Chapter #10

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Norman woke up that night, still in a daze from the drugs. He put his hand up to his forehead. He had a terirble headache. He had ran out of water and wanted to go get some. He quietly opened the cell door and began walking to the kicthen when he heared it. Guitar. He was still in a haze, so he bagn following the sound.

Norman followed the sound of guiatr strings, almost like he was in a trace. He walked till the sound got louder, he stood infornt of the door that belogned to the hypnotizing sounds. He slowly opened it, then he found her.  "Y/n..." Norman said quietly. Y/n set her guitar down and stood up and walked twords Norman. He smiled and opened his arms for a hug, but she clenched her fist, then punched him, making him fall to the ground. "Get out of my head!" She screamed grabbing her head. "Get out out-" She screamed but then her face dropped and her eyes widened, she looked down to Norman and tears began to fill her eyes.

 "Norman.." She said, she ran to hug him but colasped, falling to the foor. She bagn gasping for air, but nothing was going in. She sat up and hugged herself . Norman walked over to her to comfort her but she shook her head "Y/n..." The sounds of dry gasping continued till she passed out. 

Norman quickly nelt to her side. A hand apreared on his shoulder. "I think it's best of our guest don't meet up, Nomran." A man's voice said. "Go back to bed, please. We'll take care of her." The man said. Norman sat still bent over, next to Y/n, her eyes clenched hard and her breathing heavily. She was obvislouly very tense. "What did you do to her?!" Norman yelled standing up quick in front of Y/n. "Lets lower our voices, it's late we wouldn't want to wake or startle the others would we?" The man said. "Go to bed Norman."

Norman clenched his fist and walked out. He thought there was no way that was Y/n, she was so harsh, she hit him. That couldn't be her. But then he remembered her guiatr. ENR, was carved into it. Y/n had done that a long time ago, on her birthday, to never foget them. Norman remebered in the corner of her room, that many stacks of papers. So many questions filled his head, 'what did they do to her, what had she been writing, what happened before she passeed out, why was she so angry, and what did she mean 'get out of my head'?' Norman sighed, not realzing he already made it to his room. "Damn it I didn't even get water." He sighed layning down, now acknowledging the headache he still had.

He thought about Y/n, her room was dark, but she was as pretty asusal. "Dasiy." Slipped from his lips lightly. He thought and relazied a scar was across her forehead. He began to worry about her, more and more. Knowing she was alive, but in pain, so bad that she wouldn't even let him comfort her. His eyes filled with water, as he soon dirfetd off to sleep.

Time Skip

Over the month Norman hadn't seen Y/n, but everynight she would play her guiatr. It was comferting, at least knowing she was alive. Norman had met this guy, named Vincent. He would take the same test the same time as Norman. They had figured out a way to communicate, and had a plan to,   escape. That day had come after weeks of planing. 

Y/n slowly sat up. "Up, now." A voice said. Y/n sighed and walked to the door. They took her arm and led her to her typical room, for testing. She put the headphones on and began. She shook as the test that just one year ago used to be a breeze, was now a mess of letters scattered everywhere and made no since. The test had changed everday, some days would be just as easy as back at the orphanage, but some days it was like taking a test in a forieng langauge. It depened on the durg they gave her the previous day.  

After testing they threw her into a diffent room, They tied her to a bed in the room, and pulled out a needwlel. Her eyes began to fill with water. One of her biggest fears. needles. She thought back  to about 5 or 6 years ago. 

5 Years ago

It was check-up day, at the orphanage. Y/n was shaking in the line. They had to get a vaccine shot. Y/n hated needles from the beging. "What's wrong Y/n?" Norman poped up behind Y/n. She jumped scared. "Haha sorry Daisy didn't mean to scare you." Norman laughed. Y/n smiled awkardly. "What's wornggg?" Norman pushed. "You aren't scared are you?" Ray asked smirking. "Scared of what?" Emma asked curious. "She is scared, of needles." Ray smirked. "Oh, it's only a little poke though." Emma chuckled. "I'm not scared of the pain." Y/n's eyes began to water. "Then what is it, scardy cat." Ray chuckled. "Don't call her that." Norman rolled his eyes. "I don't know, needles just freak me out, okay?" Y/n said emmbareseed. "Hey don't worry, I'll protect you!" Norman smiled brightly. "What are you gonna do? Hold her hand?" Ray teased. "Yeah!" Norman snapped back. Ray's made a groosed out face. "Weirdos." He laughed walking up to mom. Emma went next. Then it was Y/n's turn. 

"Hey I can hold your hand if you want." Norman said lightly to her. She nodded her head softly. They walked up to mom and she looked at them a bit confused. "She's scared." Nomran clarified. Mom smiled warmly. "Y/n sit." Y/n say shaking lightly. She closed her eyes tight. Norman took her hand and Y/n looked over to him, her eyes were wide. In the side of her eye she saw the needle and her eyes welded with tears. She quickly put her head to Norman and hugged him with her free arm. Norman's eyes widened and his face heated up. He rubbed Y/n's head sofltly/ "All done." Mom smiled. Y/n looked up and smiled to Norman. "Thank you." She said shyly. "Form now on I promise to protect you form all the scary needles.

Back to the present

Y/n closed her eyes tight. Norman wasn't there. He lied.' She thought. It wasn't his fault, and he proablly doesn't even rember making the silly promise anyways. They injected Y/n then left the room. gasses bagan to fill the room. Y/n lungs began to fill before she could proses it. The next second she was in antaganising pain. She screa,ed at the top of her lungs when bagn sounds surroned her. Soon the door opened, and she was being untied from the th table. She fell to the ground gasping for air. Someone knelt infornt of her. "Lets get out of here, together." The person in a gas mask said. Y/n began shaking, then passed out.

Dr. Normal and Daisy  (Norman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now