chapter 15

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"He agreed to cooperate to some extent..."

Kerian listened, intrigued by this information. "How did you manage to convince it? S-59 showed zero signs of interest before..."

I anxiously sat before Kerian on the examination table, staring at the floor. "I didnt do anything he just... chose to. I dont believe i did anything particularly special for him to agree, i told him the truth and that's it."

Kerian leaned back in his chair after finishing his examination of me for any injuries or changes. "When it killed the guard in the room with you we were almost sure that it was going to kill you as well, but once again the creature left you unharmed and has agreed to 'cooperate'." he wrote some notes down on his clipboard before setting it off to the side. 

"Either way Ava, you succeeded in keeping the director's attention, you dont need to worry about him trying to get rid of you for a while. He is obsessed with subject-59, getting close to that creature is your best bet for staying on his good side and staying alive, perhaps even escaping."

I could only sulk more at kerians words. "I never signed up for this." I mumbled.

"On the contrary this is exactly what you signed up for... we all did. We were all given the chance at escaping poverty and munade lives, through our set skills and offered a chance of a lifetime to study and learn about things that could change the world. but some of us however, weren't lucky enough to see the trap laid out in front of us, disguised in leaf litter and debris."  He glanced back at me and I balled my fists, frustrated over my current situation. None of this was fair.

"But that does not mean everything is hopeless." Kerian stood up in front of me and I raised my head to meet his gaze. "Some of us are able to rise above with a little help from an outstretched hand. Even if things aren't as we hoped, with a little help it's still possible to steer ourselves back on track so we don't fall deeper into the pit and become lost forever..."

I looked at kerian a bit surprised as he held out his hand for me to take. 'is he- offering to help me? but why...'

"you will only continue to struggle if you don't learn to adapt. even the smallest and weakest creatures can learn to survive under the harshest circumstances. if given the proper conditions."

'Kerian...he's offering me a way out, a way to escape this hell. He's the only person to ever offer me his hand and help. He's the only one who cares...' swallowing the lump in my throat, I took his hand and stepped off the examination table. 

"If it means getting out of here, I'll do anything." I said confidently.

kerians usually stoic face turned up with a small smile as he gazed at me before placing his other hand on my shoulder. "good. just like before, all you need to do is trust me."

___Days later___

as the pressure of a door closing behind me created a hiss, I glanced back towards the glass wall behind me, seeing kerian and numerous others watching me as I stepped into the containment room.

he gave the slightest nod and I turned my attention back to the dark misty room around me. taking a deep breath I focused on what he had told me to do. talk to S-59, ask him a specific set of questions and attempt to learn more about him. 

my stomach twisted in nervousness as I stared at the darkness before me. 'That is all easier said than done.' squeezing my eyes shut I shook my head. 'No, I can do this, I need to trust Kerian. S-59 hasn't hurt me before, and we've engaged in conversation at least 3 different times. He agreed to cooperate with me, I have nothing to be afraid of...' I reassured myself.

Subject-59Where stories live. Discover now