Chapter 42: Growing Wealth

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"Success comes only to those who have dared to stand up without fear!"

– Touma Kamijou


<(Bruce Wayne POV)>

"Mr. Fox, why are we losing money in Wayne Electronics despite having such a big market share? We should be printing money like paper there. We have the most advanced products as well as the best marketing strategies, so why is it still struggling?" I asked with a frown on my face.

Nobody likes losing money and the same was equally valid for me.

"It's not our fault Bruce. The company is making billions of dollars in profits from its software and computer business alone plus its new gaming and semiconductor businesses are also massive revenue earners. But, they are barely covering the huge investments and acquisition prices we have to pay to set up the new manufacturing units and logistics channels. We even had to funnel profits from the other two subsidiaries to Wayne Electronics to fund some of the more daring projects we are currently undertaking in it.

Our semiconductor and telecom research center in the city cost us a hefty one billion dollars alone and the recent Tesla and SpaceX acquisitions were even more expensive. And the worst thing is that while we had to pay most of the amount in cash, most banks have basically shadow-banned us for some reason, most probably due to the influence of some of our competitors." Fox revealed.

"I see. So in one word, our expenses and investments are more than our earnings, right? But, still, we cannot continue to spend money like this man. I don't like to see it. Even if they don't affect my financial status at all, they are still depressing to look at." I said annoyed at the negative numbers on the report.

"I agree with that. So I have come up with two ways to gather enough liquid money to make the necessary investments that we have planned for the future. What we can do is either sell some of our investments or try to partner with some bank out of Gotham. I already have a few banks, especially in the metropolis that might do business with us in my sights despite us being a new company and all...."

"Buy the bank" I simply said as I went over the documents.

"What?" Lucius asked not understanding what I wanted to say.

"I said buy a bank. Wayne Enterprises does not own a bank currently and does business with Gotham National Bank instead, so I am free to acquire one. And the last I heard one was up for grabs after the entire Bertinelli murder fiasco. The Gotham Merchant Bank has been suffering and steadily decreasing in valuation for some reason right? I even heard of a new company called Sionis Industries that is trying to buy it. So all we have to do is just buy the bank before them and voila, unlimited liquid assets at our disposal." I smiled.

"Well, it isn't 'as' simple as you just mentioned but yeah I guess that is possible. That will probably solve our limited cash-on-hand problem quite permanently." Lucius nodded, still not believing it was that 'simple' to solve.

Well, sometimes the simplest and most stupidest of solutions are the best solutions.

"Anyway, as for Wayne Entertainment, we have made huge strides there. From a score of successful movies to a dozen successful shows, we are the biggest studio right now. What Lion King and Star Wars started for us with improved VFX technology and the unique storyline has only increased with franchisees like Lord of the Rings. Even though we have also spent quite some money in acquiring Netflix to get in on the DVD market, we are in no need of immediate funds. In fact, licensing and merchandise have made sure that we have more than enough money to be the most profitable studio this year." Fox proudly completed.

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