Chapter #6

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It had been almost a week since Emma and Norman found out that they were on a farm, they were discussing it in the forest, as they had been the past week. "I think we should tell Ray now." Norman said. Emma nodded in agreemnt. "Tell me what?" Ray asked walking out from the trees. Norman and Emma looked at each other and nodded.

They explained it to Ray. "So we're on a farm, and our brains are merchandise for demons, and mom is behind it all?" Ray asked. Norman and Emma nodded. "I wouldn't belive it if only Emma said that, but Norman you wouldn't lie about that." Ray said. "Hey what's that suposed to mean!" Emma whinned. "So Connie and Y'/n are dead." Ray stated. "Yeah." Norman said sadly. "Norman did you have feelings for Y/n?" Ray asked. "Huh, oh no." Norman smiled lightly. "I do still really miss her though." Norman sighed. "We all do." Ray rolled his eyes. "It's still so quiet outside." Norman sighed. "That's why we're gonna escape! For Y/n, she'd want us to!" Emma said trying to brighten the mood. "Then we'd better get thinking." Ray smirked. 

After sectetly disscussing everyday they could Ray walked to his room and pulled out Y/n's note. All that was on his was, 'I know.' He stared at it rubbing his head, thinking back to what mom had said the night that they left. "You didn't tell Y/n, did you?" She had asked. "No why?" "Oh it's nothing." Mom smiled dissmissing him. 

But Y/n, she couldn't have been talking about knowing the secrets of the house could she? There was no possible way for her to know. "Ray it's time for dinner!" Phil smiled, waving him to follow. Ray sighed and put the note back. 

Ray sat down at the table and went into deep thought about Y/n. If she hadn't been talking about the house, what did she know? And if she had known, why'd she only tell Ray, or did she know Ray had been spying? Or did she tell the other two? No that couldn't be because when they saw Connie they were more than shocked. 

"Ray!" Emma yelled. "Huh." Ray looked up. "You haven't even started eating and me and Norman have been trying to talk to you." Emma complained. Norman laughed lightly. "What are you thinking about Ray?" Norman asked. "Oh it's nothing." Ray said looking down to his food. "Is it about the thing?" Emma whispered. "No." Ray sighed. "Then what?! No keeping secrects!" Emma insisted. Ray rolled his eyes. "About Y/n, she might have already known." Ray said quitely to them. "What how?" Emma asked. "Wouldn't she have told us?" Norman questioned. "Lets not talk about it here." Ray said.

Around 12 that night the three went down in the dining room. "What'd you want to show us Ray?" Norman asked. "Here look." Ray showed them the note. "That was the good bye letter I got from Y/n, did you guys get anything like that?" Ray asked. "No." Norman said. "She just said good bye and that she'd miss me." Norman said shaking his head, re-reading Ray's letter over and over again. "Same here." Emma said while thinking. 

"I've been trying to think, what else she would know, or why she wouldn't tell us." Ray said leaning back in his chair. "Maybe, since she was the only one who knew, she was scared we wouldn't believe her, or we'd tell mom." Norman said fixing his posture from reading the letter. "I think we should continue this in the morning though, I'm getting pretty tired, and asking questions about somebody who isn't even alive is pointless." Norman said. "Norman don't say that!" Emma said. "Emma, we saw Connie-" "And we didn't see Y/n!" Emma said with a quiver in her voice. "What else could have happened then?" Norman asked Emma softly. "If she knew, maybe she ran." Emma said. 

"But he does have a point, even if she did know, whats that matter to us? She didn't tell us, she practically left us to die." Ray sighed and stood up. "Night." He walked away. "Y/n wouldn't do that, not to Rossi or Nat, or the three of us." Emma said with her head down, slowly walked up the stair to her room. 

Norman walked outside to where Y/n took him, the night before she left. He sat against the rock and looked up. The stars shined birght, there was a bright breeze and he closed his eyes. A tear fell from his eye. "Y/n, Daisy. If you knew why wouldn't you tell us, why'd you leave?" He sighed. Nornam put his head to his knees and started crying. It was the second time he's cried after Y/n leaving. 

"Norman and Emma are for sure going to try and escape, don't know how yet, they haven't talked much about it." Ray crossed his arms behind his head leaning back in his chair. "I got them upset about Y/n again, might throw them off track." Ray grinned, but then frowned himself. "Ray are you lisetning?" Mom asked. "Oh what?" Ray looked up. "Are you still upset about Y/n too?" Mom asked. Ray stood up and walked to his room waving on his way out.

I ADVISE REDING THIS A/N!!! Hey sorry for the short chapters, I don't know how long the next few will be, and there will proablly be a lot of time skips. For the next chapters will just be the main story from the show, also sorry if this is bad or the characters don't match the show, or the story doesn't match the show. Let me know if you're liking it so far please! Also can you tell I'm obssed with Rossi lol he's my favorite along with Nat. (Sorry for the long ramballing I didn't make a introduction chapter so I'm getting stuff in now.) If you have any request for the story or any little one shots for later I'd LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE to hear them! I am sorry for any mistakes, and THANK YOU TO MY FRIST FEW READERS< LOVE YOU ALL I HOPE YOU'LL CONTINUE READING AND ENJOY!!!  Anyways, love any of my reads and sorry for any grammar mistakes and please continue and enjoy the rest of this story!!!

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