Chapter 51: The Ultimate Mindscape

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{A big shout-out to my new pátron 'Sebastian Vasquez' for joining the Divine Eminence tier on my Pátreon. Thanks for the support. ≧◠ᴥ◠≦✊}


"I'll take a potato chip and EAT IT!"
- Light Yagami, (Death Note)


If I ever manage to get out of the DC multiverse, then I am going to sue all the fanfiction authors out there for making this mind palace thing seem so effortlessly easy.

I mean, I get it, this skill is one of the most important mental skills out there to protect and strengthen your mind, but that does not mean that one can just automatically possess a heaven-defying talent for it and will be able to master it after just a few hours or days of learning it and that too better than the indigenous people who have been practicing the same technique for years or decades.

I myself have a cheat that LITERALLY let me know how stuff works in real life but even with that, I took about an hour to even get the first step of the process done which was to 'look into my own mind' which was just a fancy way of saying 'lucid dreaming'..., sort of.

The basic fundamental on which this technique operated was by dreaming up a world that would be so well thought out, so detailed, and so connected to one's subconsciousness that even if one woke up, it still wouldn't fade away. Instead, it would be the bridge between their conscious thinking and their underlying subconsciousness. A place that would signify one's entire mind itself.

Now, on paper, it sounds like a really easy job without any strict limits to its scale but practically it isn't. Like, I remember reading a certain Harry Potter fanfiction in my previous life where the main character made up an entire planet along with the Sun and the sky as their Mind Palace but the thing is that it is literally impossible unless the person is someone like Azmuth from Ben Ten with a nonillion IQ or something.

This is simply because making your mind palace isn't exactly free. No, just like you need real material resources to construct a real building, you need actual memory and mental energy which is basically your mind's unique processing power to build your own mind palace. Believe me, when a genius like Sherlock Holmes is limited to a library-sized Mind Palace, an average reincarnate having an Earth-sized subconsciousness is questionable.

But that doesn't mean it wasn't possible. It definitely was as long as you were really REALLY smart. I am sure people like Rick Sanchez could have a supercity as their Mind Palace but for me right now, that was just a pipedream..., until I successfully perfect the NZT-48 pill without any side effects that is.

Anyway, as I was saying after I successfully dived into my own mind, I wasn't greeted by white space or something. What I was greeted with instead was the familiar inside of a mansion, the Wayne mansion to be specific. Only this one inside my subconsciousness was a little different. This one looked like it was some kind of weird imperfect combination of a mansion and an average ordinary home that was struggling to even keep itself standing. It looked like a joke to be truthful.

'Seems my mind really is a toxic place to be at.' I thought with a small smirk. It seemed that living two lives had some consequences and one of them was a very ugly-looking psyche. But, I can always change that. After all, that is what the technique is for.

Now, the process that I learned from the scroll is simple. I have to build my mind palace in this space by replacing this hideous mansion-normal-house combo chosen by my psyche on default with someplace that I am comfortable and familiar with.

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