Chapter #16

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I laid in bed in deep thought, I could see all the pros and cons of killing all the demons. It had been bugging me along with a lot of other things. My head started hurting, worse than usaul. Things started floading my head, things that made me upset. I remembered when I would be upset at the orphangage, or couldn't sleep. And Norman would read to me, or listen to me play guitar, or he'd hold me when I was upset. I miss his wormth, when he'd hug me now it was cold, metaphorically. He's changed, but so have I, so why am I so upset? My eye filled with tears, I clecnhed my ees, trying not to cry.


"Mmm you're already awake? Or did you just not not sleep?" Norman asked very speeliply, trying to sit up, his eyes were pretty much closed, he still looked really tired. Y/n jumped, not realizing he was awake. "Oh um I guess I didn't sleep." Y/n said softly. "Daisy go to sleep." Norman said. "Huh?" Y/n asked shocked. "Please, go to sleep. I always wake up and you pretend to sleep. You only get about thrirty minutes a day and that's  if you get your side effect. Or you'll sleep days on end. That isn't healtly." Noramn mumbled half asleep himself. Y/n stared at him shocked. "It may not seem it but I care about you Daisy. I always have." Norman said. "You definatey used to." Y/n sighed, sitting up. "What?" Norman said quietly as Y/n stood up and left.

A wave of relization came over Norman. He had changed, he hadn't showed Y/n the affection he used to show her. He now would give her a cold shoulder, and he didn't have anytime for her. He sat up, in a hase. He walked over to his desk, and slowly picked up the note the person he may love wrote for him one year ago. He opened the drawer and looked at the necklace he had stopped wearing, and he wondered why. Why he acted so diffrent when he was with Y/n alone and when they were with the others. It wasn't fair.

Y/n stood in the living room with the others. Y/n filled them in on what happened last night. "Five days, he's still gonna do it right?" Cislo asked. Y/n nodded. "He probally will still go through weather they come back or not." Y/n sighed. "Y/n what's wrong?" Barbara asked. "Huh, nothing is wrong-" "You've been saying that for a week, something is not right." Barbara rolled her eyes. Norman walked out of the room. Norman looked at Y/n and smiled. "Good morning Daisy." He said softly. "Yeah good morning boss." 

Norman stood there shocked for a second. "Trouble in paradise?" Barbara whispered to Y/n, and she didn't say anything. "I'm going to go get food, want to come with Y/n?" Cislo asked. Y/n shurgged, going to get her outifit.

Cislo and her began walking. "Y/n, if you made it to the real world, what would you want to do?" Cislo asked. Y/n's eyes lit up. "I want to fall in love, and then get married." Y/n said excitedly. Cislo laughed. "What do you want to do?" Y/n looked up to him. "I want to start a faimly." He sighed lightly. "Ah- not anytime soon, years. But if we mean right away, I want to go to school." Cislo said. 

"I want to see Y/n!" Rossi complained. "She's very busy Rossi." Nat sighed. "I miss her-" Thoma threw a mushroom at Rossi's head. "We all miss her you dunce." Nat fell to the floor catching the muchroom. "Hey we don't have enough food for this you guys!" Nat yelled. He sighed. 'Why 'd all the older ones have to leave me here.' He thought to himself. The bell rang, and everyone quicky went into hiding. "Hello?" Y/n called out, she took off her demon mask, and so did Cislo.

"Y/n!" Rossi ran out excitedly, hugging her legs. "So is this Rossi?" Cislo asked. Y/n picked him up and smiled. "Yeah this is Rossi." She smiled. "Is that your boyfriend?" Rossi asked, as all the other kids ran out. Y/n's face heated up and she set Rossi down. "No, no he isn't." Y/n laughed awkwardly, looking away. "Good, I thought you were dating Norman." Rossi said making a thinking face. "Okay Rossi I think that's enough lovey dovey talk." Y/n said pushing him away from Cislo and twords the other kids. 

"Y/n what are you doing here?" Nat asked. "Well I know Emma and Ray are gone, so I thought we'd stop by while we were out." Y/n smiled. "Gilda and Don left me too, help me Y/n please." Nat cried. Y/n laughed. Some of the kids ran to her, and she hugegd them all, talking to them. "Oh where are my manners." Y/n poped up quickly. "This is my friends, Cislo. He was at the lab with me and Norman." Y/n smiled and Cislo waved. Kids began crowding him. 

Y/n walked over to Nat. "How has piano been?" Y/n asked. "Great." Nat smiled. Y/n chuckled. "Your soup is spilling over." Y/n pointed. Nat quickly turned around. "I'm not a cook, I don't know why they all left me here. Emma and Ray didn't even ask Gilda and Don just left." Nat said distraught. Y/n laughed. "I'm so happy you all are okay." Y/n said quietly. "Words can't explain how happy everyone was to see you and Norman alive." Nat said. Y/n sighed and looked at all the kids crowiding Cislo and smiled. "Foods done!" Nat called. All the kid ran over to go eat. "We'll get out of your guys hair now." Y/n smiled warmly. "Y/n play us a song!" Rossi said. Y/n smiled. "Yeah we haven't heared you play in soooo long!" Another kid compained. Y/n laughed. "Fine fine." She smiled, pulling her guitar out from her cloak.

She had begun playing. Cislo watched as her face slowly softened, she only has that look when she plays guitar. Everyone had finished eating and Y/n was still playing. Cislo shook her. "It's time to go, Y/n." He smiled softly. She nodded. She said bye to all the kids, then left. "I miss Y/n." Rossi crossed his arms. "She just left you dunc head." Lannion said. 

"You and norman were sure popular." Cislo said. "Hmm?" Y/n hummed. "The kids talked a lot about you two." He said happily, frowning under his mask. "What'd they say?" Y/n asked. "You two were the smartest and the best at tag, and you two were really close." He said. Y/n laughed. "Sounds 'bout right." "You seemed more energetic there." Cislo pointed out. "I don't want to worry them." Y/n sighed. "Y/n, were you ad Norman, something beofre this?" Cislo asked. Y/n sighed. "No Cislo, we wern't, and probaly neve will be." Y/n said quietly. "Do you like Norman?" Cislo asked. "I'm not, sure." Y/n said slowly. Cislo sighed.

"Why the hell would you say that then?" Barbara yelled. "I don't know!" Norman yelled back. "You're my boss, but I'll be your tutor, 101 how to fall in love with Y/n!" She said pointing to Norman. "And I'm only helping you because I've been team Norman since day one." She grinned. "Now what the hell dose that mean?" Noramn asked. "You and Cislo have obvioulsy been fight over Y/n. I'm team Norman, now shut up and learn." Barbara grinned again. 

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