chapter 22

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‘I must be out of my mind. I mean, what was I thinking? promising to go back and see him after the night cycle starts?! I'm just asking for trouble! What would kerian think if he found me sneaking in to talk with him?’ 

groaning I buried my face into my pillow As I lay in bed sulking over my predicament. ever since I finished my debriefing with kerian and came back to my room I haven't been able to stop thinking about everything S-59 said to me earlier. 

He was such a strange being and hard to understand at times. Usually he's composed and keeps to himself wanting little more than to be left alone. He's been documented as a very solitary creature and he's proven that with the way he often tries to hide from everyone. He has no choice but to deal with me since it's either I constantly come back or they will send other strangers to.

strongly though as of late he's become more open with me, and quite curious. Today being a perfect example. He seems to be just as interested in me as I am with him. when I talked about myself and my relationship with kerian he perked up quite a bit and listened intently, I was shocked when he asked to be ‘more than friends’ as well… I'm not so sure he quite understood what I meant when I was explaining everything. 

I think I almost freaked out when he asked for such, it had me seeing him in a whole new light. S-59 was kind to me and gentle, he seemed to genuinely care and looked forward to spending time with me, going completely against everything we know about him and his solitary nature. 

it made me realize there was more to him than just some scary creature with violent tendencies. He has a heart and soul and feels pain and grief just like anyone else. 

people would probably think I'm insane for caring about such a being..but is it wrong of me to think he could also feel something like love and affection? 

a small mew sounded from across the room and my eyes shot open as I slowly lifted my head and looked towards my door to see a spectral looking cat with glowing eyes standing there watching me. it mowed again and ever so slightly tilted its head to the side as we gazed at one another.

“subject-32?” I asked questioningly and the nearly transparent cat sat down, curling its tail over its feet as it stared at me.

this was…odd? sitting up, I faced the strange specter before me. subject-32 had a tendency to break free from its vault and roam around the bunker so seeing him walking down halls and such was never that surprising and considering its nature he was never perceived as a danger so I have no reason to be afraid, but I was confused as to why he had come into my room when he had never shown any interest In me before.

holding out my hand I let him sniff my fingers as one might do with any other cat and he happily obliged before nuzzling my palm and getting closer, rubbing up against my leg. I smiled and petted him as he purred, pleased with the affection. 

“could you not find anyone else to give you pets?” I chuckled as he mewed. 

protocol for 32 usually included ignoring the creature and notifying the capture team of his escape so they could return him to his vault, but that hardly works when he just walks right back out of his cell to find someone willing to cuddle him. 

He was such a docile being so most of the time people just let him be. He came to this facility years before me but supposedly he wasn't always a cat. He held a different form before, that of a deer. He only seemed to change forms when one of the lab assistants' cat passed away. 

Most researchers speculate he changed forms as a way to help the lab assistant to overcome the grief of their loss, that was years ago…he still holds the form of a cat even though that person is gone now. 

Subject-59Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora