Chapter 44: The Chad Bat

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"Fools who don't respect the past are likely to repeat it."



<(Alfred POV)>

I wonder what Master Bruce is doing in that cave of his? It had been about twelve hours since he had entered the cave after giving strict instructions not to disturb him no matter what. He didn't even have his lunch yet. Even after I went to check up on him to make sure that he wasn't doing something foolish again, Miss. Cortana didn't open the door for me, so I had to return back.

*Sigh* It's almost like Master Bruce trusts her with his errands more than me. I swear sometimes I feel like she is after my own job... However, it's good that she is so loyal and meticulous in what she does for Bruce. Maybe, she can inherit my position one day. After all, I can't be with Master Bruce forever, can I?

"What do you think Ace? Do you think I am getting old?" I looked at the dog sitting with lonesome eyes staring at the door.

"*Woof* Baka" A cute-sounding girl's voice came from the collar on his neck a split second after his bark making the dog growl with annoyance.

"I guess Bruce still hasn't perfected that collar has he? Well, he did say he would do it after he succeeds with the experiment that he is currently working on. But I wonder why hasn't he removed it or just turned it off. Also, why is the collar's sound stuck in that particular voice?" I muttered more to myself than Ace as I looked at the irritated dog.

"*Grrr* Kusoyarou" He tried to growl once more in a deeper voice but immediately shut up after the collar again tried to translate his voice.

"Yeah sorry, I would have tried to help you Ace but I don't know how that collar works and I am not going to take chances with anything that Master Bruce has designed without consulting him first. After all, the last time didn't go well for either me or Master Bruce after I tried to fix that broken helmet of his to decrease his workload." I said as I completed dusting the roof and climbed down the walls after deactivating the anti-gravity option on my watch.

This suit Master Bruce made me is pretty useful. This combined with that age-reducing and muscle-strengthening medicine he gave me is the only reason I still feel somewhat useful to him. But this suit specifically has made my life a lot easier. From servicing my weapons, cleaning the mansion and so much more, it's really useful.

Besides just a few tingly sensations here and there, there is almost no drawback..., well except for the fact that every time someone smokes in front of me, my hand carries a lighter to their mouth on its own. But personally, I like it, makes me seem like a more proper butler to people. So I never turned the lighter function off even after Master Bruce taught me how to.

"Now on to the next room..." *Buzz**Buzz* Suddenly the advanced radio transmitter hidden on my belt buckle began to buzz. The only people who have this thing are the security staff of the estate, so it must be something related to their work.

"What is it?" I asked seriously through the transmitter.

"Someone left a strange package in front of the gate, Mr. Alfred but none of the CCTV recordings are showing us who left it or when. We used the bomb detection equipment and determined it was safe enough to open. There is also no radiation, poison, or any harmful bacteria or viruses on it. We determined that it was safe enough. So, do you want to take it to Mr. Wayne in this sealed condition or do you want us to open it first?" The voice from the other side of the radio asked.

"... Don't open it. It might be something important for Master Bruce. Hold on to it for a few minutes, I'll come down there and collect it in a while." I finished as I put down the transmitter.

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