Chapter #26

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I held his warm hand, his warm fimialiar hand. I squeezed it. "It'll be alright, Daisy." His soft voice floaded through one ear and out the other, till he squeezed my hand back, and then I knew... everything was alright.


"Isn't this so exciting! Our first fair and we're all together!" Emma cheered. "Yeah pretty exciting isn't it." Norman laughed lightly. "What's so fun about a fair anyways?" Ray huffed. Y/n nodded her head. "What do we do first, I mean there is so much to do! We could eat, play rigged game, go on ri-" "Emma, please." Ray said annoyed. "What?! Soory I'm excited Mr. No-fun-pants." Emma whinned. "You're stressing Y/n out." Ray sighed, glancing at Y/n. 

After she had her side effect at school, she woke uo two days later and then Mom had her stay home for a week, now it was the weekend before  she goes back, and ever since she woke up, all she's been worried about was having her side effect in public again.

"Let's just try to enjoy our time here, kay?" Norman titlted his head and smiled warmly at Y/n. She nodded, and looked to the ground. Norman sighed, "so what do you guys want to so first?" He asked looking at Emma and Ray. "How about a ride!" Emma said. Ray noddded. "Yeah sure," Norman smiled, then looked to Y/n, "fine with you?" He asked, and she nodded. 

They walked to an intimadating roller coaster, while they waited in line the three of them all talked quietly, about how they all grew up so fast, and how they can all soon get their drivers licens.

"Y/n how about you?" Emma asked whipping her head around twoards Y/n. "Hm?" Y/n hummed. "When we can drive, where do you want to go first?" Emma asked. Y/n stared at her and thought about it, then shrugged. 

Once they finally got to the front of the line, Norman and Y/n sat in the front of the four-seated cart, and Emma and Ray in the back. "You can hold my hand if you get scared Dasiy." Norman smiled. Y/n stared at him and chuckled a bit, him and Rossi had been the only ones able to do that in the past week. As the rollercostaer started Emma screamed in the back in exciment. "Can you shut up? The ride has barely started Emma." Ray grunted.  "She's having fun Ray." Norman yelled back to them, laughing a bit. 

The roller coaster began heading to the first drop. When the coaster started falling to the ground, Norman grabbed Y/n's hand screaming. A flash cought them all off gaurd, as the headed twoards another drop. "Why'd we choose the laregst one first?" Norman asked, screaming in fear, but laughing hisaracally at the same time. 

Y/n stummbled off, her arm slung arounf Norman. "That was so fun, right?" He asked out loud. "Yeah!" Emma said excidedly. "It was fine." Ray shrugged. "Oh come on, you were screaming the loudest-" "Okay, only on the second drop." Ray cut Norman off. "I thought it was pretty fun, how abouot you Dasiy." Norman asked to Y/n who was still slummped over his shouder. 

She stood up and taped a smile on. "I like it, just feel a little dizzy after and-" She stopped, and swallowed hard. "You okay?" Norman asked quickly. She started shaking and she could feel her muscles starting to tense up. "Y-yeah I'm fine I just n-need to-" Her throat closed up and she slid her eyes to find a bench anywhere near. Voices bacame muffled and her head throbbed. Everything around her became fuzzy. She felt a hand on her back and she started moving, and was soon sat down. A hand camed on the side of her head and moved it till it was rested, agaisnt a sholder she guessed in a panic. She let her eyes shut tight, and her hands clench into fist, but when her left hand cruled it stopped before hitting her palm, unsteaed it was against someone elses hand. 


"Glad to see you up Daisy." Norman smiled to Y/n, who was just now waking up in a haze, and aching everywhere. "Huh?" She asked. "You umm- felt bad after the roller coater and fell alssep." Norman lied. "Did I..." She asked slowly. "No, no-" "Norman did I?" She looked him in the eyes, and he sigehd. "Yeah, but it wasn't that noticable, and honestly, no one really cared, everyone just walked past." Norman said. Y/n looked to the ground and started fiddling with her hands. "How long was I out?" She asked as she looked around the less croweded fair, and that now had a sun set in the back sournding  it. 

"Couple hours." Norman said. "Where did Emma and Ray go?" Y/n asked. "Oh, when you started... I just took you to a bench and sat down, they went on." Norman shrugged. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to take the fun out of today or anything." Y/n said quickly looking at Norman again. Norman stared at her for a moment, pressing his lips together. "What? I'd rather spen a day with you sleeping, then go on a few rides, where the actually line to get in is twenty times longer than the acual ride time." Norman laughed. Y/n sighed and looked away. Norman looked up and made eye contact with one ride in particular, he'd been looking at all night. "Hey Y/n, I want to go on one more ride tonight." He grinned to Y/n. "Oh it's nothing bad." Norman said quickly taking into relaization, her concer. "Just trust me." He jumped to his feet and smiled, reaching out his hand, she took it and he quickly began leading her. 

"A faris wheel?" Y/n asked, fixing herself across from Norman as the atendent closed the door. Norman smiled genunilely. "Mhm, I thought it'd be nice,  relaxing to see the night. Together." He whispered. Y/n looked out the window, and he was right the orange clouds, clreaed her mind, alomst. The wheel slowly turned, and Norman waited to speak till the ride was full, and the two were at the top. 

Y/n stared at the purple, orange, and yellow sunset, till Norman spoke. "Hey Daisy." He said. Y/n turned her head, and Norman got nervous, and he knew he couldn't look away, or he'd loos the courage he had spent all day buliding up. "What?" y/n asked after a few seconds of silence. "You know..." He started slowly, inspecting every inch of Y/n's face, to make sure the couse of the past sixteen-ish years, he hadn't missed something. "It's just, we've spent our whole lives together." Norman laughed nervoudly. "Yeah?" Y/n looked back to the small arched window. "But I feel like." Norman continued. "I don't know you all the way, I want to knw you a diffrent way, that no one else has." Norman said slowly, and quietly. "And I don't think you know it, but you're really pretty, like a Daisy, delocate and small." He said. "What..." Y/n lookde over at him. "And maybe you do like Cislo, or just none of us." He said. "Oh and you're smart, really smart." Norman laughed. "I guess what I'm saying is I like yo-" He staretd, but Y/n had already moved across the small container and pressed her lips against his.

She felt in that moment if she didn't kiss him, she'd reget it, and be stuck in a thought of, 'what's the point of going on.' She pulled away, but their faces still inches apart. "Daisy..." Norman said. "Dr. Normal..." Y/n whispered back. 

Dr. Normal and Daisy  (Norman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now