Chapter 17: The Night of the Hunt (1)

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"'Why did you do all this for me?' he asked. 'I don't deserve it. I've never done anything for you.' 'You have been my friend,' replied Charlotte. 'That in itself is a tremendous thing.'"

E.B. White, (Charlotte's Web)


"When you guys told me that you live in a mansion, I didn't actually think that it was a real mansion. This is even bigger than my own house and our house is pretty big." Helena said with awe evident in her voice.

"Why thank you. I am glad that you like my humble abode." Bruce said while smiling. He too had the same expression on his face as Helena the first time he saw this manor after his transmigration.

"By the way Helena, how come your parents even allowed you to come here? I thought they were very strict and normally don't let you go to other people's homes." Vicky asked like a curious cat.

"I don't know. After I heard that you guys were going to play together here, I just asked my mother if I could come to play with you guys as well. I thought that she would just say 'no' like always but surprisingly she agreed to it. She even said that she would keep it a secret from my father and my other siblings." Helena said with a happy expression on her face.

"Great. Now, can we start playing? Bruce had a professional script writer prepare a special Dungeons and Dragons game for today.

"I really wanna play it so let's go," Selina said wanting to start the game as soon as possible.

She was a fellow Dungeons and Dragons fan like Bruce was in his previous life. Of course, it was Bruce who introduced it to her. Playing it just once with Alfred was all it took for her to get addicted to the game. She didn't like playing console games or PC games as much as she liked playing the board game. And she even always chose the rogue or thief class every time.

"Yeah let's go" Vicky shouted. She too wanted to play the game since she had never tried it before.

Alfred was the dungeon master for the game besides being the official snacks supplier as well. The entire game was quite an enjoyable experience for all four of them including Cortana who was introduced to Vicki and Helena as a friend living in Australia. Bruce had told them that Cortana would also play the game and converse with them through video calling. The girls really liked her on-screen avatar thinking that it was a real girl cutely sitting behind a computer talking with them. They became friends faster than Bruce could spell Top-g.

They played the game for about two hours and still, none of them got bored, they were that hooked. Vicky was a little slow at the game at first but under the expert tutelage of Bruce and Selina, she became quite good at it by the end. Helena who was playing as a ranger however was the hidden dragon among them. Her natural talent was barely beaten by Bruce's skills even though he had a lot more experience than her due to his previous life.

Cortana on the other hand didn't seem to try to do her best otherwise she could have probably beaten all of them very easily because of her capability of doing countless simulations inside her mind in seconds. She just took it slow and let others have their fun as well.

"It's getting late. I think I should go now. My mother would probably be angry if I didn't go back home in time." Helena said with a sad face, not wanting to stop playing or leave her friends.

"It's okay Helena. I think I should go back as well. My father would get worried too if I don't go back soon. Alfred, can you drop me at my home?" Vicki asked. Her father was the one who had dropped her here but she didn't want to pester him again to pick her up as well, so she asked Alfred.

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