Chapter #11

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I woke up slowly, everything was blurry. The first thing I saw was a tree, I instantly knew I was either hella high, or dreaming. I closed my eyes lightly and tired to regulate my breath, I must have passed out, becasue I can't remember what happened before this and I'm breathing more heavy than usual. "Y/n, you're up." A voice said and my heart began racing. I'm not ready for testing, to get injected. I'm not ready. My breathing got harded and I opened my eyes. 


Norman stood infornt of Y/n. He stared into her eyes then smiled. "It's good to see you awake." Norman smiled. Y/n quickly looked around then stood up. She was leaning on a tree for supprot. "Where are we?" Y/n asked nervously. "We escaped, Daisy." Norman said lightly. Y/n started to shake. She crouched down and grabbed her head. "This can't be real no." Y/n said quietly. "My Daisy, it is. I've been working on this for a while." Norman smiled crouchting infront of her. She looed at him, on his neck. "The necklace, you kept it." Y/n smiled quitely, 

"Boss we're back!" A guy walked out, in an outifit like someone from the army. "Good, why don't you guys intorduce yourselve to y/n." Norman stood up, and had stop smiling. "I'm Vincent." A bald guy with scars on the top of his head smiled an reached out his head. Y/n didn't shake it, only becasue she couldn't. She was scared and didn't know them. "I/m Barbara. and this is Zazie." A girl with red hair pointed to a tall guy with a bag over his head. Y/n's eyes widened. Someone walked up to her, she turned her head to him and stared at him. It was the guy that had said 'Boss we're back.' "Nice to meet you Y/n, I'm Cislo." He smiled. 

Y/n smiled small. "Hi." She made out. Cislo took Y/n's hand and shook it smiling. Norman walked to Y/n side. "Now that Y/n is awake, we can continue." Norman stated. Everyone shook there heads. "If you need anything, just tell us, okay?" Norman smiled to Y/n. She nodded. "Where is my guitar?!" Y/n asked loudly, panicked. "I have it." Cislo said picking it up from a tree not too far away. 

Y/n ran over and picked it snached it from Cislo's shoulder. He chuckled lightly. "Boss told us how improtant it is to you, I promise I didn't let a thing scratch it." He lauged, as Y/n inspected it. "Boss?" Y/n asked looking up to him. "Oh yeah, Norman is like out boss so." Cislo staretd. "Lets go you two!" Barbara called. 

Y/n walked up to Norman, he grabbed her hand. She looked up to him, his face was expresionless. "I missed you Daisy, a lot." Norman said. "I missed you too." Y/n said quietly. "I kept my promsie. I wrote everyday, and." Her voice quivered. "I wrote a song about everybody there, and everything." She smield. "So that's what all of those papers were?" Norman asked. "Uh how'd you know?" Y/n asked. "Do you not remember the night I was in your room?" Norman asked. Y/n slowly shook her head, upset. "Where are we going?" Y/n asked to Norman. "I'll tell you everything when we get there, we aren't far. But Y/n, I need you to tell me everything they did to you." Norman said finally looking down to Y/n, his face showing some expression, worried and nervous. Y/n stopped in her tracks, she began shaking. "Daisy!" Norman yelled walking to her. Cislo ran to her side instantly. 

Y/n raised her hand to the scar on her head. Norman cupped Y/n's face. "Are you okay?" He asked worried. Y/n shook her head. "I'll tell you." Y/n began walking. 

1 Year ago

'The night breeze hit my face. "I lived a good life right?" I asked to the woman I once called 'mom.' Isabella turned to me and paused in her tracks. "Here I mean, you think it'll be better out there?" I asked smiling. "You'll love it." Isabella smiled lightly, continuing to hum. We arrived at the gate and something didn't feel right. We walked through, a truck sat on the right wall and a building on the left creating a small alley way. 

"Y/n come in this room please." I picked up my guiatr and walked into the room. A tall man with snow blonde hair was also in the room. 'My new dad!' I thought happiy. "Y/n my dear, I'll keep it simple and quick, if you come with me now, you'll live." He smield reaching out his hand. I tried to back up, scared. But I ran into Isablella. "Y/n please go with him. "You can help me with my research. We'll let you play all the guiatr you want." He grinned. I took his hand, that's when everything began. 

Dr. Normal and Daisy  (Norman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now