Chapter 2

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I took the bus to the apartment we were all supposed to meet at. It was a few minutes after eight o'clock when we were all supposed to meet. There were several cars outside the apartment building, and I knew that I wasn't first. I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door before I could chicken out. It was opened by Alexia. "Welcome to my home Elisa." the blonde said and showed me inside. Most of our teammates were there already there and were sitting in the living room. It was big and modern, with two big couches and armchairs. The couches were already filled with people, and while I was handed a glass of something I sat down on an armchair. I curled my legs up and placed my feet under me. Alexia sat down in the chair next to me and started talking to everyone.

I fell into their rhythm, laughing along with everyone and even participating in their conversation. I added parts whenever it felt necessary. My cardigan was draped over my shoulders and even though it was pretty hot in the room I kept it on. I felt uncomfortable without it. My arms showed the story of my struggles, and I was embarrassed about that.

After about an hour and a half Alexia decided it was time to order food. After another half an hour it arrived, and we sat down at the dining table. I was handed another glass of something and drank that while laughing and eating with everyone. I could feel myself becoming friends with them in the future. Maybe not as close as I was with Ona, we still talked at every chance we got.

After a quick dinner we all made our way back to the living room. I sat down on the end of the couch this time. Alexia was sitting right beside me, a glass of wine in her hand.

"Let's play truth or dare." Patri called out. "We aren't fifteen anymore Patri. And we already know a lot about each other." someone called out. "I know, but we don't know Elisa and Mapí yet. And we would want to." Patri responded with a grin. "Let's do twenty questions instead. We all ask them a question each and they answer truthfully." Sandra Paños said. That was something I didn't want to do. There were things I wanted to keep private and when I'm a bit drunk, I often overshare when asked. I could feel my entire body tensing up and how my breathing was getting shallow. No, I needed to suck this up. This was my new team, and I couldn't chicken out of their activities just because I felt uncomfortable.

"I'll start easy. What is your favourite colour?" Sandra asked. Both me and Mapí answered that quickly without any problems. The next few questions were all very easy. That was until it was Patri's turn. "Tell me about your first time." she said with a smirk on her face. She knew this was juicier than the previous questions in the game. Mapí told some long story about her sleeping with someone and then leaving in the middle of the night at sixteen. That was strange and way more interesting than mine. Then it was my turn "I slept with my ex-girlfriend after we had been together for four months. It was unproblematic and nothing special." I confessed with a small smile. "Wait, we didn't know you were into girls." Patri responded with a confused look on her face. "I came out as a lesbian at fourteen, my ex was at several games last season. It wasn't like I tried to hide it." I continued with a big smile on my face. They were all so oblivious. We never did hide our relationship, she went to several of my games. I posted her on my Instagram when we were together. We ended the relationship in typical lesbian fashion, as friends. Not best-friends, but still friends.

"Do you have any tattoos? And if you do, show them." Alexia asked quietly. This time I was first out. "I do have some. Well two of them. The first one is the moons phases right above my hipbone and the second one is a heart, on my ribcage." I told them quietly. "The deal was to show them." Alexia responded, louder than before. "Well, I think that will be difficult since I'm wearing a dress. I can however show you a photo of them." I told them all, or more specifically Alexia. "That'll do." she answered, and I scrolled through my phone to find a picture of them. They all seemed content with that and then it was Mapís turn. It took her several minutes to go through them all. None of the tattoos were ugly, and I'm sure they had meaning behind them. Mine did, that was all that mattered.

"What was the last thing someone texted you?" someone else asked. "Mine was 'Good look at practice today' and that was from Alexia. It was earlier today, and I still have no idea why she sent that, since we saw each other before practice." Mapí said confidently. Alexie explained why she had sent that and how she wanted her friend to feel comfortable when being at her first practice. It was very cute to be honest. "Mine was 'Roadtrip to Tarragona with me, Marcus and Sofia this weekend?' and that was from my sister." I read out loud. In spent several minutes explaining that Marcus was my siters boyfriend and that Sofia was their one-year-old daughter. I also had to explain that I was from Tarragona and moved here a few years ago. I left out the part about my mother dying and that she didn't move with me. It was parts I wasn't comfortable with sharing yet.

The rest of the night was spent chatting with everyone and luckily the questions were abandoned quickly. We all enjoyed ourselves for as long as possible. The time flew past way too fast and before I knew it, I had missed the last bus home. I would have to walk through Barcelona alone, at night. That was something I feared, rightfully so. It was a big city, and I feared walking alone at night. Who knew what kind of people were out and what they could do to you?

"I should probably get going. It's a bit of a drive for me." Sandra called out and left. Not before we all could say our goodbyes. Person after person left and soon enough it was only me, Mapí, Patri and Alexia left. "I should probably also go, it takes about 30 minutes to walk and I don't want to be home too late." I told them while heading into the entrance of the apartment. "You will do no such thing, you can either stay here, or you can get a ride with someone. The choice is yours, but it is probably leaning towards you staying here. Mapí and Patri both walked." Alexia said in an almost motherly tone. "I don't want to be a bother." I complained to her. "I promise you aren't. We all would rather have you safe than alone in the streets of Barcelona in the middle of the night." Alexia continued with a smile. Stilling all worries inside me and calming me down. "That sounds great. Thank you so much Alexia." I responded to her with a smile. All my problems were solved. But that didn't still the feeling inside me that I was intruding on her. She probably did it to be polite. Why would she want me here? We barely knew each other.

Before I knew it, I was standing inside Alexia's room. She was deep down in her wardrobe, looking for something that I could wear for the night. No matter how many times I told her I would be fine in my own clothes, that I could sleep in them without problems. She handed me a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I looked at her in confusion instead on thanking her. "Could I maybe get a long-sleeved shirt?" I asked her. My insecurity shining through with the words I said. "It's still 28 degrees outside, I'm sure you would be much more comfortable in a t-shirt. But I'm leaving it for this time, okay?" she told me. Of course, she knew. Probably not what I did, but she had seen me playing with short sleeves for months before I started wearing my undershirt religiously. "Gracias Alexia." I thanked her before grabbing the shorts and now the longer shirt she held out for me. "The guest room is all ready for you, and I have a spare toothbrush in the bathroom. You can change in there, just let me get a new toothbrush for you, okay?" she told me with a smile. Together we walked into the bathroom and she left without saying a word.

When I was done changing, had brushed my teeth and washed my face with Alexia's facewash, I went into the guest room. I covered my body with the covers and I was ready for the night. A small goodnight from Alexia was heard before I feel asleep. Not before responding to her though.


Second chapter wow. Anyways these are longer than the chapters in Castles Crumbling. Check that out if you haven't. Are we enjoying that or should I stick to shorter chapters?

The question for today is:
Have you been to Barcelona and in that case, what did you think about it?
I have been to Barcelona once and I really enjoyed it.


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