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Anya and I are the only ones in the dorms while the boys are at practice. It's satisfyingly peaceful without them.

We've decided to do the reading Mrs Jonae gave to us so that we're all caught up with everything. Now we're waiting for our face masks to dry.

'So when's your birthday?' Anya asks.

'10th December.' I reply

'That's in three weeks!' She exclaims, moving her bangs out of her face.

'When's yours?' I ask.

'6th January.' Anya replies.

'I'm older.' I smile.

'By a month.' She rolls her eyes.

'Still older.' I smirk.

Anya throws a handful of popcorn at me and I chuck some at her. We relax on the couch, I've introduced her to Strictly Come Dancing - a British dance reality TV show - we're currently binging the newest season.

'People in Russia are missing out.' She says. 'This show is so good.'

'I told you.' I laugh.

The front door slams open and Rafe storms in. His damp, brown hair is pushed out of his face, complimenting his sharp facial features. He doesn't even look at us when he walks into his room and slams the door behind him.

He's soon followed by an apologetic looking Archer. He sighs and slumps next to me on the couch. He rests his arm behind my head.

'Damn...' Anya mutters.

'What got shoved up his ass?' I ask.

'His dad benched him.' Archer replies, taking the popcorn out of my hands.

'His dad is his coach?' Anya asks.

'Yup.' He says through a mouthful of popcorn. 'Training is always shit for him.'

'I can imagine.' I reply. 'Imagine having a retired ice hockey star on your ass all day everyday.'

He continues munching on our snacks before pointing to the TV.

'What's this?' He asks.

'A British dance show.' Anya replies.

'Looks good.' He makes himself more comfortable.

'Archer?' I ask.

'Yeah gorgeous?' He replies.

'You stink like sweat.' I say. 'Go shower than come sit with us.'

'Whatever you say.' He drags himself up before walking off to the shower.

I get off the treadmill and take a sip of my water. I take off my fleece and place it ontop of my sports back.

The academy's gym is huge, and full of ever exercise machine you can imagine. The big window at the front over looks the pool that a current swimming session is taking place in.

The gym is fairly empty and I start walking over to do some leg stretches.

In the mirror opposite me I see a tall dark skinned man walk through the door. He has broad shoulders and a powerful build. He catches me staring at him through the mirror and I lower my head. I recognise him as one of the players on the hockey team.

He puts his bag down and comes to stretch near me. I see him staring at me and I give him a small smile. His brown eyes look me up and down and he smirks to himself.

I grab my things, getting ready to head back to my dorm when I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and look up at the man.

'Hey I'm Tyler.' He smiles.

'Giselle.' I reply, I try to walk past him but he stops me.

'Could I get your number?' He asks, raising an eyebrow.

'I don't really do this type of thing.' I smile stiffly. Even though I'll find a guy attractive, I'll never trust one or put myself in a vulnerable state like being in a relationship with them.

'Please?' He says. 'I'll make it worth your time.'

I feel bad for ignoring him again so I nod and he gives me his phone, letting me put my number in.

'Goodbye Tyler.' I smile, walking off.

I reach the door and Rafe walks in. He doesn't even look at me as he pushes past me, his shoulder hitting me as he stares straight ahead.


I leave the gym thinking about what Madame Lulu told me earlier.

'I've watched your mini competitions and let me say that you are an amazing skater.' She says.

'Thank you.'

'However, you do to many air tricks, try to balance it out with some ground moves.' She continues. 'Air tricks are to wow the audience and judges.'

'Good evening students.' The principals voice comes out of the speakers in the hallway. 'At 4:00pm there will be an assembly in the gymnasium that you all shall attend.'

'Happy training.' She finishes off.

I look down at my watch and see that I have half an hour before the assembly so I have time to go to my dorm and change.

I take out my phone and forget to look where I'm going.

'Oh my god!' A girl exclaims.

Sage stands in front of me, her protein shake spilt all over her blue sports bra. She glares at me.

'I am so sorry.' I gasp. 'Let me help.'

I take out a pack of tissues and hand it to her. She scrubs at her shirt, muttering under her breath.

'Again I'm so sor-' I start.

'Georgia I don't need any apology.' She sighs, stuffing the tissue in her bag.

'It's Giselle.' I reply, raising an eyebrow.

'Of course, Miss London figure skating contest.' She smiles. 'Hate that we had to meet this way.'

We literally met at training and when she stormed out of my dorm but ok. I bite down on my tongue so that I don't say anything.

'Well, I better get going.' I reply, walking past her. She grabs my arm, stopping me.

'Listen.' She moves a piece of her thick brown hair behind her ear. 'Madame Lulu seems amazed by you, but that's all going to wear off.'

'Is that a threat?' I ask.

'No.' she examines her brown skin in the camera of her phone. 'It's a fact.'

She smiles stiffly at me before walking off.

I don't w sage likes Giselle very much. And what's Rafe's problem 🤷🏻‍♀️.
I hope you're all enjoying the book.
Have a nice day!

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