chapter 11

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Opening my eyes I was nearly blinded by the bright lights above. My head throbbed in pain as I tried to block out the light on my face with my hand. 

My body felt stiff and I couldn't remember where I was or how I got there. Blinking a few Times I let my vision clear and turned my head to look around at my surroundings. 

This wasn't my room, it looked like…the medical bay? Why am I here? I would never fall asleep here so why– a crashing sound from a nearby room startled me.

Sitting upright I looked in the direction the sound came from and could see the open door to kerians office. Inside I watched as a figure paced back and forth. 

“how many times must I tell you she's not ready!” kerian angrily spat.

His harsh tone made my skin crawl even without it being directed towards me. Kerian has never raised his voice in such away, he's never sounded so angry…

I couldn't see anyone else in the room from where I was but it was clear he was talking to someone. 

“Why can't you understand that?! She can't be allowed to remember if she does then all of my work and all the effort I've put into this will be for nothing!” He harshly whispered. 

Silence ensued for a moment before kerian spoke again.

“can't you see what it's doing to her? All of this is for her! I don't care if you think it's wrong, I don't care if you think she's ready. I refuse to start over. Last time you interfered she nearly died!”

My heart started to race as I listened and it felt like the walls were closing in on me. What is he saying? Who is he talking to?

What is Kerian hiding?

“you will cease any and all interference or else…” kerian almost growled out in a deep tone.

As I tried to get out of bed my head swam and I got dizzy, stumbling into a nearby metal cart.

Kerians form in the other room suddenly stopped as he heard me and I felt panic start to wash over me as he stepped out of his office. 

As soon as his eyes locked onto me, that familiar caring and soft look washed over his face with a bit of relief. 

“ava! You're awake!” He rushed over towards me as I leaned against the side of the hospital bed. “thank goodness, I was so worried– how do you feel?” as he reached for me in an attempt to help I flinched away.

He stopped looking at me confused and shocked by the fact I recoiled. He had never hurt me before. And Never had i looked at him with so much fear and uncertainty.  I'm sure the sight of me refusing his aid and pulling away was something no one would've expected. We were always close, always reliant on each other. I had trusted kerian with everything I had, given him my body, My love my everything.

Yet now here I am afraid of him even touching me…I wasn't even completely Sure why. It seemed wrong. It was wrong, yet I can't get over what I had heard him say.

“Ava?...” He spoke in a quiet and questioning tone. 

I couldn't muster any words and merely held my hands to my chest as I kept myself as far from him as possible. At least as far as the hospital bed let me. 

“Ava what's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?” He didn't approach and seemed genuinely hurt by my reaction.

He was hiding something from me. Something big. What would he do if he realized I found out? What would he say if I demanded an explanation. Would he tell me? I felt like I already knew the answer to that… I'm afraid of what he might do if he finds out I overheard him. I have to say something to keep him from realizing.

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