Chapter #18

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I woke up to someones light shaking. The first few blinks were blurry, and I sighed, feeling as I just had fallen asleep. when my vision finally came to focus I saw Norman sitting infront of me, like how he did when we we're at the orphanage. I thought I was dreaming, his smile looked so genuine. My eyes widened. "Well good morning Daisy." He smiled. "Uh good morning Norman." I smiled. "It's time for breakfast, I let you sleep in, I figured you didn't sleep to well." He laughed lightly. "Are you feeling okay?" I asked, quickly putting my hand to his head. He took my hand in between both of his. He dropped his smiled and looked me in the eyes. 


"Y/n, I realized that I've been, well harsh on you, and everyone in genreal. I've taken on this boss figure and it's put stress on me. Witch isn't an exsue I know, but Daisy I-" "Come on you two food is getting cold!" Barbara called. Norman sighed and hoped off the bed, he held his hand out and smiled. "Want me to walk you?" He asked. "Yeah whatever Dr. Normal." Y/n chuckled, rolling her eyes, but still taking Norman's hand. 

They got to the table and everyone had begun eating. "Hey I wasn't even gone that long!" Norman yelled. Barbara laughed. "Long enough for us to get hungry." Y/n sat between Norman and Barbara and across from Cislo. Y/n yawned, streching back in her seat. The chair almost tipped over, but Norman caught it. "Clumsy." He chuckled. "Oh yeah whatever." Y/n rolled her eyes. Barbara gave him a thumbs up, they had done some teaching that moring. 

After breakfast, Y/n, Norman, and Cislo left to go meet the others. "If you want to win the bet, I'd sugest you help Cislo out, a little birdy told me Norma's on the move, or well more like making them." Barbara ginned to Vincent. "What do you mean help Cislo out?" Vincent asked. "You figure that out." Barbara grinned, but so did Vincent, coming up with an idea.

As the three began walking it felt as if the air grew thicker, most the tension coming from Norman. "You think that they are going to find them?" Y/n asked. Norman shook his head. "Like I said it doesnt matter if-" Norman started. "Boss!" a fimilair voice called. "What is it Vincent?" Norman asked, looking at the yellow demon. "We need to talk more about the plan, espailly with the day coming up, there are a couple things we need to go over." Vincent said. Norman sighed and nodded. "If I have time, I'll come and meet you guys there, I must go." Norman said. Glaring at Cislo through his mask. "Oh okay, bye Norman." Y/n waved. "Bye Daisy." He said, walking off. Y/n sighed as he walked off. "He's faking isn't he?" 

Norman and Vincent started heading back. "Sorry I had to make you leave." Vincent said. "It's fine, this is more important than hanging out." Norman said. Barbara sighed, stepping out from behind a tree with Zazie. "He failed and terriblly at that, well that only going to make tonights classes more fun for us right Zazie." Babara grinned.

Y/n and Cislo arrived at Emma and Ray's place. "It's just Y/n, and Cislo." Y/n called out to the hidden kids. They all ran out and hugged her and Cislo. "Thanks for coming over again." Nat said. "No problem." Y/n smiled. "Where is Norman?" A small girl complained. "He was going to come, but something came up." Y/n said. "Aweee." Some kids whinned. "Hey Y/n, what happened to your forehead?" A kid asked. "Yeah you got a big scar across it." Another pointed. 

Y/n stood up quickly and put her hand to her head. "I just umm triped, thats it I'm fine." She laughed. "It was a pretty bad fall." Cislo smiled, covering for her. Most the kids were to young to understand anyways. "Y/n come here!" Rossi said waving down tworads him. Y/n bent down and Rossi kissed her forehead. "Now it's all better! That's what you'd say to me at the orphanage." Rossi smiled big. "Thank you Rossi." Y/n smiled and patted his head. Cislo stared at Y/n, she was so soft twords the kids. "Cislo, come play with ussssss!" A kid said dragging Cislo away. Y/n laughed, causing a blush on Cislo's face. "Do you guys want to play circles?" Y/n asked. All the kids cheered. 

Y/n sat in the middle of two cirlcles. There was one larger circle and  one smaller one with about ten kids. "Cislo you can sit in the bigger circle, watch and learn," Y/n grinned. She began playing and the kids in the bigger circle started singing the lyrics to the song they had made up years ago. The kids in the middle began intesnly playing a hand game. Y/n's playing came to an abrupt stop and Y/n yelled, "circle!" The kids in the bigger circle quickly stood up and scaddered, Cislo confused, stood up too. All the kids in the smaller circle sat, besides one. The one who's hand was hit last in the game, Rossi. 

Rossi ran to Cislo and tagged him. "You're in the middle now!" Rossi smiled. "Huh?" Cislo asked confused. "You go to the smaller circle. My hand was hit last, so I was the tagger." Rossi smiled. "Come on Cislo!" Y/n laughed, as the bigger circle started forming.

Y/n began playing again. Then stopped. Cislo's hand was the last one to be hit. "Stand up you're it Cislo!" y/n called. Cislo stood up and started running. "You're out!" A kid called. "Huh?" He looked down and a kid was touching his leg. "I get to be in the middle now!" The kid cheered. "Oh come on you were taken out by a five year old." Thoma said. "Yeah that's really sad." Lannion said walking in sync with Thoma.

Explinaton of Circle: Y/n sits in the middle and plays guitar, while the kids on the outter circle sing they lyrics to the game. When Y/n stops playing and yells 'circle!' the kid whos hand was the last to get hit in the inner circle is it or the tagger. The kids in the outter circle have to run from  the tagger. But if the tagger is tagged by someone from the outter circle, that tagger is now out, or if you get tagged three times you're out. If you get tagged by the tagger, you are now in their place in the middle. The game end when some still in the game compains that they're bored. 

"You start by walking with a horrid posture, you totally change your mood when you're with anothe guy and her. I told you, don't act jealous, you can be jelly jelly all you want, but don't show it!" Barbara hissed. "Not untill you're dating her! And then when Vincent came up to you, you made it seem you didn't care weatehr you were with her or working on the project, and aparently you suck at acting because when you left Y/n said, "he's faking isn't he?" I don't know how you managed to do it but you ultra failed Norman!"

AN: I hope you liked this chapter, and you liked the gaem idea. I wish I had thought of that sooner, and I hope the explination makes since. Anywyas hope you all are enjoying. I though the story would be done soon but then I remebered they save ALL the kids, and I can tell you right now that part proably will not match the actually show 100. Anywyas see you in another chapter! <33

Dr. Normal and Daisy  (Norman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now