Chapter 109: A World Apart

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"The only home that a man should ever need is within his heart."

– Lavi Bookman, (D.Gray-man)


<[Garage of a certain Wayne Family Orphanage, Gotham City]>

<(Omniscient POV)>

"Hey Jason, look at this. Presumably, the new vigilante named Batman literally broke a serial killer's spine last night so that the criminal could never kill anyone ever again. All the news agencies of Gotham are having a field day with this news. They even reported that he also blinded the guy, cut away his tongue and nose, and destroyed his eardrums as a punishment for his crimes. Wow, he is really serious about making Gotham a better place, isn't he?

You know what, he has my full support on this. This city needs someone like him. Unfortunately, they didn't release any pictures of the guy, otherwise, I would love to see the anguished face of the killer in his current condition. Maybe criminals would be a little less afraid of killing now." A small orphan boy who looked like he was about 12 or 13 years of age excitedly spoke as he showed a newspaper page to his friend who was working on what looked like a rough framework of a motorbike in its early stages.

"That's so badass man. But I doubt a superhero like Batman needs your support. Some even say that he is not even human but a fallen angel who escaped from hell to punish evil. He is the spirit of vengeance who judges the sinners of Gotham City after the Sun sets. I support what he does too... although he is still not as awesome as my idol." The kid's friend replied with a huge grin on his face.

"There you go, once again starting your endless praises to the 'Guardian angel of Gotham' I mean, I greatly admire that man too Jason, but you are just obsessed man. In fact, everyone I know in our orphanage is his admirer since he did so much for us orphans but you my friend are an absolute fanatic. Sometimes, you even sound a little... gay." The kid had to think for a few seconds before he remembered the word that he had learned a few days ago from one of the elder kids in the orphanage.

"HEY, I am NOT gay. Also, even if I am a Wayne fanatic, so what? Bruce Wayne is one of the few rich people in Gotham who actually cares about orphans like us, and who does something to change the city. Not just the city, he is literally changing the world with all the new medicines and inventions his company keeps coming up with. He sends us to school, gives us some of the best food that we have ever eaten since he took over, and even sends gifts during Christmas and Thanksgiving.

He also gave scholarships to Big Brother Jack and his friends to attend college. They were even fortunate enough to be hired by him after graduation. Man, I really wish I could work for him one day." Jason responded with a thoughtful gaze as he looked at the newspaper in his friend's hands.

"But Batman is a superhero while Bruce Wayne is just an ordinary businessman and philanthropist. Batman literally beats criminals every day while all that Bruce can do for the city is charity work. I don't think they can be compared on the same level." The boy with the newspaper in his hand still tried to argue to uphold his favorite hero's honor, albeit with a slightly deflated voice.

"I do admit Batman is making the city a safer place by taking care of its criminals. Even the few stupid 'experts' who are complaining about him being cruel to criminals have no idea just how heartless those very same criminals can be to ordinary people like us when they are allowed to roam free. But Mr. Wayne is making Gotham a BETTER place, a MUCH better place, not just a safer place. So objectively speaking, yeah, Bruce Wayne is much better than a superhero in a bat costume according to me." Jason continued as he proudly took a quick peek at the poster of his idol hung on the wall of the orphanage's garage in a way that almost seemed like he was seeking his validation.

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