chapter 27

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(note: ended up changing this to chapter 27 because what i had posted previously was actually meant to be chapter 28, i just kinda rushed it and fucked up... Enjoy!)

"Ava" a voice called out to me.

groaning, I opened my eyes to the soft blue glow of the dimly lit cave. burying my face into the blankets a clawed hand gently combed through my hair as hot breath fanned across the back of my neck.

"Ava~" the voice purred again as something licked the shell of my ear. looking back I groggily looked up to see S-59 hovering over me with a very pleased look.

"you're finally awake... I worried I might have been to rough, and had hurt you." He leaned down nuzzling my head.

sitting up I rubbed the sleepiness from my eyes. "finally? How long was I out?"

"not long... I would have let you sleep longer if I knew you did not have to leave." He sounded a bit saddened by that as he gazed at me. Turning onto my back I reached up to run my hands through his hair making him purr.

"You want me to stay longer don't you..."

"If I could have it my way, I would never let you leave..." He admitted.

smiling I cupped his face with both hands before pulling him closer. kissing him over the mouth his entire body nearly slumped over on top of mine with a steady purr rumbling within his chest.

He rested his head against my chest and closed his eyes as I rubbed his head. "Sorry but If anyone finds me with kerians ID card and I get caught, things won't turn out well for either of us..."

S-59 opened his eyes and sat up, climbing off of me. "i understand i wouldnt dare risk endangering you, but still, every time we part I fear something may happen to you, I fear losing you. Despite what I am, I cannot fathom the thought-"

tilting my head I watched him confused. "What do you mean 'despite what you are'?" I asked worriedly.

he turned gaze away, almost seeming ashamed of what he would say next. "You are such a beautiful being Ava, kind and pure of heart, I know you wish for me- you think of me as something more than what I am, you believe you can change me but I am and always shall be a monster. it is In my nature, it's part of my core- my very being. I will do anything to keep you safe and by my side, even if it means destroying everything to do so.

my heart swelled hearing this and I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck to hug 59. One clawed hand cupped the back of my head while the other covered my backside as he held me close.

"You are not a monster, I don't care if no one else sees it because you will always be more to me. In my eyes you will always be you, and I will always love you."

he seemed to relax and melt into the hold, nuzzling the side of my head as he held me close. I smiled and we stayed like that for a long moment until s-59′s entire body seemed to tense and he lifted his head, seeming to be on high alert.

Confused by the reaction I looked up at him but he seemed to be in some kind of daze as he stared off at nothing in particular and his grip on me loosened.

I followed his gaze but could see nothing but darkness through the doorway that led back into the observation room. "What is it?" I spoke up.

snapping out of it he shook his head, seeming just as confused before looking down at me. He was silent for a moment but soon relaxed. "It was nothing."

I didn't quite believe him but didn't push for answers. I trusted him to tell me if something was wrong.

___5 days later___

Subject-59Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant