Chapter 103: A Win for Wayne

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"I Invent, Transform, Create, And Destroy For A Living."

- Rick Sanchez, (Rick and Morty)


<(Bruce Wayne POV)>

"It seems that I underestimated you Sionis. You do have some guts. I like a guy like you who can snatch any opportunity he sees... Fine, it's decided then. From now on, this mall will be under our control including all of your pesky useless lives inside it as well. HAHAHAHA, I have never had this much fun before." The guy called Red Hood One declared as he excitedly nodded at Black Mask while mocking the rest of the ordinary crowd. It almost seemed like he was enjoying this.

The two bosses probably knew that it was too late for them to run, even if they tried to escape while taking Bruce with them. So instead, they decided to hold on to the mall and negotiate with cops using the hostages here instead. They knew that most people in a luxury mall like this would be from the privileged section of Gotham and their families would do anything to get them back including pressurizing the government and the cops to get them released as soon as possible, even if it meant letting the criminals walk away.

The two gang leaders wouldn't even have to try that hard in their negotiations to get an escape route out of here even if they were to take Bruce Wayne with them. They would have to go underground for a while till things cool down due to the media and those loyal to the Wayne family, but they would survive, nonetheless. As for the Wayne fortune, even a few measly signatures from him alone could make every one of them billionaires and make their gangs the richest organizations in the country. The rewards heavily outweighed the risks. Now, of course, this wasn't a perfect plan, but they could certainly make do with it.

"Don't, whatever you are thinking right now, don't. You still have time to forget all this and leave. I heard that you are a smart man Black Mask, so use some of that smartness and escape before it's too late." I advised with a tired sigh.

I actually did want him to escape, I had big plans for him and his new rising 'empire'. I wanted him to become as big as he could before I started the process of removing him from the equation. But instead, the guy is actually asking to be killed. 'Fucking dumb ass.' I could not help but mentally swear at his idiocy. Also, why the hell does he think that he can even survive if he hurts me in any way? Even if I were to die by some miracle, none of the gang members here would be able to escape. The two fuming sisters behind me alone would be enough to take care of all of them.

As for taking my properties, these stupid fucking idiots have no idea that people can't just steal money from billionaires' accounts or take away their properties by a few signatures. That only happens in movies or with the common people in the real world. The government and banks have much stricter rules in place to protect the wealth of rich people like me. The only money they would be able to steal somehow would be some physical cash and whatever I had left on my credit cards after this shopping trip, which was still a lot by the way but almost negligible for someone of my stature.

Now, they could try to blackmail me into transferring my shares to them or writing them some hefty checks, but they could also just as easily be traced if I were to request it later to the government within a few days of the transaction since none of my money is illegal and could easily be monitored even if it were to leave the country. So, it might take some time, but they would definitely be caught no matter what. Of course, if cryptocurrencies had already been invented, the outcome would be totally different, but right now, they would be doomed the moment they took my money.

"I am sorry Mr. Wayne but unfortunately for you, we require a financier, and you have been chosen. But don't worry, we probably won't harm you as long as you cooperate with us. I am sure we can work something out in exchange for your life. I mean, what is a few billion compared to your life, right?" Black Mask responded in a threatening voice. It seems he was quite confident in himself.

DC: I am Bruce Wayneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें