chapter 31

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my head throbbed in pain as consciousness came back to me. as I attempted to open my eyes, blinding lights only made it worse as I attempted to squeeze them shut and lift my hand to block it from my face.

only my arms wouldn't move, they were being held down by something. Turning my head away from the blinding light I winced as another pain shot through my neck. 

Slowly I came to realize my entire body was a bit sore.

“finally awake?” a voice spoke up and I opened my eyes. through blurred vision I could see someone standing across the room.

I blinked a few times trying to get a better look but soon realized my glasses were missing. looking down much to my discomfort due to the pain in my neck, I found myself bound to an examination table.

‘what? h-how did I get here?!’

The figure across from me set their equipment aside before stepping over and pulling over a chair. I looked at them fearfully as he became much clearer in my eyes and sat down crossing his arms and legs. 


“You'll be lucky if you don't have a concussion. you were unconscious for nearly 36 hours… ” 

His shirt was covered in blood with a very apparent hole In the center of it but he didn't see the least bit phased.

I could only stare at him in shock as he watched me.

I Killed him. I watched kerian fall as I pulled the trigger and the shot went through his chest! how– how is he alive?!

“That was a bold move Ava, reckless but bold. you're lucky the guards didn't shoot you and matt knocked you out. well– maybe not lucky enough…”


“How am I alive? hmm you were already out when it happened so it's no surprise you're in shock. that shot should've killed me, you caused some severe damage and punctured a lung. no medical staff in this facility would've been able to save me, and even if they had I would've been put in a hospital bed on a ventilator… but it just so happened I had the one thing that could save my life right in my hands.”

kerian suddenly held up a glowing vial with a third of its contents missing. “wonderous…isn't it?” He mused.

“I've yet to test its full capabilities but its composition is unlike anything humanity has ever seen. such a small amount was able to completely heal me from what should have been fatal wounds, but not only that, it's made me stronger. possibly even extending my life far past normal humans. I took a major risk injecting myself with this substance for there was no telling what would've happened when I did…”

“y-you…” tears started forming in the corners of my eyes as I glared angrily at kerian. “what about s-59…what did you do to him!?” I asked with a choked sob.

Kerian eyed me carefully before standing to walk away. “The creature is still alive, although greatly weakened it is slowly recovering from the harvesting. we did not fully extract its core for the sake of our experiment, we still need it alive after all. with time it should be able to regrow– at least that's the theory.”

‘he's alive…’ I felt a weight fade from my chest as I lay there. 

kerian opened up a bulletproof glass case and set the vial carefully inside before locking it up. 

“it's strange… even with so little exposure to the creature's essence. I am experiencing things I do not quite understand.” he turned back towards me, and walked over to stand at my side.

Subject-59Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon