chapter 9

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Following s-32 I grew increasingly aware of how empty the facility felt. We hadn't encountered anyone in the main halls on our way down. That alone was strange to me but as we neared the containment zone I felt uneasy.

"Where are we going?" S-32 paused to look back at me and meow, waiting for me to catch up before continuing forward. Reluctantly I continued to follow until we reached the observation room door. S-32 sat in front of the door looking at me expectantly as I approached.

Looking around I saw nothing out of the ordinary and looked at the transdementional cat confused. After a moment he got to his feet and passed through The door.

Grabbing my keyboard I scanned it and watched as the door opened into a dark room. Stepping inside I reached for the light switch and flicked it on only to pale at the sight before me. The large glass wall that operated the observation area from the containment area was cracked, and the room was in disarray.

"What happened here?" I looked around and even peered Into the empty containment room for any clues as to what might have caused this. But there wasn't really anything left behind. A small mew from s-32 had me turning my head to see him sitting atop a consol watching me.

"You know what happened here don't you?" I stepped closer to him and reached out to pet the feline as he purred. "Is this what you wanted to show me?" I kept petting s-32 until His eyes started glowing and he suddenly lashed out and bit me.

Startled I stumbled back and held my hand Shocked but when I looked up I found that the room was different and I was no longer alone.

"Miss ava!" A familiar voice snapped and I jumped a little looking over to see none other than the director standing need the glass wall with. Number of soldiers at his side. "Pay attention!" He glared at me holding and I coldly felt fearful.

He turned away to refocus his attention on the containment room. I took note of how the glass wall was now repaired and the room around me was back to normal. S-32 was nowhere in sight leaving me in this strange scenario by myself.

"Doctor, what's the creature's status..." the director spoke up. A figure off to my side dressed in a white lab coat approached him and I felt myself go rigid as I recognized him. Kerian.

"stable for now but it seems to be throwing another tantrum and has an elevated heart rate at the moment..." Kerian answered coldly.

Creature? Curious as to what they were talking about I stepped. Closer and peered through the glass wall into the containment room. Half the lights were out while the other half were flickering out of control. I could faintly make out a dark figure curled up in the corner of the room huddled up and attempting to hide itself in the dark. It looked...scared?

"this useless thing never cooperates..." the director spat.

"might I suggest a different solution?" Kerian said, while turning away to pace behind us.

"What kind of solution?" the director asked intrigued.

Kerian suddenly stopped and turned his attention to me, causing an unsettling feeling to churn in my stomach. He stepped over to me and as he stood before me I noticed something I had never seen before on kerians face that was...familiar? A large brutal scar across one of his eyes.

"It's simple really, if you want a disobedient dog to obey you need only train it, and what better way than to give it a bone? After all, a mutt wouldn't dare bite the hand that feeds it." Kerian smiled, grabbing my shoulders and I felt my heart race as something inside me told me to run, to get away.

Panicked, I pushed him away and stumbled back as everything dissipated into smoke. I watched as kerian, the director and everything dissolved right before my eyes leaving me in the shambles of the observation room.

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