Chapter #22

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We  were in the tunnels of the two demons we had met earlier on, Sonju and Mujika, I think. We were prepairing to get all of the kids from the farms. "Hey Norman, Ray, and Y/n I need to talk to you before we get there." Emma called for us. I sighed and told Rossi I'd be right back. 


It was time, everyone cut the ropes to one of the hot airballons, and as they took off Y/n got more and more nervous, hoping that no one had gotten shipped out before this. "You'll be fine." Barbara said. "Huh, oh I know we'll be fine, it's just. Will the others? I mean the ones I left." Y/n said quietly. "Wern't your frineds monerting that thing? I'm pretty sure everyone is fine. But we have to pay attention, our jump is soon Babara grinned. Y/n nodded grinning as well. "Finally get to kill some of these bastered." Barbara said. 

"Now." Y/n whispered when she saw the demons running twords the fire. Y/n jumped out first. Catching the demons off guard, soon Sonju jumped out after her. Y/n began running, leading two demons to an awiated trap, right into Cislo. "Y/n you alrigt, darling?" Cislo asked after killing the two. 

Y/n grinned. "Couldn't be better." Cislo smiled, seeing this side of Y/n. She was enjoying herself and didn't seem to have a care right now. "Just asking, you don't got a cool power to kill these things." Cislo grinned. "They wouldn't kill me. I got better brains then any of you, and I can't die because of this machine, and the only way to stop that it to take it out. But that'd damage my brain of coure." Y/n laughed. "Everyone head to the gate." Norman gave them the queue. "Roger that." Cislo said.

Y/n and Cislo ran to one of the well together. "You okay?" He asked again. "I'm fine." Y/n struggled to make out this time. "I just got a cut on my leg when I was running to you earlier." Y/n said. Cislo sighed, stopping abruptly, picking her up. "Hey I can walk." Y/n said. "Oh shut up." He smiled.

Y/n and Cislo finally found the gate, and Cislo set Y/n down and they ran in. "That's everyone!" Ray said. Emma nodded, pulling the lever to move the gate. But nothing happened. The doors around them slammed, and when everyone looked up all the mom and sister were above, pointing guns at them, Y/n walked over to Norman and took his hand lightly. 

"My presious children, you've all come back to me." Mom walked out, grinning. "They system is online again, good job grandma Isabelle." The man, that had taken Y/n and Norman to a horrible hell walked out, standing next to Isablla. "You poor lost children, play time is over." He grined. Y/n clenched Norman's hand as she started to feel light headed. "It's been a while Norman, I see you brought the defects, and Y/n." He grinned, saying Y/n's name slowly. "Damn you." Barbara said, taking a step closer, but a mother shot a threatning bulet, just barely missing. "No matter how fast or storng we made you, you arn't bulet proof." Peter said, but then he glared at Y/n. "Y/n, we miss your beatiful guiatr." He said looking her in the eyes. A tear fell from her eye, as she began to get memories back in her head. Her once care free expretion now shifted to fear and anger.

"Drop your wepons and stand back." Mom said. "You really should listen to your mother kids. She only wants what's best for you." Peter said. Everyone dropped their things, taking a step back. "I'm sorry about your plan, but it was a good try anyways. "As smart as all of you are, you should've know we wouldn't let you escape us, you were waisting your time. It was pointless." Peter said walking down the stairs with mom. 

"All we wanted was a future, we were sick of losing our family." Emma said calmly. "I will nerver give up because we were meant to be free!" She said. "Young lady, all you were meant to be is food." Peter said, laughing at Emma's idea. "Well I don't gove a damn what you say!" Emma yelled, suprsing Peter. "Now that's my girl." Mom said, and as Peter turned around Mom had pointed the gun at his head, along with the other mothers.

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