Chapter 5

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What is- what is this thing?! How did it get in here?! I stared in horrified shock at the shadowy figure before me as it stood there with its eyes closed, nuzzling my forehead. 

It had a humanoid physique underneath all the wisps of dark smoke radiating off its body endlessly. Its hands were more like claws and its eyes were white. No iris or pupils that could be seen, just white.

Was this some kind of specter? But we don't have any other anomalous specters in this facility besides s-32 and he can't change forms like this!? Not to mention this thing doesn't feel like a specter… species leave a tingling sensation behind when they touch anything, and this thing clearly has a physical form not an interdimensional one. So what is it?

Why is it here? How did it get into my quarters?! No, focus ava, how and why aren't as important as what this thing really is and how to escape it. I don't recognize it at all but just from looking at it I feel a sense of danger from it. There's a few laws that most creatures follow with evolution and usually when something evolves with claws, they are used for either offense or defense.

Hunting or protection. I seriously hope it's the latter with this creature because as close as it is to me now, those claws could easily tear out my throat. 

A subtle high pitched bellow escaped the creature's throat as it nuzzled the side of my head with its face. I could hear the blood rushing through my ears as my heart threatened to beat out of my chest.

I pressed myself further back against the ceramic sink behind me and watched the creature unsure how to react.

All anomalies are different; they all react differently to various things such as noise or movement. Move too fast and one might panic and run away. Stay still for too long one could pounce on you, some even get triggered by the simplest things like light or colors. 

Precautions with strange anomalies usually aren't effective because of this randomized factor, more often than not, one must go based on their own judgment of the situation. That's how we were trained.But being this close to an unknown entity? 

I could very well already be dead.

Shuddering I glanced over to the door that led back into my room, it was barely cracked open more than a few inches. As I saw it another thought came to mind that made my stomach sink. 

Kerian. He's asleep in the other room.

If I try to run, cry for help or piss off this creature in any way I could very well be putting him in danger as well.

If he gets hurt or dies because of me I will never be able to forgive myself…

I have to get out of here, I have to get away from this entity but how-

"ava~" a hushed disoriented voice came from the creature before me as it pulled its head away and opened its eyes to look down at me. 

How does it know my name?

Swallowing the lump in my throat I meekly glanced up at the creature seeing it was slightly slouched, with hooded eyes, almost making it seem like it was tired?

I stared at it for a moment and it stared back without saying anything, or doing anything. It was just there. 

Regaining a bit of my composure I relaxed some just seeing it wasn't being immediately hostile and decided to speak up. "h-how do you know my name?"

The creature before me chitted before leaning in closer once more to look at me.

I almost whipmered as it's nose nearly touched mine. It had no mouth from what I could see so does it communicate telepathicly? It wouldn't be the strange thing I've experienced… 

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